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Back to the Future -The Hill Valley Chronicles Miniseries

Beautifully done! Love the name Hill Valley Chronicles by the way. The fonts are fantastic! But still it seems you forgot to change the font of "Music by Alan Silvestri"
Well spotted! yes I picked that one up after I had put this on Vimeo. Ive tweaked Lea and Thoms clips too since i upped this.
Will you have a preview for an ending + credits too perhaps? So far you're doing great!
Preview for next week thats a great idea, I would need to put after the credits i think because one or two episodes end on a real cliffhanger (biff shooting marty in bttf3), not sure how I could do one for that without revealing Marty is alive in next episode.  Ive done some provisional end credits pretty much in the style of the movies before the roll starts quick flash tv type.
i was thinking of doing freeze frame credits  with stuff from the episode at the end typical 80s style but not experimented yet.
Could work. I like it. Perhaps just have the cliffhanger there and not have any scene after that? So Marty gets shot, and the credits roll and the audience is at the edge of their seat.
yeah theres a couple of episodes with big cliffhangers so I'll probably just leave the preview out on those ones.
Heres a previously for Episode 5

I really like the previously video, but it feels like it goes on for 30 seconds too long. Perhaps you could have the voice over say "and now, back to the future" reminiscent to ST:TNG's "and now the conclusion"
Sinbad said:

tweaked opening titles

Same feedback for this one as the previously video. It starts out on point then it seems to just be a highlight real instead of an opening credits. It felt like some scenes were repeated as well. What are you render settings? The date on the newspaper scene felt like it had some interlacing issues.

I'm looking forward to this tv cut. If you'd like some help with anything let me know :)
The date on the newspaper clip is sped up a little so that probably causing frame blening there. Yes i know what you mean about the titles being a bit like a highlight reel, I went more for syncing to the theme thansetting up the premise of the show, it was a sort of conscious decision to do it like that. a lot of my previouslys are shorter around 40secs long. the two here are prob the longest ones as I was trying to convey all the events of the previous episode in a minute but yes they do go on a bit.  The shorter ones I feel like im leaving stuff out, i guess the complexity of the 55 scenes running in parallel in the edit doesnt help in some episodes
If I may add one little suggestion, at the very end when the big speaker explodes and launches Marty back, cut out middle clip of him flying thru the air, so it's just - speaker explodes - Marty hitting the couch - I think it would fit better with last two music punches :)
Thanks for all the feedback guys, I'd also be interested what you think about this...

Some context first ... 

The first episode runs like the orginal film to the point Marty goes back to 1955, at that point it cuts to the end of the film where Marty awakes after all the time travelling adventure thinking he has had a nightmare.  Then he see his family life has completely changed and realises it all happens and we follow the events of BTTF2 to revisit the 1955 events of the first film later on.   

I've been experimenting and tried adding a little extra scene at the point he goes back in time, I'm trying to give the viewer a little context of what has happened in a very chaotic way via a sort of dream sequence to which in my mind he is having before he awakes that morning to find everything changed.

 Do you guys think it works or am I better keeping my original cut of simply cutting to him waking up next day at the point the delorean reaches 88mph

heres a rough scene ive added for what im trying to achieve to give a first time viewer a little context of whats to come

yeah i think i will keep it with the straight cut to the alarm clock from 88 mph. I was unsure too..
I've named all the episodes today

Episode 1: History's Gonna Change
Episode 2: Future Proofing
Episode 3: Back and Forthright
Episode 4: Two Heads are Better Than None
Episode 5: A Date with Density
Episode 6.Happy Temporal Junction Point of the Entire Space Time Continuum Day!
Episode 7: Snail Mail
Episode 8: Hang 'em at High Noon
Episode 9: The Good, the Bad and the Lovestruck Eccentric Inventor
Episode 10: Next Stop 1985
Sinbad said:
Episode 6.Happy Temporal Junction Point of the Entire Space Time Continuum Day!
Episode 9: The Good, the Bad and the Lovestruck Eccentric Inventor
Episode 10: Next Stop 1985
Episodes 6 and 9 could perhaps use a condensing?

Episode 6 is a mouthful. How about shortening it to "The Temporal Junction Point of the Entire Space Time Continuum"

Similar suggestion for Episode 9: "The Good, The Bad, and the Lovestruck"

Episode 10: Next Stop 1985 feels too conclusive. What about Episode 10: "Back to the Future?" with the question mark. That leaves some narrative suspense for any unfortunate person who hasn't seen BttF year.
The convoluted title is kinda the point with episode 6, because thats the one where everything converges in 1955 so I wanted the title to be appropriately convoluted and ridiculous. I was thinking of calling it Happy Temporaljuntionpointoftheentirespacetimecontinuum Day!
Yeah I like back to the future? I suppose next stop 1985? could also work but using the main title makes sense...
In gonna start upping the episodes of this, this week if any one wants to take a look at the first couple of episodes and offer some critique PM me.
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