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Audio pops/crackles at cut points (VS11)


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Any hints and tips as how to prevent this? I am getting pops/crackles at some (not all) of the audio cuts (often on the incoming cut). This is even on fade-ins (most cuts are not hard, but fade ins).
Fade doesn't help when you get POP! then the fade in!
Tool used in Videostudio 11. Source material is NTSC, and I'm outputting to NTSc, although I normally use PAL. I edited Spiderman 3 in PAL and there didn't seem to be those problems.
I dont have experience w/ that software, but the crossfade should eliminate any pops. do they remain on a render?
ulead/corel software can be VERY glitchy. Not too many people use it anymore. And the companies updates and fixes are few and far between.
@elbarto - only on render. No pops during scrubbing / preview. Pops when rendered. Grr.

@Throw - yes, but that's what I'm stuck with. If I were to upgrade what would you recommend? Vegas? Or Premiere?
I tried out Vegas and found it far less intuitive than VS. But it (VS) IS buggy, and Corel, ever since WP8, have been rubbish at bugfixing. I still own WordPerfect 10 - the one where the spreadsheet program QuattroPro had a bug which could destroy your entire file.... and they took AGES to fix it. I switched to MS soon after!
I'm a Vegas user (and I find it very intuitive). I never really cared for the Premiere interface, but perhaps you should try trials out of both to see what you think. I think more people here use Vegas than Premiere, but there are definitely people using both around to help.
@Throw - what are the main problems with Vegas?
Does it have problems rendering? Pops, fades, video glitches, crashes, that sort of thing? Or generally stable.
Just the video editor is pretty cheap - the full package with DVD creator and sound editor is a bit more pricey.
no problems really. It can be somewhat finicky with filetypes, but generally is fine. Other than that, no issues. With that - the only issue I will comment on is some weirdness when editing MPG2 files. They don't always seem to be frame accurate and video crossfades can be a bit weird. BUT I'm not going to blame Vegas there. MPG2 was never designed for editing, and is a terrible format for that. I strongly suggest editing a lossless AVI no matter what software you are using (aside from womble).

The intro video editor version (cheaper) is limited to the number of audio tracks that can be edited. The Pro version (the pricey one) is unlimited. An external sound editor (like Acid) is not needed. Vegas Pro is an extremely powerful audio editor as well.
Thanks Throw. THe advice is most appreciated.
I'm downloading the trial for VS X3 to see if that will work. It's too much work to recreate my Matrix 2.0 edit in Vegas, BUT for future edits I may well be upgrading. I think I'll go for the pro edition - just have to save up some pennies. I recently decided to stick with XP instead of 7, so that saving could go towards Vegas instead! :)
And Corel won't be getting any more money from me!
Wow - just been testing the trial for Vegas (the platinum suite, not the pro edition: $500 was a bit steep!). This program is streets ahead of VideoStudio. Much more professional. Only downside is it hammers my PC a LOT harder than VS did.The preview window stutters and my CPU usage shoots up (I have a fairly old Core2Duo, but I'm happy with it!).
Doesn't seem to be any pops or crackles with rendering either (like VS) - but I haven't tested it hard enough yet!
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