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Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar"


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Although it is not yet super confirmed it looks as if Chris Nolan has found his next directing project:


Interstellar, a sci fi movie about wormholes, timetravels and alternate timelines based on theories by Kip Thorne.
Am I excited?
Hell yeah!

Not only am I a big fan of Christopher Nolan but I really hoped that after batman he would return to the sci-fi genre and give us another treat like inception and it really looks that way. I am hoping for a well constructed (or overly constructed) timetravel movie that makes sense (if timetravel movies can make sense at all... but you know....)
Heard about this the other day. I am beyond excited.
Yeah, this is awesome. I know that Chris Nolan doesn't have a lot of fans in the online world, but I'm stoked about anything he's doing next.
TomH1138 said:
Yeah, this is awesome. I know that Chris Nolan doesn't have a lot of fans in the online world, but I'm stoked about anything he's doing next.

i'm pretty sure he has more than enough. it's just that the people against him are even more vocal than most other anti-certain-director groups
Yeah, that's probably a better way to put it. A lot of people love him, but those that don't are very vocal about it.

At this point, I trust Nolan so implicitly that if he said he was rebooting Three's Company, I'd keep an open mind. The fact that the next project involves time travel just makes me even more excited.
Wow, that sounds like perfect Nolan material - very exciting!
I am still hoping for his Howard Hughes Project which he stopped because of aviator but was about the part of Hughes's life that "happened after aviator"
Sunarep said:
I am still hoping for his Howard Hughes Project which he stopped because of aviator but was about the part of Hughes's life that "happened after aviator"
I'm hoping he does this later and casts middle aged Leo.
Sunarep said:
a sci fi movie about wormholes, timetravels and alternate timelines based on theories by Kip Thorne.

Getting prepared to be spoonfed every single point of each of those theories via super-expositional dialog.
The thing I found interesting is that the script is one his brother wrote, and it took months of heavy negotiation for him to get it. Also a bit a slap in the face that he's re-writing his brothers script. :p
Q2 said:
The thing I found interesting is that the script is one his brother wrote, and it took months of heavy negotiation for him to get it. Also a bit a slap in the face that he's re-writing his brothers script. :p

well his brother rewrote 2 of his scripts so i guess fair is fair ;)
Sunarep said:
Interstellar, a sci fi movie about wormholes, timetravels and alternate timelines based on theories by Kip Thorne.
Lemme guess... the middle-aged white dude is obsessively searching for a reality in which his dead wife is still alive! :-D

Sunarep said:
I am still hoping for his Howard Hughes Project which he stopped because of aviator but was about the part of Hughes's life that "happened after aviator"
Have you seen The Hoax? A terrific caper movie about that very era.
Dwight Fry said:
Getting prepared to be spoonfed every single point of each of those theories via super-expositional dialog.

This is what I am worried about. This movie could be amazing or superficial. I hope he steps away from the sci-fi blockbuster epic and makes a smaller movie. Don't make it for a general audience, don't strive to make it easily accessible. I reserve judgement for Nolan films until I have seen them. The reason everyone likes Donnie Darko better than the Directors Cut is because it explained less, and left more to interpretation. The best time travel movies are the ones that don't try too hard to explain the mechanism itself, and just let the story trump the time travel.
Dwight Fry said:
Getting prepared to be spoonfed every single point of each of those theories via super-expositional dialog.

Considering how complex Inception was, I think all the explanation was needed. I've seen it three times, including once with the subtitles on, and I still don't understand everything that happened! I love the complexity of it, though.
wabid said:
This is what I am worried about. This movie could be amazing or superficial. I hope he steps away from the sci-fi blockbuster epic and makes a smaller movie. Don't make it for a general audience, don't strive to make it easily accessible. I reserve judgement for Nolan films until I have seen them. The reason everyone likes Donnie Darko better than the Directors Cut is because it explained less, and left more to interpretation. The best time travel movies are the ones that don't try too hard to explain the mechanism itself, and just let the story trump the time travel.

i think the nolaxposition will run through all his movies - the scale an spectacle and the number of people watching his movies really need a reminder and to be honest the first time watching a nolan movie never feels like i get too much exposition. mostly i try to grab every line to make the connections and have fun trying to piece together the characters and how they stand in relation to each other. On rewatch some of the exposition becomes more and more obvious but the first time i am mostly thankful so that I can keep up because even though his movies are long there is an incredible amount of stuff happening and as long as the stuff that is happening is interesting (i.e. how do dream layers interact) i have no problem with the fish out of the water character - at least it makes it possible to bring concepts into the mainstream that are not that common and still entertain....

and if a basil exposition for the audience is all thats needed for a brainy complex blockbuster that doesn't descend into transformers idiocy I will take it anytime
What's so bad about letting the viewer interpret what happens the way they prefer? That's what makes 2001 great (for anyone who is not Confused Matthew) and that's what I enjoy of David Lynch's dreamlike narrative. Having every goddamn thing explained was the #1 reason I didn't care for Inception (and judging from the above the exposition still didn't completely help, so my point is strenghtened).
Dwight Fry said:
What's so bad about letting the viewer interpret what happens the way they prefer? That's what makes 2001 great (for anyone who is not Confused Matthew) and that's what I enjoy of David Lynch's dreamlike narrative. Having every goddamn thing explained was the #1 reason I didn't care for Inception (and judging from the above the exposition still didn't completely help, so my point is strenghtened).

as i said it has the range that neither lynch nor 2001 have and even though things are explained in nolan movies it is always the character's explanation for a scene. honestly i found so many interpretations of the events in nolan's movies that i consider them to be as interestng to study as the great philosophical movies. Nolan's explantion is mostly the story beats and not the symbolism.. when it comes to the meaning behind the story structure i see his movies wide open
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