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    Vote now in FEOTM Reboot Wave 1 tie breakers! December 2021 - March 2022 - May 2022

Game of Thrones: Redeemed:


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I am so impressed with this Game of Thrones edit. It took me a long time but House of the Dragon got me interested in Game of Thrones again and I had to set my mind that season 7 & 8 didn't exist for me to enjoy a rewatch. Then I found out about Game of Thrones Redeemed, I had to check it out, I didn't know how it could be redeemed but I was willing to give it a go. Almightycutie has done an amazing job. Things I liked best.....Jon Snow is a strong character again, That the focus is more on the knight king and the whitewalkers, swapping those battles around made it sooooo much better. Not wanting to spoil but I loved what happened in Kings Landing with Cersei, it felt kind of like poetic justice for us fans who were stuck seeing her stare out windows for 2 seasons. Pretty much all the stupid decisions and cringe moments are gone....YAY! The end was maybe a little disjointed but I don't care....I loved it and with the material that was available Almightycutie did a darn fine job. This will make rewatching Game of Thrones a pleasure again, I couldn't rewatch for years because of those last 2 seasons and it was such a shame because the earlier seasons were so good. Thanks Almightycutie

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