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    Vote now in FEOTM Reboot Wave 1 tie breakers! December 2021 - March 2022 - May 2022

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Brilliant! :) Happy Xmas All.
Uncammy, you will never seen to amaze me.

- You WILL have a happy Xmas!
- I swear, I swear!
Thank you UA for this awesome video.

at some points it is more painfull than the ´last christmas´ video clip but muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch more entertaining!

christmas music (except on christmas eve/day)
christmas shopping
retail abuse of christmas for sale purposes (setting up displays in Nov)


snow (its pretty... but then I have to shovel, walk and drive in it)
reindeer, elves or santa

I dont know, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)
One of the few times a year I truly feel like a kid, rather than just acting like a child ;)

Thanks for the vid UA!
Nice. But no Batman Returns? :)
I saw batman returns in there at 00:20 and 00:24 and a few more around 1:30
I see. They may have been too subtle for me to catch... ;)
2 days to go
Here, take this Tony Robinson-Chrimbo.

Well, it looks like this will be the one and only Christmas thread. Seeing as we are in different time zones, I'll say Happy Christmas to everybody now! Happy Christmas! :D
Yea, Happy Xmas to all in the FE world. Just about to sink some wine in front of the TV and watch Xmas films and then slumber around me parents in the morn for present opening!

Merry Xmas from White43
Merry Chrimbo Everyone! hope you all have an absolutely brilliant one!
Merry Christmas everyone! Be nice to your loved ones and show more heart to the ones who haven't made it there yet.
Merry xmas everyone...especially to blueyoda and hope to see more of ya many fanedits in the new year :p
Merry Christmas everyone! Have a good time and be sure to eat too much :wink:
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