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Bateman Begins: An American Psycho


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Here is the updated version of this edit:

Original film name: American Psycho, Batman Begins, The Machinist, The Dark Knight
New film name: Bateman Begins: An American Psycho
Original runtime: American Psycho 101 mins; Batman Begins 140 mins; The Machinist 101 mins; The Dark Knight 152 mins.
New runtime: 121mins
Amount of time Cut/Added: 373 mins

Cuts removed/added/extended:

Here are the major ones:
-Removed Willem Dafoe from American Psycho
-Re-ordered/recut some scenes from American Psycho to make the body count higher
-Removed Batman from Batman Begins
-Removed Bruce returning home from school from Batman Begins
-Removed Joe Chill subplot from Batman Begins
-Rachael and her relationship with Bruce is (almost) completely removed
-Removed all but 2 short scenes from The Dark Knight
-Removed everything from the Machinist that dealt with Trevor's job, co-workers, the accident and Ivan
-Added some clips from Christian Bale's rant on the set of the new Terminator to illustrate Bruce/Patrick's inner dialogue with himself to show his growing insanity.

Your intention for this fanedit:
To create a more comprehensive story of the creation, rise and fall Patrick Bateman by Bruce Wayne. While on a seven-year long self-imposed exile from his wealth and riches, billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne meets a mysterious figure named Henri Ducard. Ducard trains Bruce in the ways of the ninja and offers him a place in the League of Shadows - a covert organization of vigilantes and assassins. Bruce rejects his offer and returns to Gotham City, now overrun with corruption and greed. He vows to take on an alternate persona to clean up the streets of Gotham. But what he becomes is much worse than even he could have imagined. Much, much worse...

Additional Comment/Caveat:
I think I've tied up any loose ends or plot holes. Some aspects may require a leap of faith. If you have any questions, just remember that Bruce is crazy. Bat-shit crazy, so to speak. His actions aren't always rational. He jumps between his different personalities as a result (or maybe as a cause) of his psychosis.
There are a few hard audio cuts in the American Psycho footage. These are in the original and I didn't see anything wrong with having them in there.
Thanks again to Infodroid for the inspiration.

Time needed for the edition: about a month

First draft of this edit is below:
Original film name: American Psycho, Batman Begins, Equilibrium, The Machinist, Bruce Wayne: Depths of Darkness
New film name: American Psycho: The Complete Saga (It was going to be "Bateman Begins" but it's more than just the beginning. And that's just too "cute")
Original runtime: No idea
New runtime: 2h 5mins
Amount of time Cut/Added: No idea

Cuts removed/added/extended:

Here are the major ones:
-Removed Willem Dafoe from American Psycho
-Re-ordered/recut some scenes from American Psycho to make the body count higher
-Removed Batman from Batman Begins (at one point a character mispronounces "Bateman" as "Batman")
-Removed pretty much all but the fight scenes from Equilibrium
-Removed almost all of the Machinist
-Removed/re-ordered bits and pieces from Bruce Wayne: Depths of Darkness

Your intention for this fanedit:
To create a more comprehensive story of the rise and fall Patrick Bateman. Bruce Wayne, frustrated by his inability to avenge his patents' death, travels the world and meets Ducard who trains him and urges him to join the League of Shadows. Instead, he creates an alternate persona for himself to rid Gotham of yuppies, hookers and pretty much anyone he feels like. Madness takes over and he begins to lose touch with reality. Only his trusted butler, Alfred, knows his secret.

Additional Comment/Caveat:
I watched Batman: Consecution and infodroid's INCREDIBLE Bruce Wayne:Depths of Darkness edit inspired me to do a fanedit myself. This is the first time I've tried this and it's my first time using Womble, so understandably it's a little rough in places, but not unwatchable. You may not be completely immersed in the film and it definitely feels edited in some spots. I suppose I've fallen victim to the "do it quick and get it out there" syndrome of new faneditors that I've read about here. But to be honest, I don't have the time, energy or skill to make it any better than it is. I'd love to hear criticism, but understand that I've taken this as far as I can. Someone with more technical skill than me could do wonders with this, I think. In my opinion, it's a great idea for a fanedit and the material lends itself to a great storyline. The groundwork is there, and if someone wants to improve on this, by all means I'd love to see it.

Time needed for the edition: about 1 week

A 4.91 GB DVD was available at the pirate bay.


Newbie here. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum or if I'm posting something I shouldn't. Mods feel free to edit/move/delete.

Maybe downloadable from Fanedit.info
what an interesting project. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like a very tough one to pull off. I will take a look.
if it's not perfect as you say, i suggest you make a 1Gb xvid of this edit
upped on RS
yes, it is not perfect. Actually it is all not perfect.
I think your idea is cool, no doubt about it. The image quality is also good, but unfortunately the plot does not work this way as it is very inconsistent. It jumps from Bruce Wayne to Patrick Batemen and other characters played by Bale and back to Bruce Wayne. What you wanted to tell is the getting Psycho of Bruce Wayne, who cannot endure his life. Much like Infodroids great short, this is a wonderful concept, but yours does not work currently, most of all, because your scenes were way to long and you left to much distracting plot in it. Bruce is trained by Raz, but why? And if he is such a strong fighter, why is he such a whimp as Patrick? Why would he live a manager's life? Why would he do what he does anyway? None of the storylines is completed or well created.
I think it might be possible to create a fanedit from your idea, but it would require a lot more attention to details, to a flowing plot. The use of title cards could have helped for example. The curent state this fanedit is in is: just confusing and inconsistent.
Also you really should take care of audio edits, which you did not at all. The fanedit is full of hard audio cuts.
I am sorry, but I cannot approve this.
As you stated, it is not perfect, and it needs an improved version to be truly enjoyable. Still, the basic idea is really good.
It jumps from Bruce Wayne to Patrick Batemen
Not so much "it" as "he" is jumping from Bruce Wayne to Patrick Bateman. It's important because he begins to lose perspective on his true self.

and other characters played by Bale and back to Bruce Wayne.
Well, as far as I can tell, I edited out all references to the other characters. It's not a leap to assume that it's the same character. I suppose if you're going to sit there and say "That scene is from Equilibrium, it's not the same character", I can't help that.

What you wanted to tell is the getting Psycho of Bruce Wayne, who cannot endure his life.
I have no idea what that sentence means. He certainly can endure his life; he is just frustrated with his inability to avenge his parents' death.

Bruce is trained by Raz, but why?
Raz wants him to join the League of Shadows. That much is clear in both Batman Begins and this edit.

And if he is such a strong fighter, why is he such a whimp as Patrick?
Wimp? He hacks a yuppie to death with an axe, kills a prostitute with a chainsaw, drives a nail gun through his secretary's head, etc. What scenes does he seem wimpy?

Why would he live a manager's life?
Watch the conversation in the cab with Reese Witherspoon.
"Why do you work anyway? You can do whatever you want."
"Because I want to fit in."

Why would he do what he does anyway?
You could ask the same of the original American Psycho. He's not all there.

None of the storylines is completed or well created.
It's not perfect, but I didn't think it was that hard to follow.

The use of title cards could have helped for example.
Yes, it would've.

Also you really should take care of audio edits, which you did not at all. The fanedit is full of hard audio cuts.
You're right about that. I tried using fade ins/outs with womble, but my DVD player kept "hiccupping" every time I put one in. I felt it was less distracting to have the hard edits.

I am sorry, but I cannot approve this.
No problem, it's your website. I didn't expect it to be approved.

As you stated, it is not perfect, and it needs an improved version to be truly enjoyable. Still, the basic idea is really good.
I would love it if someone with more skill that me tackled this. Being a critic is the easy part.
Why don't you give it a shot?
well, I think it is your baby, and it would be great, if we, the audience, could get an improved version. From reading your comment it does not seem so unfortunately. It also seems, as if you did not want criticism, although you asked for it. Sorry if my comments were to harsh.
boon23 said:
well, I think it is your baby, and it would be great, if we, the audience, could get an improved version. From reading your comment it does not seem so unfortunately. It also seems, as if you did not want criticism, although you asked for it. Sorry if my comments were to harsh.

I did want criticism, and you were not harsh. I just disagreed with you on some points.

I could try an improved version, but I honestly don't think I have the skills (or time to improve my skills) for one that would make the grade. I don't think of it as "my baby" at all. It's out there if someone wants to try their hand at it. I think it's a great idea and so do you. Maybe someone else out there thinks so as well. Considering what infodroid did on the Batman Consecution compliaiton, he would be a prime candidate, if he wants to do it.
I agree, I can see Infodroid pulling that one off nicely, but I doubt he is into it. His short pretty much covered it already.
Concerning your skills: it's all a matter of practicing, learning by doing, mastering your tools so they do what you have as a vision. Your fanedit as it is does definitely show creativity and good, even daring ideas, but you have picked an incredible hard for your firstling. Mixing several movies into one continuous flow is about pro-level. If you had fun in creating this one, you should definitely keep on fanediting and maybe pick something that is easier to accomplish. And maybe someday, if no one else has picked it up, you will come back to give it the treating it needs.
i agree with Boon, you took a really difficult one as your first edit. On the plus side, your reply to Boon's criticism shows you have thought about this edit a lot.
Please make a 700MB xvid of this edit just for reviewing purposes (96k audio will suffice)
i'd love to take a look without blowing 4GB
Stonehenge said:
i agree with Boon, you took a really difficult one as your first edit. On the plus side, your reply to Boon's criticism shows you have thought about this edit a lot.
Please make a 700MB xvid of this edit just for reviewing purposes (96k audio will suffice)
i'd love to take a look without blowing 4GB

It's now up on the pirate bay as a 700mb divx.
This is a cool idea. I still think you should call it "Bateman Begins". :D
I've decided to go back and take another stab at this. Any comments or suggestions?

Here's what I've done so far:

-Bruce returning home from school; Joe Chill subplot; Rachael and Bruce's relationship - these elements were not necessary. Now it opens with Bruce already on his self-imposed exile. Rachael is (almost) completely removed from the edit.
-all references to bats (except one that ends up being an off-handed comment)
-2 deleted scenes from American Psycho. There were interesting, but not necessary and the video quality was subpar.
-All scenes from Infofroid's Bruce Wayne: Depths of Darkness. That's cheating. I did use some of the ideas from it, though.
-All scenes from Equilibrium. The fight scenes are cool, but did not fit well with the rest of it.

-New title - Bateman Begins: An American Psycho
-New opening credits. Admittedly, it looks a little amateurish, but it's the best I can do with my skills/resources.
-Cover art. See above.
-Audio snippets from
Used for Bruce/Patrick's inner dialogue with himself to show his growing insanity.
-two scenes from The Dark Knight
-A couple of scenes from American Psycho to increase the body count and to make Patrick look even more evil/crazy
-A couple of scenes from the Machinist to create a more satisfying ending

Overall improvements:
-Hard audio cuts have been fixed.
-First act has been trimmed down from about 45 minutes to 25 minutes.
-Plot holes, to me at least, have been addressed.
i'd really like to see this. sounds fun. will you do another xvid/AVI?
joebshmoe said:
i'd really like to see this. sounds fun. will you do another xvid/AVI?

I'll probably just do an xvid to start and if there's any interest, a DVD.
Here's a cover I put together. Haven't done one before. It's a little primitive, but better than nothing I suppose.

cover art from adabisi. Cool. :)
it's a very small preview, but it looks quite good.
This is now finished. An 700mb avi with artwork is available at thepiratebay for preview purposes. If anyone watches it and has some comments/suggestions, let me know. I'm open to making changes. Because of the issues with the previous version, I'll leave this in "in-the-works" for now. If it gets approval, I'll torrent the DVD.

Here's a new description of the edit:

Original film name: American Psycho, Batman Begins, The Machinist, The Dark Knight
New film name: Bateman Begins: An American Psycho
Original runtime: American Psycho 101 mins; Batman Begins 140 mins; The Machinist 101 mins; The Dark Knight 152 mins.
New runtime: 121mins
Amount of time Cut/Added: 373 mins

Cuts removed/added/extended:

Here are the major ones:
-Removed Willem Dafoe from American Psycho
-Re-ordered/recut some scenes from American Psycho to make the body count higher
-Removed Batman from Batman Begins
-Removed Bruce returning home from school from Batman Begins
-Removed Joe Chill subplot from Batman Begins
-Rachael and her relationship with Bruce is (almost) completely removed
-Removed all but 2 short scenes from The Dark Knight
-Removed everything from the Machinist that dealt with Trevor's job, co-workers, the accident and Ivan
-Added some clips from Christian Bale's rant on the set of the new Terminator to illustrate Bruce/Patrick's inner dialogue with himself to show his growing insanity.

Your intention for this fanedit:
To create a more comprehensive story of the creation, rise and fall Patrick Bateman by Bruce Wayne. While on a seven-year long self-imposed exile from his wealth and riches, billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne meets a mysterious figure named Henri Ducard. Ducard trains Bruce in the ways of the ninja and offers him a place in the League of Shadows - a covert organization of vigilantes and assassins. Bruce rejects his offer and returns to Gotham City, now overrun with corruption and greed. He vows to take on an alternate persona to clean up the streets of Gotham. But what he becomes is much worse than even he could have imagined. Much, much worse...

Additional Comment/Caveat:
I think I've tied up any loose ends or plot holes. Some aspects may require a leap of faith. If you have any questions, just remember that Bruce is crazy. Bat-shit crazy, so to speak. His actions aren't always rational. He jumps between his different personalities as a result (or maybe as a cause) of his psychosis.
There are a few hard audio cuts in the American Psycho footage. These are in the original and I didn't see anything wrong with having them in there.
Thanks again to Infodroid for the inspiration.

Time needed for the edition: about a month
problem is: it cannot get an approval IN THE WORKS. Is it finished or not?
It's finished. If it's fine the way it is, great. If it needs work, I'm open to making changes. I like it the way it is, but I didn't post it to True Fanedits because of the issues with the 1st version.
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