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Star Wars: Heir to the Force

9.7 (2)
9.6 (19)
23974 13 30
Faneditor Name:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
136 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
127 minutes
Time Cut:
11 minutes
Time Added:
2 minutes
Available in HD:
The Dark Side of the Force has awakened. Risen from the ashes of the Empire, the First Order seeks to destroy the New Republic and once again shroud the galaxy in darkness. The mysterious Kylo Ren has extinguished the new Jedi order. Without the guidance of the Force, who will stand and resist against this growing threat?

Watch the story you've come to love in a brand new way with DigModiFicaTion's edit, Heir to the Force. Featuring all new special effects, music, and mystery. Experience the awakening. (Extended reveal of Kylo Ren; Original OT Falcon turret sfx; TFA, EU & John Williams cues to enhance scenes; Holograms; A new ending).

Where other edits have changed the sequences surrounding Starkiller Base (Hal9000) or simply attempted to minimize over the top humor (ironman23), this edit leaves the key sequences in place, is more aggressive in it's edits to remove silliness and extends Kylo Ren's parentage reveal as well as gently addressing the issue of R2-D2 being asleep and Snoke's non-Star Warsy looking hologram. This edit also removes the distraction of Luke from the end of the movie.
I remember enjoying this movie in the theaters when I first saw it, but felt that Abrams missed out on the opportunity to extend the mystery surrounding Kylo Ren. I remember being very disappointed when Kylo's parentage was revealed so early and so casually in the film. The main intent of this edit was to prolong Kylo's reveal, remove as much of the Rathtar sequence as possible, and remove Rey finding Luke from the end of the movie to mirror the ending of TESB. As the the edit progressed and feedback was given, the challenge to add a hologram effect to Snoke as well as the creation of a new crawl, title, and Falcon turret sfx.
Other Sources:
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Bonus Disc (Deleted Scene)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Soundtrack
Star Wars: A New Hope Soundtrack
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1&2 Soundtracks
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Trailers
War of the Worlds Soundtrack
Custom Crawl Creator
Soundboard & Game rip sfx (F11D-Blaster, Tie sfx,, Falcon turret, X-Wing sfx, etc.)
Special Thanks:
Anakin5kwalker, Canon Editor, DarthRush, Force Ghost Recon, Imperial Fighter, ironman23, Kexikus, LastImpressions, Moe_Syzlak, Original Trilogy Fan, revel911, risc19 (for supplying the hyperspace menu effect), RougeLeader, Smithers, ssj, That OT Ruler, thecuddlyninja, ThrowgnCpr, TM2YC and Zarius.

Walt Disney and LucasFilms ltd and the and communities.

Most of all to my family, who put up with me through this whole process.

Special thanks to Blake Armstrong of Spaceboy Comics for the use of his Amazing The Force Awakens poster art.
Find more of his work at
Release Information:
Editing Details:
Much of the brainstorming for this edit was done on After mapping out planned edits, lossless AVI and WAV files were made from the original source. The first draft of editing was done in linear manner and then offered as a preview. Further edits identified areas of concern or requested edits. Major tools used in the editing process included Vegas Platinum 13, GIMP, and Audacity.
Cuts and Additions:
1. Added Custom Loading Screen and Menus (Blu Ray)
2. Added New title card based on current logo
3. Added custom ROTJ style disclaimer
4. Added A DigModiFicaTion Title card
5. Added Custom Walt Disney 20th Century Fox title card with 20th Century Fox fanfare
6. Replaced opening crawl music with opening crawl music from Episode IV
7. Replaced crawl with custom “Heir to the Force” crawl
8. Added stronger blaster noise after Stormtrooper yells “stop that x-wing!” to simulate a stronger barrage.
9. Removed Poe's "so who talks first....." lines
10. Added Force noise as Kylo stares at Poe (borrowed idea from ironman23)
11. Clipped Poe’s line as he is forcefully picked up, now it sounds like he was going to start saying something but the jolt of being hoisted up stops him.
12. Replaced Video when Kylo Ren says "put him on board"; Video is a slightly cropped/zoomed shot where Kylo Ren is standing still vs the movement in the theatrical cut
13. Removed Kylo Ren's "comfortable?" line and Poe's response during Poe's interrogation scene
14. Transition to next scene before Unkar Plott pulls down the window on his other customers
15. Cut Poe and Finn's conversation after Finn says "Because it's the right thing to do"
16. Removed Finn firing on and killing Stormtroopers and the traffic control room
17. Cut Finn and Poe's celebration after blowing up a turret and Scene of tie flying away from Star Destroyer.
18. Cut “Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you Finn.”
19. Cut Kylo Ren saying "FN-2187" (even for a Sith lord, that is unbelievable)
20. Moved "Sir, ventral cannons hot" further up in the audio mix of the scene and cut the Star Trek-esque turret scene down. Now they just fire
21. Cut the tie fighter blowing up after sinking in the sand
22. Added “Approaching Felucia” cue from The Force Unleashed to replace music cue when Finn walks through the desert (original cue used later during catwalk scene)
23. Cut Finn's "this is what we look like, some of us" lines
24. Cut Rey’s “No” when responding to Finn’s “You ever fly this thing?” line
25. Cut Finn and Rey's "I can do this" lines when they first get into the Falcon
26. Removed the Falcon taking a nose dive into the sand upon take off
27. Cut Rey's line "I’m going low"
28. Replaced new Millennium Falcon turret sfx with OT turret sfx in chase scene
29. Replaced audio of Finn cursing after the impact with a grunt (yes I know the originals had cursing, but this is just a personal preference)
30. Cut scenes of scavengers when the first tie fighter is shot down
31. Cut the JJ Abrams zoom when the Falcon flies into the downed Star Destroyer’s engines
32. Cut Finn and Rey's excessive teenage celebration after they make it to space
33. Reworked scene in order to remove Kylo Ren's tantrum when the officer reports on not getting the droid
34. Cut Finn's line "you got a boyfriend?"
35. Added Red Gradient glow to mimic the overhead light and connect the edited scene visually
36. Cut scene of Finn childishly pushing down on Rey's head
37. Cut down the Rathtar scene; Han and Chewie run down a corridor, they turn, Chewie is hit, Han blasts the raiders, Rey and Finn pop up from the hatch, Han shoots the door and yells "come on!"
38. Cut mention of Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon from Snoke's dialogue
39. Added hologram effect to Snoke
40. Cut scene of Ren standing up after talking to Vader’s mask in order to use it later in film.
41. Added Darth Vader breathing sfx when his mask is revealed after Ren talks to it.
42. Cut down Chewie grabbing Finn and Finn saying "but that's ok"
43. Added lightsaber sfx and enhanced (echo & reverb) Vader lines “You are not a Jedi yet” and “You don’t know the power of the dark side” along with the Emperor’s laugh to Rey’s force vision
44. Added SWTFUII “Terror on the Salvation” cue to Hux’s speech
45. Changed Hue of Apocolypse now Tie Scene (color matched with sky to make it blue)
46. Cut Han's no look shot and use of Chewbacca's crossbow and subsequent "I like this" line
47. Rearranged the Arrival of the Resistance scenes to remove visuals of Poe. Rebuilt audio surround tracks to fit the changes.
48. Added “Rathtars” cue and “Attack on the Car” cue from War of the Worlds to the scene where Han, Chewie, Finn, and Maz emerge from the castle ruins. The War of the Worlds track plays during Finn’s lightsaber use.
49. Cut the continuous pan of Poe’s X-Wing flying, now cuts to Rey right after Finn blasts the second Stormtrooper.
50. Cut Han's lines about seeing their son; he now says "I saw him, he was here”
51. Cut Poe's references to his jacket when talking to Finn
52. Cut scenes with the nurse and Chewbacca
53. Added R2-D2 visually to the checking the map sequence; also added Artoo beeps and sad sounds; he is now seen, heard, active and present
54. Cut scene where Artoo is uncovered by 3P0 and all dialogue about Artoo being asleep.
55. Edited Han to say "I know everytime you think about Luke you're reminded of him"
56. Cut Leia's lines about their son's training, Snoke, and Han being able to help because he's Ben's father.
57. Cut Kylo Ren's "you’re my guest" line, now he just coldly stares at Rey
58. Rearranged and repurposed shots of helmeted Kylo Ren and composited/combined others in order to have Ren Masked. Shortened scene as well.
59. Edited audio to simulate Ren’s helmeted voice.
60. Added subtle audio of Vader breathing when Rey reveals that Kylo Ren is afraid and the connection is severed
61. Repurposed and replaced shots (cropped and speed) during Snoke conversation as to have Kylo Ren hooded and masked.
62. Added Hologram effect to Snoke
63. Digitally painted hooded and masked Kylo Ren into the far shots when Hux is walking away….ugh….
64. Removed Han’s “so it’s big” line
65. Removed Han's "there's always a way to do that" line after asking how to blow it up. Removed Leia's "Han's right" line
66. Removed Leia's lines about bringing their son home; inserted shot of Han's face when she would have been talking
67. Horizontally flipped the scene where the stormtroopers are looking for Rey and everyone is obviously left handed
68. Cut scene where Han asks Finn what his job was and their verbal altercation; it's a gag to set up a later gag and slows down the movement of the narrative
69. Cut Finn's "you remember me" lines and scene with Phasma; took Han's advice and brought it down ;Wink
70. Cut Rey crawling into the space that soon will squash her; now she just begins to descend down the wall
71. Cut Finn threatening to blow Phasma's bucket off
72. Reinstated the Kylo visits the Falcon deleted scene (cropped out timestamps) and added the “The Bombing Run” cue from the FYC version of the soundtrack.
73. Cut Finn's lines about not being ready and his head nod "what's that" lines
74. Horizontally flipped scene where x-wing crashes into the snow and Han, Fin, Rey, and Chewie run into the frame and stop. (The next scene contradicts the placement of the characters)
75. Added a combination of the cue Finn’s Trek and Finn and Poe Reunited from the FYC Star Wars TFA soundtrack along with the Han and Leia cue to the Catwalk scene
76. Added The Force Unleashed (Infiltrating the Junk Temple) during Finn and Kylo Ren's duel
77. Removed the ground ripping apart separating Rey and Kylo Ren; superimposed same shot of Rey and Kylo Ren when Rey shuts down her light saber looking across ravine at Kylo Ren. Now the two cropped images meet removing the gaping hole.
78. Cut first order officer going AWOL, the scene cuts to Hux and Snoke before the officer speaks
79. Added hologram effect to Snoke
80. Cropped video to exclude Chewbacca from the background when Leia walks towards Rey; we can imply that Chewbacca hugged her or whatever
81. Leia's hug with Rey stays; it's easy to explain, Leia knows how much Han meant to her, “Han told me about the girl” (Rey) and she (Rey) needed that one person who understood to be there for her
82. Used reversed shot to have Artoo awake, his eye is now active throughout the waking scene and the audio implies that he is getting excited as he finds the map information.
83. Cut 3P0’s line “R2-D2 you’ve come back!” when approaching R2; he now says “Come along you two” (taken from the 2016 Oscars speech)
84. Edited 3P0’s lines to say “Artoo may contain some much needed good news” instead of “Artoo D2 may…”
85. Cut 3P0’s line “how I’ve missed you”
86. Cut scenes of Rey arriving on planet to find Luke; I used the force theme from the end of the movie to make the famous iris ending and fanfare occur right as the Millennium Falcon enters hyperspace; also added various sound effects for the Millennium Falcon, crowd, and Chewbacca during takeoff.
(The reason for this particular decision was to mirror the OT in how they end. The OT trilogy ended two ways, a victorious celebration (IV and VI) or an adventurous plan set in motion (V). Showing Luke at the end of the movie is like showing scenes of Han frozen in carbonite in the trunk of Slave I. The scene with Luke doesn't really advance the story and it removes the sense of episodic closure the OT accomplished with each episode. We know that there will be a Star Wars VIII, we know that Luke will be in it, we didn't see Luke the entire movie, why not just wait? He was in the movie to sell the movie. I'm already sold on the movie, so out he goes so that we can focus on Rey, Ren, and Fin.)
87. Revised “edited by” credits to add Fanedited by DigModiFicaTion
88. Added “A DigModiFicaTion” after “A Bad Robot Production”, Added logo, DigModiFicaTion logo, and special thanks section to credits
Trailer #1

Trailer #2

Loading Screen

Main Menu

Bonus Features

Special Thanks

Faneditor Name:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
136 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
127 minutes
Time Cut:
11 minutes
Time Added:
2 minutes
Available in HD:
The Dark Side of the Force has awakened. Risen from the ashes of the Empire, the First Order seeks to destroy the New Republic and once again shroud the galaxy in darkness. The mysterious Kylo Ren has extinguished the new Jedi order. Without the guidance of the Force, who will stand and resist against this growing threat?

Watch the story you've come to love in a brand new way with DigModiFicaTion's edit, Heir to the Force. Featuring all new special effects, music, and mystery. Experience the awakening. (Extended reveal of Kylo Ren; Original OT Falcon turret sfx; TFA, EU & John Williams cues to enhance scenes; Holograms; A new ending).

Where other edits have changed the sequences surrounding Starkiller Base (Hal9000) or simply attempted to minimize over the top humor (ironman23), this edit leaves the key sequences in place, is more aggressive in it's edits to remove silliness and extends Kylo Ren's parentage reveal as well as gently addressing the issue of R2-D2 being asleep and Snoke's non-Star Warsy looking hologram. This edit also removes the distraction of Luke from the end of the movie.
I remember enjoying this movie in the theaters when I first saw it, but felt that Abrams missed out on the opportunity to extend the mystery surrounding Kylo Ren. I remember being very disappointed when Kylo's parentage was revealed so early and so casually in the film. The main intent of this edit was to prolong Kylo's reveal, remove as much of the Rathtar sequence as possible, and remove Rey finding Luke from the end of the movie to mirror the ending of TESB. As the the edit progressed and feedback was given, the challenge to add a hologram effect to Snoke as well as the creation of a new crawl, title, and Falcon turret sfx.
Other Sources:
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Bonus Disc (Deleted Scene)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Soundtrack
Star Wars: A New Hope Soundtrack
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1&2 Soundtracks
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Trailers
War of the Worlds Soundtrack
Custom Crawl Creator
Soundboard & Game rip sfx (F11D-Blaster, Tie sfx,, Falcon turret, X-Wing sfx, etc.)
Special Thanks:
Anakin5kwalker, Canon Editor, DarthRush, Force Ghost Recon, Imperial Fighter, ironman23, Kexikus, LastImpressions, Moe_Syzlak, Original Trilogy Fan, revel911, risc19 (for supplying the hyperspace menu effect), RougeLeader, Smithers, ssj, That OT Ruler, thecuddlyninja, ThrowgnCpr, TM2YC and Zarius.

Walt Disney and LucasFilms ltd and the and communities.

Most of all to my family, who put up with me through this whole process.

Special thanks to Blake Armstrong of Spaceboy Comics for the use of his Amazing The Force Awakens poster art.
Find more of his work at
Release Information:
Editing Details:
Much of the brainstorming for this edit was done on After mapping out planned edits, lossless AVI and WAV files were made from the original source. The first draft of editing was done in linear manner and then offered as a preview. Further edits identified areas of concern or requested edits. Major tools used in the editing process included Vegas Platinum 13, GIMP, and Audacity.
Cuts and Additions:
1. Added Custom Loading Screen and Menus (Blu Ray)
2. Added New title card based on current logo
3. Added custom ROTJ style disclaimer
4. Added A DigModiFicaTion Title card
5. Added Custom Walt Disney 20th Century Fox title card with 20th Century Fox fanfare
6. Replaced opening crawl music with opening crawl music from Episode IV
7. Replaced crawl with custom “Heir to the Force” crawl
8. Added stronger blaster noise after Stormtrooper yells “stop that x-wing!” to simulate a stronger barrage.
9. Removed Poe's "so who talks first....." lines
10. Added Force noise as Kylo stares at Poe (borrowed idea from ironman23)
11. Clipped Poe’s line as he is forcefully picked up, now it sounds like he was going to start saying something but the jolt of being hoisted up stops him.
12. Replaced Video when Kylo Ren says "put him on board"; Video is a slightly cropped/zoomed shot where Kylo Ren is standing still vs the movement in the theatrical cut
13. Removed Kylo Ren's "comfortable?" line and Poe's response during Poe's interrogation scene
14. Transition to next scene before Unkar Plott pulls down the window on his other customers
15. Cut Poe and Finn's conversation after Finn says "Because it's the right thing to do"
16. Removed Finn firing on and killing Stormtroopers and the traffic control room
17. Cut Finn and Poe's celebration after blowing up a turret and Scene of tie flying away from Star Destroyer.
18. Cut “Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you Finn.”
19. Cut Kylo Ren saying "FN-2187" (even for a Sith lord, that is unbelievable)
20. Moved "Sir, ventral cannons hot" further up in the audio mix of the scene and cut the Star Trek-esque turret scene down. Now they just fire
21. Cut the tie fighter blowing up after sinking in the sand
22. Added “Approaching Felucia” cue from The Force Unleashed to replace music cue when Finn walks through the desert (original cue used later during catwalk scene)
23. Cut Finn's "this is what we look like, some of us" lines
24. Cut Rey’s “No” when responding to Finn’s “You ever fly this thing?” line
25. Cut Finn and Rey's "I can do this" lines when they first get into the Falcon
26. Removed the Falcon taking a nose dive into the sand upon take off
27. Cut Rey's line "I’m going low"
28. Replaced new Millennium Falcon turret sfx with OT turret sfx in chase scene
29. Replaced audio of Finn cursing after the impact with a grunt (yes I know the originals had cursing, but this is just a personal preference)
30. Cut scenes of scavengers when the first tie fighter is shot down
31. Cut the JJ Abrams zoom when the Falcon flies into the downed Star Destroyer’s engines
32. Cut Finn and Rey's excessive teenage celebration after they make it to space
33. Reworked scene in order to remove Kylo Ren's tantrum when the officer reports on not getting the droid
34. Cut Finn's line "you got a boyfriend?"
35. Added Red Gradient glow to mimic the overhead light and connect the edited scene visually
36. Cut scene of Finn childishly pushing down on Rey's head
37. Cut down the Rathtar scene; Han and Chewie run down a corridor, they turn, Chewie is hit, Han blasts the raiders, Rey and Finn pop up from the hatch, Han shoots the door and yells "come on!"
38. Cut mention of Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon from Snoke's dialogue
39. Added hologram effect to Snoke
40. Cut scene of Ren standing up after talking to Vader’s mask in order to use it later in film.
41. Added Darth Vader breathing sfx when his mask is revealed after Ren talks to it.
42. Cut down Chewie grabbing Finn and Finn saying "but that's ok"
43. Added lightsaber sfx and enhanced (echo & reverb) Vader lines “You are not a Jedi yet” and “You don’t know the power of the dark side” along with the Emperor’s laugh to Rey’s force vision
44. Added SWTFUII “Terror on the Salvation” cue to Hux’s speech
45. Changed Hue of Apocolypse now Tie Scene (color matched with sky to make it blue)
46. Cut Han's no look shot and use of Chewbacca's crossbow and subsequent "I like this" line
47. Rearranged the Arrival of the Resistance scenes to remove visuals of Poe. Rebuilt audio surround tracks to fit the changes.
48. Added “Rathtars” cue and “Attack on the Car” cue from War of the Worlds to the scene where Han, Chewie, Finn, and Maz emerge from the castle ruins. The War of the Worlds track plays during Finn’s lightsaber use.
49. Cut the continuous pan of Poe’s X-Wing flying, now cuts to Rey right after Finn blasts the second Stormtrooper.
50. Cut Han's lines about seeing their son; he now says "I saw him, he was here”
51. Cut Poe's references to his jacket when talking to Finn
52. Cut scenes with the nurse and Chewbacca
53. Added R2-D2 visually to the checking the map sequence; also added Artoo beeps and sad sounds; he is now seen, heard, active and present
54. Cut scene where Artoo is uncovered by 3P0 and all dialogue about Artoo being asleep.
55. Edited Han to say "I know everytime you think about Luke you're reminded of him"
56. Cut Leia's lines about their son's training, Snoke, and Han being able to help because he's Ben's father.
57. Cut Kylo Ren's "you’re my guest" line, now he just coldly stares at Rey
58. Rearranged and repurposed shots of helmeted Kylo Ren and composited/combined others in order to have Ren Masked. Shortened scene as well.
59. Edited audio to simulate Ren’s helmeted voice.
60. Added subtle audio of Vader breathing when Rey reveals that Kylo Ren is afraid and the connection is severed
61. Repurposed and replaced shots (cropped and speed) during Snoke conversation as to have Kylo Ren hooded and masked.
62. Added Hologram effect to Snoke
63. Digitally painted hooded and masked Kylo Ren into the far shots when Hux is walking away….ugh….
64. Removed Han’s “so it’s big” line
65. Removed Han's "there's always a way to do that" line after asking how to blow it up. Removed Leia's "Han's right" line
66. Removed Leia's lines about bringing their son home; inserted shot of Han's face when she would have been talking
67. Horizontally flipped the scene where the stormtroopers are looking for Rey and everyone is obviously left handed
68. Cut scene where Han asks Finn what his job was and their verbal altercation; it's a gag to set up a later gag and slows down the movement of the narrative
69. Cut Finn's "you remember me" lines and scene with Phasma; took Han's advice and brought it down ;Wink
70. Cut Rey crawling into the space that soon will squash her; now she just begins to descend down the wall
71. Cut Finn threatening to blow Phasma's bucket off
72. Reinstated the Kylo visits the Falcon deleted scene (cropped out timestamps) and added the “The Bombing Run” cue from the FYC version of the soundtrack.
73. Cut Finn's lines about not being ready and his head nod "what's that" lines
74. Horizontally flipped scene where x-wing crashes into the snow and Han, Fin, Rey, and Chewie run into the frame and stop. (The next scene contradicts the placement of the characters)
75. Added a combination of the cue Finn’s Trek and Finn and Poe Reunited from the FYC Star Wars TFA soundtrack along with the Han and Leia cue to the Catwalk scene
76. Added The Force Unleashed (Infiltrating the Junk Temple) during Finn and Kylo Ren's duel
77. Removed the ground ripping apart separating Rey and Kylo Ren; superimposed same shot of Rey and Kylo Ren when Rey shuts down her light saber looking across ravine at Kylo Ren. Now the two cropped images meet removing the gaping hole.
78. Cut first order officer going AWOL, the scene cuts to Hux and Snoke before the officer speaks
79. Added hologram effect to Snoke
80. Cropped video to exclude Chewbacca from the background when Leia walks towards Rey; we can imply that Chewbacca hugged her or whatever
81. Leia's hug with Rey stays; it's easy to explain, Leia knows how much Han meant to her, “Han told me about the girl” (Rey) and she (Rey) needed that one person who understood to be there for her
82. Used reversed shot to have Artoo awake, his eye is now active throughout the waking scene and the audio implies that he is getting excited as he finds the map information.
83. Cut 3P0’s line “R2-D2 you’ve come back!” when approaching R2; he now says “Come along you two” (taken from the 2016 Oscars speech)
84. Edited 3P0’s lines to say “Artoo may contain some much needed good news” instead of “Artoo D2 may…”
85. Cut 3P0’s line “how I’ve missed you”
86. Cut scenes of Rey arriving on planet to find Luke; I used the force theme from the end of the movie to make the famous iris ending and fanfare occur right as the Millennium Falcon enters hyperspace; also added various sound effects for the Millennium Falcon, crowd, and Chewbacca during takeoff.
(The reason for this particular decision was to mirror the OT in how they end. The OT trilogy ended two ways, a victorious celebration (IV and VI) or an adventurous plan set in motion (V). Showing Luke at the end of the movie is like showing scenes of Han frozen in carbonite in the trunk of Slave I. The scene with Luke doesn't really advance the story and it removes the sense of episodic closure the OT accomplished with each episode. We know that there will be a Star Wars VIII, we know that Luke will be in it, we didn't see Luke the entire movie, why not just wait? He was in the movie to sell the movie. I'm already sold on the movie, so out he goes so that we can focus on Rey, Ren, and Fin.)
87. Revised “edited by” credits to add Fanedited by DigModiFicaTion
88. Added “A DigModiFicaTion” after “A Bad Robot Production”, Added logo, DigModiFicaTion logo, and special thanks section to credits
Cover art 1 by Blake Armstrong (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Cover art 2 by DigModiFicaTion (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Cover art 3 by DigModiFicaTion (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Cover art 4 by DigModiFicaTion (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Cover art 5 by DigModiFicaTion (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Cover art 6 by DigModiFicaTion (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Trailer #1

Trailer #2

Loading Screen

Main Menu

Bonus Features

Special Thanks

Trusted Reviewer reviews

2 reviews
(Updated: May 31, 2018)
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Great edit. Many subtle changes made that can easily go unnoticed, but a lot of effort was clearly put in (Envy the editor, I do not). I don't agree with all the cuts (more on that below), but overall this is a much stronger version of TFA and one that I would probably choose to watch over the theatrical.

Visual editing was excellent, (new FX like lightsabers and holograms go way over my head), though I have some minor niggles:

- "Who talks first" removal felt awkward. Would work best with one less shot of Poes face IMO. In the last shot it looks like Poe is about to say something.
- I get that it was changed for consistency, but that sunset Tie fighter shot looked soooo good. Now it looks a bit washed out.
- Snoke hologram was a much needed change. I remember seeing the film in the cinema and genuinely thinking he was a giant alien. It honestly didn't clock that he was a hologram until made apparent at the end of the film. To be a nitpicker though, the blue was a little harsh on the eyes in some shots and didn't blend entirely seamlessly IMO. A deeper blue and less hologram jitter would work well.
- Masked Ren during Rey's interrogation was well done, but not to my taste. It's a good moment for him to be revealed IMO. She calls him out as a masked weirdo and he responds like a taunted teenager (which is exactly what he is). It shows a vulnerable side to him and gives weight to Rey's resisting of his powers. I also missed the look on his face when Rey says "you'll never be as strong...". This was well edited though. Some shots you could tell were taken from Kylo sitting on the other side of the room, but generally it was very convincing.

Audio editing:

Kudos on this. Bad audio editing is my pet peeve and I'm usually on it like a shark. I didn't pick up anything arry though and there was much eyebrow-raising when I read the cutlist!


- I never had a problem with the Tie fighter blowing up after sinking in the sand. Now that it doesn't, it kinda feels like Finn gives up on Poe a bit too easily. Whereas the explosion wiped out any hope of him being alive.
- I get this was cut for pacing, but I missed "that's not how the force works". It cracks me up every time ;)
- R2 not being asleep was a nice move, but is a bit shaky narrative wise - now it seems weird that we neither see nor hear of him during the film and then he turns up at the end magically weilding the needed map ('ello Deus Ex Machina).

Take a look at the cutlist though and you'll see these are minor complaints. A lot of great work was put into this and the film is stronger overall as a result. Great work, Dig!

Now... (cough)... Good luck editing The Last Jedi! ;)
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Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
A wonderful fanedit.
A week before watching Episode VIII, I wanted to watch Episode VII to refresh things. However, I usually prefer looking for a good fanedit instead of watching the original because "No film is without sin", and fanedits often take care of at least some of the sins.
Anyway, the fanedit is highly recommended. The narrative adjustments flow well, and many things make a lot more sense now (e.g., the first time we see Kylo Ren without his helmet).

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Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
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It's been awhile since I watched this so I can't give a lot of details, but I wanted to go back and give it the high rating it deserves. When I watched The Force Awakens the first or maybe second time, it occurred to me that it would've been more impactful for Kylo to remove his helmet with Han. I was hoping a fan edit would deliver on this and lo and behold it happened. The hologram Snoke is also well done.

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Incredible Effort. A few things I would change to further my enjoyment. They may seem critical but they're all minor points.
1 - The interrogation scene is very off-putting - consider shortening the engagement or re-editing.
2 - The scene leading up to the finding of the lightsaber is too slow-paced at the wrong time of the movie and would prefer it to be quicker
3 - Scenes that include Leia's acting are just utter shite and for me, I would try and cut a lot of her out of it.
4 - The completion of the map is too long and makes the audience feel like a five-year-old. Consider removing C3PO's exposition. It's clearly the map of Luke's whereabouts as soon as R2D2 shows the map.
5 - The editing of Po and the Old man at the beginning of the film is too quick and obviously semi-professional consider refining it.

Thank you so much for creating this legendary fan edit.

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(Updated: February 13, 2022)
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To start with, my brief thoughts on the original TFA. I loved it! Say what you will about all the "member berries" and the copy paste script from Episode IV, all correct obviously, but I loved it. I'm talking about an enjoyment factor 9. So, for me to see a fanedit of this, it had to bring something special to the table, besides just trimming scenes. From what I saw, there where two takes on the narrative side of things. Moving the destruction of the planets to coincide with Han Solo's death (spoiler alert) and this, delaying Kylo's parentage and face reveal. Both had me really intrigued, but I went first with the planet thingy, mostly because I was carried away by the fans that preferred this over Kylo's take. So, I saw HAL's edit first, but I realized I did not like that version of storyline, even though it was flawlessly edited. I've also written a review for HAL's version, so you can check my reasoning there.

Now moving on to this version. Well, DigiModiFicaTion worked his magic once again! This is the 4th piece of work I'm watching from this editor, and I haven't only seen his Star Wars projects, so I knew I was in for, at least, excellent quality stuff. Indeed, on the audio visual editing side of things everything was almost perfect! I say almost, because the scene where Kylo interrogates Rey, is kind of weird, because all the scenes with his mask off are edited out. So I was feeling throughout the scene that something was tampered with. Not a huge deal and I'm guessing nothing else could be done, but it should be mentioned.

On the narrative side of things, oh boy, did this work for me!! Making the reveal of Kylo happening at the end, made so much sense! And it was also the way that it was done by the editor! You get the first piece of info when Kylo says at Vader's mask, "Grandfather", so you know he is either the son of Leia or Luke's. But since he is a wannabe sith, something that also leans towards that with other pieces of info later in the movie, you think it is definitely Luke's son. You get the definitive answer at the very end, with Han. Also removing the lashing out parts of Kylo made him truly more menacing and less "teenage-y". Generally, if someone had watched this as a first viewing of the TFA, it would have elevated the film. for that person, a lot!

Other trimmed scenes, throughout the movie, were also very welcome, with the exception of the following:
- At the beginning, cutting the line from Poe telling Finn "You need a pilot", was, I believe, a mistake. Not because the joke was good, that's an editor's preference, but exactly because it was meant to be a joke, the actor who plays Finn oversells the line "because it's the right thing to do". Now that the response from Poe is cut, it just seems as bad acting and not because Finn meant what he said. I was really suprised with this cut.
- Another cut that was unnecessary, was Poe recognising his jacket on Finn. I mean, it really is his jacket and he gives it to Finn, why was it so wrong, so it had to be cut?
- At the part where Kylo hears the bad news about the escape, the editor cutted the lashing out, with the lightsaber, part. That was great, but I felt the force chocking, could be left in. I mean, all the sith have done it numerous times, for less reasons than hearing bad news. So it wouldn't be out of place, with the general idea of the edit, if it was left in.
- My only "negative" comment with the overall Kylo's parentage idea here, is that in a very short time, Kylo senses and mentions Han Solo twice. I think it would have worked better, with the overall leading the audience towards Luke being the father, if Kylo mentions Han only when he enters the Millennium Falcon.
- Moving towards the end, I don't think removing the info about R2 shutting down since Luke's disappearance, works better. Because since we have no knowledge about R2 and we just see him at the end with the map, there no reason he wouldn't inform Leia and the others that he has the missing piece. Now he just looks like a jerk. Not that I agree with R2 shutting down, but since he has this crucial, small part in the movie, we can live with having a brief mention about his shutting down shenanigan.
- Lastly, I really don't understand why there should be no Luke scene at the end. I mean, it is a great cliffhanger, even now. Would you remove the cliffhanger from Empire Strikes Back, just because you know how that went in the sequel?

Be that as it may, the Kylo parentage and face reaveal thing, still outweighs the negatives I mentioned and I can safely say that this will be my go-to version of the film. I just wish there where subtitles, but I understand how tedious and long work that would be.

So, I definitely recommend this to anyone, even if you liked the original a lot. It will be your go-to version and you will wonder why on earth this wasn't done in the original!

Thank you DigiModiFicaTion, thanks to anyone who read my review and may the force be with you!

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(Updated: January 13, 2022)
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For the hologram Snoke and the delayed Kylo reveal alone, Digmod gets high marks for this edit. Both of these elements make TFA/HTTF feel much more of-a-piece with the overall saga (I genuinely thought Snoke was a giant on first viewing!). There's plenty of poorly written plot elements that are unfixable, but in terms of visuals and core narrative, this is a huge leap forward.

In terms of structure, I still prefer Hal9000's cut in terms of moving the destruction of the Republic to the climax of the film, casting the entire film in a more doomed, darker light that sets up the sublime nightmare that is The Last Jedi. However, Digmod's cuts/tweaks are simultaneously more subtle and more profound in terms of the overall film. In my perfect world, a hybrid could be made between these two versions, but until then I'm happy to keep both on my shelf and flip a coin as to which one I'll pop in during a rewatch.

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Liked all the changes. Definitely more enjoyable than the original release. Favorite part is Kylo Ren character benefits from later reveal.
Like you mentioned before most of the humor you cut improves the pace and feel.
Can't wait to see more of your star wars changes.

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