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2018 Movies

Been making the most of renewing my odeon limitless pass fourth trip to the cinema this week.

I thought the gritty lo-fi (iphone) camera work did give this an edge that worked well in the context of the film. Night time scenes were very muddy though and I wouldn't be too keen to see this trend suddenly explode like found footage did after BWP.  Claire Foy is fantastic in it with a spot-on American accent, she completely carries the film from start to finish with a performance that swings between unhinged, unlikable, rational and sympathetic. There was also a fair bit of social commentary in the film with the script taking aim at  the commercial interests of the US healthcare system.  An excellent showcase for Foy's talents and Soderbergh in fine B movie genre flick form here.
^ I was planning on seeing that sometime this week (really loving moviepass). Sounds like just what I expected.
Anybody seen 'Pacific Rim: Uprising' yet? I was looking forward to it but several reviews made it sound very shallow and corporate, so I'd decide to give it a pass...

...but the three critics on the BBC's 'Film 2018' program were raving about how much fun they had and how charismatic John Boyega was in the lead. So now I don't know who to believe.

I haven’t seen it and probably won’t. It’s not my kind of movie and found the first one completely forgettable. However From what I’ve read it sounds like it’s pretty much the same, but better than the first one. But I admit I haven’t been read much since I’m not really interested in the first place.
^ Gonna watch it this week, not a big fan of the original but enjoy the spectacle element of it. Im a big fan of the 2014 Godzilla though so I do watch these type of films from something other than a purely slambang pov.
I only sort of liked the first one and the reviews have not been stellar for this sequel. I'll probably check it out when it's available to stream somewhere. It's not one that I'm worried about getting spoiled.
ThrowgnCpr said:
I guess this is technically a 2017 film...

True facts alert.

JEDITED: I'ma just use this little NSWF tag feature cuz I drop some curse word things, yeah I know I acyrnomized Not-Safe-For-Work incorrectly

The film that is universally accepted as the Worst Best Oscar Winner, that disasterpiece "Crash" by Paul Haggis, it won for films released in the Hollywood year of 2005, but TECHNI-fucking-LY that bullshit was a 2004 film cuz that premiered in Toronto film freshtival in Q3 2004, but released to us 'merican peoples in Q2 2005. Two entire Qs came and went during the gap.

Now check this thing here. Paul Haggis during that time was a member of Scientology, long story short he left in 2009 and became active critic/whistleblower yadda yadda. So also, that show Show Park did that great Scientology episode, released in Q3 2005. That shitty Crash film figuratively beat that "Gay Cowboy Movie" that was shown at that stupid film festival, something South Park made fun of back like 7 years earlier, and the shitty film was directed by a White Scientologist who defeated the Asian Gay Cowboy director and that dude won his little thingy about one Q after that South Park thing changed the history of the world.

Remember? Yeah I member.
Pacific Rim Uprising 
Wouldn't normally bother with this but got an unlimited cinema pass so making the most of it. 

I thought the first movie was pretty good but nothing more, this one does the typical sequel thing amps up the action quotient and finds a way to replay the original movie with a little twist on preceedings. As entertainment for a 12 year old boy its great, but a little lacking for the rest of us. The setpieces are as impressive as the original although they did look a bit 'spy kids' at times. It does its job efficiently but its certainly aimed more at the younger viewer and if you loved the first you will like it I'd say. Passable enough and certainly better than the three transformers sequels I've seen
As a non-Kaiju fan (anything bigger than a T-Rex/I-Rex is just diminishing returns, IMO), I refuse to get interested about any Pac Rim movie unless it's R-rated, and features copious male gaze fanservice and Bollywood-style dance numbers. :p  (Note: I'm not saying a studio should make a huge-budget movie appealing to me with crass female objectification, just that my indifference to Kaiju and big-ass robots makes me a very hard sell for the all-audiences pablum they're peddling.)
TM2YC said:
Anybody seen 'Pacific Rim: Uprising' yet? I was looking forward to it but several reviews made it sound very shallow and corporate, so I'd decide to give it a pass...

...but the three critics on the BBC's 'Film 2018' program were raving about how much fun they had and how charismatic John Boyega was in the lead. So now I don't know who to believe.


I saw it on Friday. It's ok, not excellent but not awful. The change in director is mostly obvious in a changed approach to the jaegers and kaiju - they aren't slow-moving behemoths any more, and while this isn't always jarring it does lead to the action scenes having that weightless CGI feeling a lot. It doesn't have the Bayformers shakycam/hyperkinetic editing issue, though.

On the plus side, the two science guys are put to much better use (and are less grating overall) than in the first film - worth noting that while I really liked a lot of the first film, these days I only ever watch Rangerkris's Jaegerbomb edit which excises the science guys completely and improves the pace.

Character-wise none of the characters have much depth but the performances are earnest - Boyega is good as Pentecost's son, and Cailee Spaeny put in a good show as a mecha fangirl/engineer.

All in all, it's reasonably entertaining, though almost certainly a watch-once-and-forget kind of film...

This has some good work in it, and gave me some chuckles.

DAPHNE AND VELMA Official Trailer (2018) Scooby-Doo Movie

i think the studios chose the wrong actress's for this movie and i cant tell which demographic they are aiming for?
^ These fake movie trailers are getting really convincing.
Kermode and Mayo's scathing review of the recent "Irritating Rabbit: Voiced by James Corden" movie from the other week...

...and today's clip of James Corden's dad emailing in to complain...

Awkward! :D
Went to see A Quiet Place this afternoon and loved it. Great concept and really well executed. Krasinski should do more dramatic films.  

My only complaint was actually the experience of seeing it in a theater with many people. The use of silence, while very powerful, makes every bite of popcorn, cough or any other noise from the audience instantly noticeable.
TM2YC, glad to see another fan of Kermode round here! Along with RLM, they are my go to movie reviewers.
I didn't even know they were making a belated sequel but here are the trailers:

Hope it's as much fun as the first. Same writer, same Director, so here is hoping. Denzel's character has grown his hair back through??? :D
A couple of recent much anticipated "dumped on Netflix" (as the saying goes) sci-fi films:

Mute (2018)
Duncan Jones' latest sci-fi film is a mixed bag but a bag that contains quite a few jewels. The integration of free-flowing location camera work (often hand-held) and seamless CGI extensions gives it real open feel, something not possible in previous decades. I love a sci-fi world that looks designed right down to the last detail and Jones was clearly aiming for the Blade Runner level and very nearly pulls it off. Unfortunately the film can't decide who the main character is, the Mute is the titular lead but Paul Rudd's grotty, bad tempered Surgeon is much more interesting. I'd watch it again as I'm sure it will improve on multiple viewings because all is not as it seems.

Annihilation (2018)
If Karl Urban's recent statement about Alex Garland being the real Director of 'Dredd' is true, then this is actually his third film (after 'Ex Machina'). So judging by that, his career is on a slow slide because I didn't care much for this.  The "Shimmer" looked bad with blown out whites and cheap looking artificial lens flares. The CGI is poor but the practical FX, when used, looked really creepy and are the only moments that linger in the mind. Natalie Portman's performance is as you'd expect, adequate but nothing more.

The plot and behaviors of the characters make little sense and the film doesn't explain what is going on, which is either enigmatic, or lazy. It thinks it's intelligent sci-fi but is really not much more than a haunted-house monster film. Those genre films at least had rules but this plays with time, mutation, DNA, madness, doppelgangers... whatever it feels like at any given moment. Another comparison would be the TV show 'Lost'. Insert group into weird place with weird things going on but what's really happening? Er, dunno, we didn't think that far?
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