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Bateman Begins: An American Psycho

-Audio snippets from Christian Bale's rant on the set of the new Terminator. Used for Bruce/Patrick's inner dialogue with himself to show his growing insanity.

lol, thats awesome. I'll have to check this out because I felt infodroids short was one of the best parts of BC. It'd be nice to see his idea expanded into a feature length edit.
ok, moved to true fanedits now.
It is the finished available product of an approved faneditor and as such another release. I am sure you took all care to get rid of previous issues and gave us a fine release.
Thanks Boon. First post has been updated to reflect the changes.
Bateman Begins: An American Psycho

Let me preface this by saying I mean no disrespect or ill will in this review I am merely comenting on what I watched.
That said, Bateman Begins is an interesting idea whom the editor, Adabisi has credited to Infodroid, based on his short "Bruce Wayne Depth of Darkness" found on the Batman Consecution disc.

Unfortunately the feature length adaptation of this short doesnt work as well and fails to resonate with this reviewer.
Despite the great ideas presented here, I feel that the tone of the 2 main storylines
(BB and AP) just dont gel well and this makes for a very uneven experience. If you take the editors advice and allow a "leap of faith" to attempt to better understand what he has created, it helps but it doesnt really make this fanedit flow any more smoothly. I think it could be evened out more but I still doubt it would become something entirely cohesive. at any rate I listed my likes and dislikes as well as possible changes below:


I loved the American Psycho intro w/ Megadeths "sweating bullets"

Loved the voiceover taken from Christian Bales terminator 4 rant, but felt it was too loud and needed to be tweaked in an audio editor to lower the volume and possibly make it sound more internal rather than a loud recording from a set. but I felt it worked well.

Loved the ending "I know who you are" sequence. very well done.


during the intro credits there is a "white box" that appears where the editor covered some text. suggest panning/cropping that shot to avoid that area, or splice in a different peice of video from the same sequence. I rewatched it and its only "really" apparent when there is no text on the screen, the other times it is barely noticable.

the 2 films differ in tone so greatly that they rarely transition well, for example Wayne is talking to Alfred on the jet in the beginning about becoming an incoruptable symbol, and then Bateman is a narcissistic creep talking about his shower routines. suggest removing batemans V.O. there, as it fails to show his decent into madness. he is just a creep all of a sudden. or maybe a 1 year later cue, to help us believe he has been "bateman" for a while already. otherwise it just feels out of place.

theres an odd transition (not a hard cut) @ the 1hr mark between the strangle and sex. perhaps a longer fade to black there?

the Dark knight scene where we see bale in the batsuit sitting is odd, mainly because why is he wearing that? pan /crop the shot up so we cant see it.

The audio in the "Dorsia" scene taken from the dark knight is slightly out of synch. its not way out, but just enough that you can see it. especially noticable when harvey dent says "you either die a hero or live long enough...."

Suggest removing the batmobile on the news scene, I gather that the helicopter is supposed to be the same one from American Psycho, but it came off as confusing since we dont see bateman fleeing police in a "batmobile" perhaps just cut the TV and the "i didnt have time to observe the rules of the road"

hard cut at 1:34:53 where Raas Al Guul says "none of these people have long to live"


again, I hope you do not take any offense to my observations, suggestons and criticism as I intend it only as constructive. this is a difficult project because of the varience of the source material. There are alot of good ideas presented here but it still comes across as uneven.
Hey, if it's good...it was "all my idea". If it's bad...I had nothing to do with it. :p
I dont feel it was bad, so much as uneven. the edit didnt have a smooth flow, since the films are so different I felt the transitions.

regardless, its just my opinion and that aint much :)
Thanks for taking the time to review it. This was intended as a bit of fun and to see what I could do with 3 very different films. It would be truly impossible to make an absolutely perfect edit with this (unless you reduce it down to about 11 minutes) :)

elbarto1 said:

I loved the American Psycho intro w/ Megadeths "sweating bullets"
elbarto1 said:
Loved the voiceover taken from Christian Bales terminator 4 rant, but felt it was too loud and needed to be tweaked in an audio editor to lower the volume and possibly make it sound more internal rather than a loud recording from a set. but I felt it worked well.
I lowered it quite a bit as it was. I thought it was at a good level. Any lower and I think it might be hard to make out.
elbarto1 said:
Loved the ending "I know who you are" sequence. very well done.
elbarto1 said:

during the intro credits there is a "white box" that appears where the editor covered some text. suggest panning/cropping that shot to avoid that area, or splice in a different peice of video from the same sequence. I rewatched it and its only "really" apparent when there is no text on the screen, the other times it is barely noticable.
I agree. It's beyond my skills to make that look "proper". I did the best I could.
elbarto1 said:
the 2 films differ in tone so greatly that they rarely transition well, for example Wayne is talking to Alfred on the jet in the beginning about becoming an incoruptable symbol, and then Bateman is a narcissistic creep talking about his shower routines. suggest removing batemans V.O. there, as it fails to show his decent into madness. he is just a creep all of a sudden. or maybe a 1 year later cue, to help us believe he has been "bateman" for a while already. otherwise it just feels out of place.
I struggled with that transition for a long time. I think the fade indicates a passage of time, but I understand what you mean.
elbarto1 said:
theres an odd transition (not a hard cut) @ the 1hr mark between the strangle and sex. perhaps a longer fade to black there?
That was on purpose. I wanted to show his heartlessness. One second he's killing Luis, the next he's sleeping with Luis' girlfriend and telling her that she's going to marry Luis.
elbarto1 said:
the Dark knight scene where we see bale in the batsuit sitting is odd, mainly because why is he wearing that? pan /crop the shot up so we cant see it.
Well, you only know it's a batsuit because you know the original. If you take it on it's own, he's just wearing something odd, that's all. He is crazy.
elbarto1 said:
The audio in the "Dorsia" scene taken from the dark knight is slightly out of synch. its not way out, but just enough that you can see it. especially noticable when harvey dent says "you either die a hero or live long enough...."
I'll have to take another look at that. I never noticed it before.
elbarto1 said:
Suggest removing the batmobile on the news scene, I gather that the helicopter is supposed to be the same one from American Psycho, but it came off as confusing since we dont see bateman fleeing police in a "batmobile" perhaps just cut the TV and the "i didnt have time to observe the rules of the road"
Like the batsuit, you can only tell it's the batmobile if you know the original. There's a lot in his breakdown sequence that we don't see. Him hopping into a car/tank is one of them, if it even happened in the first place.
elbarto1 said:
hard cut at 1:34:53 where Raas Al Guul says "none of these people have long to live"
Well, it's not that hard of a cut, but I could've smoothed that one out a bit better.

Thanks again for taking the time to watch/review.
Thanks again for taking the time to watch/review.

no problem, thanks for taking the time to create this edit.
For some reason the reply I just posted isn't showing up for me, and I haven't the patience to type it again. Basically, I agreed with Boon's points.
Just finished watching this. I have to say this is a great concept. Christian Bale really knows how to play a nutjob doesn't he? lol. It's no wonder they casted him for Batman. Anyway, I didn't have a problem with any transitions. However as previously stated, the 2 films are so different that it's hard to see them flow coherently. I think you could still get the story across without any of Alfred's scenes. I also felt that some dialogue was unnecessary, which made scenes go on for too long. If this was around 1:45-1:50 instead of 2 hours I think that would've helped.

I give it a 7.5 out of 10. Oh and hearing Megadeth's Sweating Bullets at the beginning and seeing it timed perfectly with the opening credits put a BIG smile on my face.
having issues downloading it. dlc is 100% offline on jdownloader, articles mmissing in nzb file when i dl'd w sabnzbd, 2 blocks missing and wont let me repair with quickpar, looked at torrent sites w zero seeders. any suggestions?
jimbojones1138 said:
having issues downloading it. dlc is 100% offline on jdownloader, articles mmissing in nzb file when i dl'd w sabnzbd, 2 blocks missing and wont let me repair with quickpar, looked at torrent sites w zero seeders. any suggestions?

Have you tried sending a PM to the editor?
Dude, we've been through this before. Send a PM to the editor.

If you are having difficulty locating an edit for download after checking the resources mentioned in Part II, there is a section of the forum dedicated to trading fanedits. Go HERE. The “Own The Source” Rule applies to this section as well. And without a doubt, no download links are allowed to be posted in the Trades and Requests Forum.


If a fanedit is offline, please first review the forum thread for the edit to see if the editor has posted information about this. Then check the Trades and Requests Forum to see if anybody has already brought the issue up. If nobody has mentioned it, you are free to send a private message to the faneditor or start a new thread in the Trades and Requests Forum.
This sounds hilarious (not mocking). I'm really intrigued/curious of the result.
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