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The Stand (2020) Miniseries by Spence


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Hi all!

I am a huge King fan and I particularly love The Stand. I was very excited for the new miniseries adaptation coming to Paramount Plus last year. It was a great cast and creative team, and was going to be 9 episodes long, which meant they could tell a lot more of the story than in the previous miniseries.

However... it was kind of a dud. They made the absolutely puzzling decision of telling the story out of order, which makes a lot of the events feel pointless and aimless because you're getting a pay off before you get the full set up. It's the equivalent of telling someone the punchline of a joke, then over explaining how you got to the punchline.

They also didn't really tell much more of the story. Huge swaths of the plot were rushed through or completely cut out. It really was a bit of a mess.

But! There's a lot of good stuff in there. So, I'm removing the confusing narrative structure and cutting tons of footage out to create a Trilogy of films that tell the story of The Stand.

Unfortunately, as a streaming series, there had been no physical release. So I have been waiting and planning in hopes that it would eventually come to Blu-Ray. And now it has!

Part 1: 2 hrs 12 min. Part 2: 2 hrs 24 min. Part 3: 2 hrs 9 min.

Part 1 - Takes the story form the very beginning (the virus outbreak) and runs through to when most of our main heroes first link up together.

Part 2 - Having established most of the characters, the second episode deals more with Flagg and his followers, and the strife within the survivor community. It has a rather explosive finish.

Part 3 - Takes us all the way through to the end of the tale.

One of the big buzzy things about this adaptation was a new ending by King himself. However, this isn't really an ending, it's more of a coda to the story. It's nice, but feels very disconnected, and I was trying to make this an adaptation of the book. So that's been omitted. The movie wraps up pretty quickly after the return to Boulder.

It's not a perfect adaptation of the story, as I am quite limited by the existing content. However, if you're a fan of The Stand, this is probably as close as it's going to get to a real, full adaptation of the story.

Thanks for the interest!
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I loved the book when I read it in the late 90's, so excited to delve back into this world.
Hi everyone!

I know I've been pretty quiet about this edit, but it was honestly fairly straightforward. It was just the trick of getting everything in the proper chronological order.

Anyway, it's done and has been submitted to IFDB. I'm waiting for Par 2 to render out again as I found an error I wanted to correct, after that it'll be available.
Awesome that you are releasing this! It's a much better way to watch the series!
If anybody viewed this pre-official release, the only change I made was adjust a long fade to black toward the beginning of Part 2. The rest is unchanged.
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