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Biohazard: A Resident Evil Fanedit


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This is a DUAL-LAYER release. Yes, the archives say "SL". That was a screw-up on my part. Carry on.


All the pertinent files and info have been sent to the main site, and should be available soon. In the meantime...

ORIGINAL FILM NAMES: Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Resident Evil: Extinction.
Film studio name: Screen Gems/Constantin Films/Davis Films.
Film release date(s): 2004/2007
Original runtime(s): 94 min/95 min. (189 min).
New runtime: 151 min.
Amount of time cut/added: ~45 cut, ~7 added (estimate).

I seem to be developing a soft spot for video game films. At any rate, editing the Resident Evil films has been something I've been doing on and off for a while, and so I decided with the new one coming out in September to finally hammer out an "Aztek definitive version" so to speak. By cutting a lot of bad dialogue, useless jump scares, and shifting a few scenes around, the aim was to create a more focused, and also more exciting action experience.

ADDED: Music from the end of Resident Evil over the credits, includes voiceover about reopening the Hive.
MOVED: "My name is Alice" opening until after the Hive is open.
CUT: "Sir?" during the Hive opening. Monster roars, men become lunch.
CUT: A few lines of redundant dialogue near the end of "My name is Alice."
NEW TITLE: Biohazard: A Resident Evil Fanedit.
CUT: Angela waking up in the car after the crash.
CUT/ADDED: Used the extended version of Alice waking up in the lab from the end of Resident Evil. However, no one is seen walking past the window. Reframed.
CUT: Woman running up the stairwell being chased by zombies until Carlos sees her on the roof.
CUT: Bad slow motion montage of zombies running through the streets.
TRIMMED: Exchange betweem Cain and Ashford about getting scientists out of the hot zone.
CUT: The priest feeding his sister.
MOVED: Nemesis program being activated to where the priest scene was.
CUT: "GTA motherfucker!"
CUT: "Licker vision" from all church scenes.
CUT: Licker knocking over holy water.
CUT: Repeat shots of Alice with her guns.
CUT: To Carlos right after Alice kills the last Licker.
CUT: Zombies popping out of ground in the graveyard. Anyone who knows anything about burials should know that this is impossible.
CUT: "Look at the big motherfucker's got a rocket launcher!"
CUT: References to graveyard fight as Alice and co are walking.
CUT: Straight to bus after Alice says "who is this?"
CUT: Jill asking what yield the nuke is. Who cares? It's big and it makes things go boom.
CUT: Peyton saying "There's no way! It'd be all over the fucking news."
CUT: Alice breaking her fingers in the garbage chute.
CUT: Alice FIXING her non-broken fingers ;)
CUT: Peyton returning from the dead.
CUT: "And we've just been expended."
CUT: Terri freaking out about splitting up and LJ offering to go with her. Jill tkaes charge!
CUT: After Carlos asks "Did you get the call as well?" to Terri.
CUT: Terri tripping in the class room.
CUT: Jill talking to Angie about her name.
CUT: "From now on stay right beside me." Jill runs off a minute later.
TRIMMED: Nicholai's introduction.
CHANGE: Jill's matchbook, as uncanny as it is, does in fact make the kitchen go boom.
CUT: Jill asking if Alice and Angie "know eachother/"
CUT: Alice saying "T-Virus" during the flashback.
CUT: "What do you mean?" after Jill asks Carlos how many of "you guys" are there.
CUT: "You should told me you got bit I'm haning wit you an' shit."
CUT: Cain's "Did you really think I didn't know?"
CUT: LJ kicking the dead guards.
CUT: Cain shoots Ashford immediately after Alice refuses to fight Nemesis.
TRIMMED: A few shots during the Nemesis fight.
TRIMMED: Cain's "join me!" speech.
CUT: "If you expect me to beg, I will not!"
BIG CHANGE: It turns out Cain's gun had one more bullet left. Not exactly the poetic justice of the original scene, but c'est la vie.
CUT: Alice trying to stop Angie from using the anti-virus.
CUT: Post crash scene. Goes straight to news reports after helicopter crash.
TRIMMED: Alice's voice over.
CUT: Alice from the start of Extinction until she shows up during the crow attack.
CUT: "You gotta be shittin' me."
TRIMMED: Boardroom scene.
ADDED: Shot of Alice clone being carried to ditch.
REMIXED: Music during the approach to the motel.
CUT: LJ's plan for staying in the motel.
CUT: "Who's out there?"
ADDED: Deleted scenes: Carlos talking to Calire after he returns, LJ on what he did before the apocalypse, Carlos talking to Mikey.
CUT: Claire looking for cigarettes.
CHANGED: When Isaac's activates number 87, it cuts to the shower scene from the first film or, what was the very first scene of Extinction. Used these clips at a few different points until Slater sees the super-zed killing the clone.
CUT: "What's going on?"
CUT: "Lock and load."
NOTE: Alice is back!
CUT: Isaacs passive-aggressivly threatening Slater.
ADDED: Post helicopter crash/lab scene from Apocalypse when Carlos asks Alice what happened to her.
TRIMMED: Alice's rampage, tried to make it appear as if she stabbed the scientist with the pen. Works, doesn't work...your call.
EXTENDED: Alice/Claire scene, using a deleted scene.
CUT: "Maybe that's exactly what they need" (a pipe dream).
TRIMMED: Issacs adding "That's an order" to his false orders from Wesker. Arrogant prick.
CUT: Long pause between crate opening and super-zeds running out.
REARRANGED: Vegas scene. Even though we see Umbrella moving into the area, we don't see Isaacs until AFTER he shuts Alice down. Cuts/trims as needed.
CUT: To the lab after Alice says they aren't driving to Alaska.
CUT: "I sentence you to summary liquidation." Order from Wesker BANG!
CUT: Carlos's "When you get down there..."
ADDED: Shots of the clone ditch that was originally at the start of Extinction to when Alice sees all the dead clones.
CUT: The White Queen wishing Alice luck.
CUT: Tyrant Isaacs running past the camera in the lab.
CUT: Isaacs no longer speaks during his fight with Alice. None of this "I am the future!" stuff. Arrogant prick.
CUT: Clone waking up. Now her living is a total surprise.
CUT: The long intro to Tokyo.
CHANGED: Music at the end during the big reveal of the clones to music from Resident Evil 1.
NEW: Credits sequence.
ADDED: A little surprise at the end of the credits.

That should be everything, though I'm sure I missed something. Phew!


NTSC AVI coming soon.

- DVDfab, Sony Vegas Studio Platinum 9, BeSweet, VirtualDub, TMPEGEnc Xpress 4, DVDlab PRO.

I hope you all enjoy watching it (when it's out) as much as I did making it. :)
Wait, WHAT? I love Resident Evil!!! :D
Where's that DVD9? When's that DVD9? I, ..., I ... **THUMP** (fainted).
Patience, patience, my good man. It should be posted in a few days.

(as a side note, TFUII rocks, Mr Marek)
Great. Don't worry, Aztek. I can be patient. It's just that I'm very much in love with the RE films, even if no one else is
(except for you of course.)
Don't spoil the fun, Aztek, haha! I'm still waiting for my TFU2 Steelbook C.E. to drop in via Amazon UK.
My PS3 is still crying like a b*tch for my TFU2-demo marathons.
Aztek463 said:
That should be everything, though I'm sure I missed something. Phew!
I don't have a clue what it could be, but I'm curious as hell now :)
Galen_Marek_True_Jedi said:
I don't have a clue what it could be, but I'm curious as hell now :)

Haha, me too!
Aztek463 said:
Haha, me too!
First I was like :wat:, then I was all :shocked:, and then I was :lol:
Man, I love these emoticons
Yes, first time I saw that one I simply thought to myself Oh dear Lord, no. :oops:
The first couple ratings are making me excited...two 9-stars so far. :D

still need some reviews though!
I just got past the Apocalypse part, and so far, you're going for a straight 10 in my book :)
For some reason Resident Evil 2 was one of the movies i really liked as a teenager, i hated the first one and I was pretty hyped for the third, but it was a real letdown since i found the ending convulted, over the top and ridiculous

my question: as someone who was not content with extintion's second half, is this a fanedit worth trying? or is it for people who already like the trilogy and just enjoy a take on resident evil that smoothens out the things that bother/hinder the plot?
I had the opportunity to enjoy this fanedit late last week, and the following day I went ahead to post my rating on the star system over at the main site (which was the only thing i used to do before I joined the forums)

Yet nowadays, being much more immersed in fanediting, and having my still ongoing first project; I have come to appreciate much more the complexities and amount of time and effort needed to achieve a good final product which anyone will enjoy, so I've made it a point to provide more comments about my experiences with them.

On Aztek's latest release: congrats on an extremely well done job! I greatly enjoyed your Silent Hill edit a while back and being a Survival Horror game fan having followed the RE series since my undergrad years, I was very interested in checking this one out.

And I have to say: I really really liked what was done here: basically trimming down flawlessly two originally bloated sequel movies to around 70 minutes each and join them seamlessly to make it a far better entertainment experience.
I was a bit worried that having two movies from different directors would cause an issue in terms of style, yet I didn't find it to be the case.

The end result was quite enjoyable yet just a bit too long for my personal taste; but try as I might, i found it hard to find scenes that i would suggest for removal; and out of it all, I thought that perhaps the "dating" stuff during the second half could be removed - some character development would be lost, but perhaps the pacing would improve towards the final confrontation.

I was also glad to see the ending very improved, yet there is something I would have liked to see changed:
I just wish that the army of Alice clones could be removed, but it would be major continuity issue with the rest of the story.

Other than that, no further suggestions; video and audio were perfect, I only wish it could fit on a SL DVDR without compression since DL burning is such a pain for me :p ... so I had to play it using my linux HTPC :biggrin1:
Since extra content is really a non issue for me, there is nothing to comment on that regard.

A very deserved 9 out of 10! Keep it up!
Galen: what edits did you find noticeable? Sometimes when you work on something long enough your brain tricks you into thinking everything works perfectly.

Sunarep: The basic premise of the second half is still present, just trimmed for fat. So if you didn't care for it the first time, all I can guarantee is that you'll be able to better tolerate it. Take a look at the cutlist and see what you think.

Havok: thanks for the review! I agree the length was a bit much, but I really couldn't get it down any more. I'm thinking of splitting the film in half and doing a 2-disc SL release...I'll keep you posted on that!
Aztek, I actually don't mind the length. Two hours and a half isn't really all that rare anymore, nowadays.
The one edit I remember vividly was when Alice told K-Mart they would be needing the chopper.
I think her original line was something along the lines of "we're not walking to Alaska, we're going to need that chopper" (or whatever).
If I'm not mistaken, you cut the second part of the line, but since Milla was so quick about it, it was kind of tough.
Aztek delivers again! Even for someone like me who's not a fan of the Resident Evil movies, this was fun to watch and kept interest. 151 minutes may be a bit too much for this kind of stuff, but it mostly worked. However, this is essentially still a movie for fans of the saga, as it wasn't magically turned into Shakespeare or anything. It's still gun porn and over the top, cheesy, cartoony show-off action, even after Az expurgated it of the most insulting stuff. The odd silly one-liner or sight gag that could have been cut still remains, such as the Russian soldier's "Stay" after shooting the zombie dog, or Alice whistling at the zombies. Also, some of the most exaggerated show-off moments during the fights I'd like to see excised, yet I suppose if you're a fan of the saga you like them.

I'm not sure extending Alice's awakening in the Apocalypse segment was a good idea, as there's an equivalent in the Extinction segment that's more relevant plotwise, and one gets the impression that half the movie are sequences of Milla Jovovich awakening. It feels reiterative. I guess that was kept for continuity reasons regarding the first RE movie, but I'd have tried the total opposite: totally remove that part and the subsequent wandering, and have Alice first enter the movie (not counting "My name is Alice") through the church window. I'd also try to smoothen the change from Apocalypse to Extinction by removing the expository narration and the graphics about the plague spreading and all that. We don't really need that info spelled out to us, we can suppose it by ourselves, and placed at that moment the sequence screams "MOVIES CHANGE HERE".

Otherwise, as one would expect from Az, the movie is flawlessly edited, both regarding narrative flow and technical stuff. No hard cuts, no odd transitions, excellently color corrected additional scenes (not an easy task), and great video and audio quality. Menus are well done and extras (a color correction comparison and an alternate version of Clone 87's awakening) are interesting, althought I missed an audio commentary like the one in Silent Hill.

For Resident Evil (movie series) fans, this will be as good as it gets; for non-fans it will be a fun B-movie. I'm rating it 8/10, but I bet fans will be rating it higher. Oh, and extra kudos for using the original video game title!
Thanks for the review Dwight! I'm curious, how would you have handled the transition between films? I figured doing it like that would be the least jarring, but there is usually a better way to do stuff.

Also, another edit on the "Greatest True Fanedits" page? Huzzah!
Finished watching this earlier, thought it was edited far better than silent hill, I recall an instance with that where I felt the music faded out quite hastily. But here nothing seemed abrupt or out of place, the fade between films actually worked for me, though you cut alot of the bad lines, I think it's overall not as good an edit than Silent Hill, but I enjoyed it quite a fair amount all the same.
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