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Star Wars: Renascent - by Asteroid-Man


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by Asteroid-Man


“Star Wars: Renascent” is the first of a three-film fan-edit which tells the story of Luke and Anakin Skywalker, simultaneously. The three films will mainly follow the storyline of the Original Trilogy and will have flashbacks to the Prequel Trilogy. It will feature new scenes, altered story lines, and will also feature some new music, which is why it’s a rebirth or a Renascence. This project was first started by two other fan-editors and it is being edited off of the DVD release of the Prequel Trilogy and adywan’s edits of the Original Trilogy.

FANEDIT POST: http://fanedit.org/wp/14198/

2-disk DVD set:
Main Feature: NTSC DL DVD
Specaial Features: NTSC SL DVD

Special Features disc includes a 30 minute Prologue from Star Wars: Reborn, Trailer for Star Wars: Reborn, Trailer for “Empire Strikes Back: Revisited”, and the previews posted online from “Star Wars: Renascent”. The Bonus Features disc also includes a digital copy (in WMV) as well as DVD Covers and Posters.



Artwork Pack Download:
Contains a Poster, Disc Labels, DVD Cover and a Slip-Box.

Please find other clips on the YouTube channel - Some changes have been made to clips shown there
Congrats on finishing, A-Man! Looking forward to checking this out.

Who ended up approving it, btw?
Very excited to see this!!
I see you're using Star Wars: Revisited here. Good for you.
Ripplin has given this edit the:


And will post a review within the next few days. I have given it a cursory spot check and am anxious to see it in full. It's certainly nice to see something new in the SW fanedit world.
L8wrtr said:
Ripplin has given this edit the:

Thanks - I just wanted to verify this was posted in the right forum.
What the hell just happened? I edited the first post and now it's gone. :S
What changes did you make? I checked the edit log and I only see some changes to the video formatting.
That's all I did - I changed the video formatting so that only the Trailer would be a preview and the rest would be links but then it was gone...
Hey Asteroid-man, will be downloading and watching this. Always like to see new takes on our beloved Star Wars.
As I said on my review and on ot.com, fantastic job on this, Asteroid-Man. It's daring with its new music and one of the first of edits of its kind.
New music??? Do tell :)

The cover art is beautiful!
There's a whole list of musical changes. I'm considering updating an old transcript for a scrapped audio commentary and posting it online - it includes every musical cue change and insertion.
Congrats, A-Man! :) I'll have to write up a review soon, using notes I took whilst reviewing. (many are just technical details, but whatever)
Thanks Ripplin!
By the way, apparently people viewing this in stereo have had some issues; this will better explain:
The edit was edited in 5.1 so it is optimized for that. Next time around, I'll do a separate 2.1 audio track as well.

I had initially edited some scenes with headphones (see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlCszi46i8c) but then when I went over it again in surround, the music bleed from the original track was much too obvious and I was able to get rid of it by putting the new music over all but the main speech track with higher volume - which [the speech track] sounded fine as it was on an isolated channel - when watched in stereo though, the music comes out too loud.

Hope this helps.

I'm finally downloading this one!! :) Can't wait to pop it in the dvd player, I've been looking forward to this endlessly :)
I think this is a great idea, but does the vast difference in footage leveling between the OT and the PT's bother anyone else? Was this fixed more so than the trailer?
I'd prefer that, over having everything look exactly the same. You still have to figure out head from tail, don't you? ;-)
I use colour and quality adjustment at the beginnings and ends of each AOTC sequence.
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