Myers Family, The

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When Rob Zombie's Halloween came to theaters, I had the opportunity to go see it in theaters twice that opening weekend. I enjoyed it for what it was. It was a different take on Michael Myers. I didn't even mind the rehash of Carpenter's film in the second half of it. After a while, the story started to feel a bit stale and the jagged edges of the story started to present themselves. After being a fan of the first film, when H2 came out. I wasn't exactly a big fan of it. I liked it, but didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first one.

However, I have found this to be a definitive replacement to Zombie's films. It takes what may be some of the best parts of those films and brings them together in this great edit. Only thing that was omitted that I missed was the hospital sequence from H2. Now it's a great alternate take on what zombie could've told in one great film instead of two mediocre films. Great job on this edit. I'd highly recommend it.

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first off, i am a huge "Halloween" film buff, no matter which part of the franchise, including Rob Zombie's versions. I enjoyed this FanEdit through & through. I did not notice any splicing, or audio glitches as in pitch, volume, etc. it was just a great FanEdit all around in my book.

The Video i give a 10/10 because it was just light enough for a dark movie that it gave the right feel for the movie. As in most horror movies, when dark scenes come in the viewer has a hard time seeing whats going on, or i do for that matter.

The Audio i gave a 10/10 for a great score and it is a huge success to where the editor put the score, it seemed to fit the film much better than the original Rob Zombie "Halloween 1 & 2".

As far as the FanEdit goes, i am giving it a 9/10, not saying it bad, but was near perfect for me. it seemed the edit jumped to point, but at the same time you got the plot along with the most intimate points of the film/s. Stefanedit is a great editor and i hope he continues his great & hard work. I am hoping to see him do something with the older original John Carpenter's "Halloween '78" & Rick Rosenthal's "Halloween 2 '81". i think a nostalgic edit of the older "Halloween" films done by this great editor could be some great stuff for us!!!!

To the editor, thanks for the links you provided, and most of all the hard work & time you put into your FanEdits! Another thing i forgot to mention, that After Effect work with the screen during the symposium is absolutely perfect in my book. i remember trying to practice that with my Mac to see if i could help, but i had no luck, so much props on that, looks great!! Everyone that is a fan of Halloween, you gotta see this!! it is a great FanEdit!!! hope to see more from you StefanEdit!!!

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well what can i say?
i loved this cut, this is what i should have seen in the theater instead of a complete remake.
if rob zombie could see this i think he would be very pleased with this cut it feels like a rob zombie movie.
i always loved the first half of the remake but thought it just become a complete remake after that.
number 2 was a mess.
but this is what it should have been, steFANedit did a top job and this will be my go to version.
this is perfect for anyone that wants to see what rob zombie would have made if no one told him to go another way.

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steFANedit makes pretty much all the right moves with this edit. Rather than just being a retread of Carpenter's film, the film now stands apart as a legitimate new take on the material. That said, I'm still not a huge fan of many of Zombie's moves...but what steFANedit has kept plays a lot better than it did originally. Recommended.
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Rob Zombies Halloween films remain the better of the recent spate of horror remakes, probably because he tried to do something different with the character as opposed to the more familiar route. This combined edit gives a very different Halloween film with only small elements that we associate with the series. It would be interesting to have seen peoples reactions if this was the version they released in the cinema.


at 1 hour and 52mins I felt it was a little long for a slasher horror film with many scenes serving no real purpose to the film. For instance the killing of the three people that worked at the strip bar were his mum worked. They wasn't any pay-off to these deaths as they never appeared earlier in the film nor did we see his mum being miss treated by the boss. At this point his dead mum is controlling him but there deaths were meaningless and only served only to add a violent scene into the edit.

the inclusion of this scene also had me confused as to what Michael has been doing for 2 years. After breaking out of the mental intuition Michael returns home picks up his mask we then cut to 2 years later and a now bearded Michael has been walking his home town for 2 years, we know it's his home town because of the death at the strip club. So it begs the question why has he waited 2 years to kill his sister?

Overall the edit is so solid in it's cuts and without any previous knowledge of the two films you'd be surprised to discover this is just a fanedit. This is a great fanedit that will be highly regarded for years to come

My Halloween scores parts 1 & 2 6/5
my fanedit Halloween score 7/10
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