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Windows DVD Maker/Movie Maker (Star Trek Borg)


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Hi Everyone,
I'm new here so please forgive me if this question is really dumb. The programs I have on my computer are Windows Movie Maker and Windows DVD Maker. Is there a way to burn these files onto DVDs using these programs? I am currently trying to burn Star Trek Borg onto a DVD and I am not having any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
no idea mate and welcome btw :)

just grab yourself Nero Burning Rom from one of the usual places and you'll be good to go.
Thanks, guys. I'll definately check that link out and if nothing else this gives me the perfect excuse to upgrade my PC's software. Love your site by the way.
cool. good luck :)

whose site? mine? or the fanedit forums?
lol thanks :)

glad you like it here ;) this place rocks good... REAL GOOD

is my first forum that i've really stuck with. most forums i started with and then just fizzled out... but with this one i recently broke 1000 posts... WOOHOO

thanks, glad you liked my site.... you watch any of my films? let me know what you think of them.
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