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Bonus Feature Video Quailty

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Question for you faneditors who have released DVD-5's with bonus features: what video quality have you used for those bonus features?

Specifically, what about deleted scenes created from the movie footage (i.e. not studio deleted scenes, but fanedit deleted scenes)? I'm going to be adding a few deleted scenes from my edit, which are taken from the movie so I have them available in good DVD quality. However, it doesn't seem to make much sense to waste valuable disc space on lossless lagarinth quality, even for just like 5 minutes of video.

Long story short: what's your preferred format?
I've made my fan edits as DVD9s, so I save everything in the fullest possible DVD quality. reave converts my edits to DVD5s. I don't know what video quality that he uses for the main feature or the bonus features, and I haven't downloaded my own fan edits and watched them to find out.
^Same. I just make all the DVD material the same quality across the board. If the result is too big for a DVD5, I use DVDRebuilder.
Well, as it turns out, DVD Architect Studio is somewhat limited in what it can bring in and use...and Vegas Studio is limited in what it can render out...so I just went with whatever combination gave me the smallest file size with reasonable picture quality.
With vegas and Architect what I normally do for my main movie and my deleted scenes in set it to the Mpeg 2 codec the Architect widescreen option, then I go into the advanced options and set it to double pass, 9 meg max and 8 meg min, for the VBR. then save the audio as ac3. then just drop in architect and it just puts it on the disc since it is already in dvd format. I'm encoding something at the moment but if you need more details on the exact encoder set up let me know. For version 2 of my smallville edit I used this method and it is far more crisp then the earlier version.

Hope this helps
I'll give it a try after Thanksgiving Dinner ;)

Thanks Juice.
juice4z0 said:
With vegas and Architect what I normally do for my main movie and my deleted scenes in set it to the Mpeg 2 codec the Architect widescreen option, then I go into the advanced options and set it to double pass, 9 meg max and 8 meg min, for the VBR. then save the audio as ac3. then just drop in architect and it just puts it on the disc since it is already in dvd format.
Turns out this is exactly what I did, except the advanced options are not available to me (probably because I have Studio rather than Pro).
Damn, it's called custom I think. If u don't have it that's bs because by default that encoder is trash.

It's just to the right of where u select architect wide screen. I find it hard to believe they would not allow for customization on the codec,
Well, it's not the full version of the program - they have to withhold something. And I'm only using it for the bonus features, the main movie is lagarith avi. So it's all good. Thanks anyway.
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