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Almost Famous Extended


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Title: Almost Famous Extended
Release Date: February 2014
Run Time: 174 min

Original Title: Almost Famous
Original Release Date: 2000
Original Run Time: 162 min

Synopsis: This takes the director's cut ("Untitled" or "Bootleg Edition") version of the film and reincorporates the Stairway to Heaven scene.

Intention: Simply to add the Stairway to Heaven scene back into the film.


  • add the one deleted, albeit long, scene back into the film
  • minor cuts to make the Stairway to Heaven scene fit properly
  • added some sound effects to make the scene feel more complete
Oh, neat. :)

I thought about doing an Almost Famous edit, mainly cutting down some of the excess in the Director's Cut. Truth be told I never was a fan of that Stairway deleted scene. But who knows, maybe it works really well in this 3-hour cut.
Neglify said:
Oh, neat. :)

I thought about doing an Almost Famous edit, mainly cutting down some of the excess in the Director's Cut. Truth be told I never was a fan of that Stairway deleted scene. But who knows, maybe it works really well in this 3-hour cut.

It actually works surprisingly well. I especially like William's acting in it, how he sort of goes into a zone listening to the music. It's very telling and part of the reason I wanted to see it reincorporated. Always wanted to do this, but it took the death of Hoffman, sadly.
Cool! I loved the theatrical cut and I was head over heels in love with the Bootleg cut, so I can't wait to see it fully extended the way it was meant to be, with this scene in context (Damn money grabbing Led Zep!).

I also enjoy listening to the audio-commentary by Cameron and his mum, where if I recall correctly the Stairway scene is revealed to be something he did for his mum in real life, exactly as shown in the movie.

Is there any other footage that could be used? Like from the 'Fever Dog' video for example...

...or the 15 mins of Stillwater footage on the bonus and I can't remember but was the sublimely beautiful 'Small Town Blues' by Pete Droge (As Gram Parsons) included in the bootleg cut?

btw Which titlecard are you going with?
TM2YC said:
Is there any other footage that could be used? Like from the 'Fever Dog' video for example...

...or the 15 mins of Stillwater footage on the bonus and I can't remember but was the sublimely beautiful 'Small Town Blues' by Pete Droge (As Gram Parsons) included in the bootleg cut?

btw Which titlecard are you going with?

I went with the Almost Famous title card. As for the other deleted scenes I didn't even really consider it. Let me take a look and see if I can figure out where they go and clean up the video to make them (sort of) match. If I can get it to work I'll delay the release a week and get them incorporated.
You should also comb through every trailer, teaser, TV spot, behind-the-scenes still photos, etc. There may be a couple more seconds to add there.

Obligatory winky to show I'm joking.
So I re-watched that deleted scene and don't see how to cut it back in. Don't get me wrong, it's a great song, but it didn't add anything to the story. With the Stairway song at least William is trying to convince his mother to let him go, this one doesn't add much.
Cool trivia. Crowe's note pages of alternate titles for "Almost Famous". (via Slashfilm)



Well shit....
Cool stuff. Really glad he didn't go for My Back Pages, though. That would have been a horrible title, way too on-the-nose and lacking in subtlety. Almost Famous is better.
[MENTION=8530]Q2[/MENTION], I tried to PM you but it says that you don't accept PMs right now. I was trying to look at his fan edit on the info site but it says it is offline, FYI.
We know. Please don't bump project threads. If Q2 isn't accepting PMs, I'm sure he has his reasons.. You are welcome to request the edit in the request forum, but you might consider waiting a few days to see if info comes back. Thanks.
When my edits were removed from their host, and several not-so-pleasant emails came my way, I shut my PM off and stepped away to re-evaluate my interest in fanedits. That's why I've been absent from the site. Unless you do some looking, none of my edits are currently available from me. And, after the purge I suffered, I don't intend to re-up them any time soon as I haven't decided my intent yet as an editor moving forward.
^ Sorry to hear that Q2.
You are an outstanding editor and your output is valued.
I am hoping the crap spam you received was primarily from FWWM wackos, and not seasoned members of FE.
I also understand the hassle generated by Kim Jong Un's cherished studio weighed on you.
Despite all that, I hope you ease back into the field.
we miss you Q2 and , I for one greatly admire and appreciate the work you have done and always look forward to your masterpieces.
jswert123456 said:
we miss you Q2 and , I for one greatly admire and appreciate the work you have done and always look forward to your masterpieces.
I second that. Your edit of Alien 2 was the first big eye opener in Fan Edits for me. Your work is brilliant and definitely enjoyed. If you don't ever do anything else at least I still have copies of your work as reference material.

Saying all that I would really enjoy seeing more edits from you.
Thank you for letting me know. It didn't come back, and I can see why after reading Q2's response. I'll see about a request in the future.
[MENTION=8530]Q2[/MENTION], I can't say I've seen all of your work but what I have, I've really enjoyed. I find FanEditing can be a thankless business in the best-worst case scenario.
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