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Britain's General Election


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I was wondering if it was ok to have a temporary thread on the British General Election? I know we try to keep politics out of this forum but the US Election thread was very civil so I think a British Election thread would be nice to have for people to air their thoughts.

Besides I think most of the comments are going to be "They're all the same", so I doubt the conversation will too get heated. :lol:
Sounds good to me, i watched about 20 minutes of the first debate and found it quite amusing. Clegg certainly seems to be getting the best of it thanks to the editing.
nOmArch said:
Sounds good to me, i watched about 20 minutes of the first debate and found it quite amusing. Clegg certainly seems to be getting the best of it thanks to the editing.

But will it make any difference?

I think - people want Brown out, but they don't trust Dave - so they're left with Clegg, Greens and UKIP. Hung parliament anyone?

I live in West Dorset - it's been true blue here for decades with Libs coming a close second.
The Cons' will win and continue the policies of New Labour (which under Blair was an extension of Thatcherism and corporate appeasement).....so yes.... it is the South Park ideology "you have the choice between a douche or a turd!". I would like to see Blair behind bars.
white43 said:
I think - people want Brown out, but they don't trust Dave - so they're left with Clegg, Greens and UKIP. Hung parliament anyone?

UKIP for me. Any yes, hang that Parliament! :smile:
I think Mollo is probably right the Cons will win, but I am curious as to who will be leader of the opposition?
Good point. Apparently the Libs have jumped 8 points in the polls and Gordy is shitting himself. I think Dave & Co will win it, but I think we're going to see a hung parliament, but which will include Green, UKIP and BNP MP's.

I really don't know who to vote for. I won't vote Labour. I prefer the Tory policy on immigration - but we've got Oliver bloody Letwin as the MP here. But the Libs could be some good change - but they're so pro-European it makes my arse hurt. UKIP want a standard 31% tax - ehm, no.
Before the Election was called I considered voting 2 ways.
1, If it looked like a Hung Parliament I'd vote Tory to avoid that.
2, If it looked like the Tories were going to win I'd vote Lib Dem as I don't like Cameron.

Other reasons are.
1, I hate Gorden Brown so anything to get him out is good for me.
2, I like the idea of a Hung Parliament, but not now. The economy is too weak to risk a Hung Parliament. I mean if it goes wrong politically then our economy will go down the drain.

Also if Labour comes 3rd if they form a coalition with the Lib Dems then Gorden Brown could remain as Prime Minister & that possibility makes me sick. Also, I think Brown is psychology incapable of working with anyone who doesn't agree with him. A man like that can not lead the country with a hung parliament.

What amazes me is the General Public. For the last 13 years people have complained about the Nanny State yet when the Tories say they want to reduced the number of MPs & allow people to run they own lives people complain about that too.

Also, I think if people looked at Lib Dem policies without knowin it was by the Lid Dems they probably wouldn't like what they read, with stuff like further intergration into Europe & the Euro. Yet they're ahead in the Polls now, not because of what Nick Clegg is but because of what he isn't. People are going to vote for him because he's not Cameron or Brown & that's ridiculous.

I hate to say this but I think the General Public deserve the country they have. I mean everyone moans about the bankers & politicians but no-one mentions the fact that the nation has spent the last 10 years living on dept from credit cards & getting morgages they could not realistically afford. Yet does anyone mention that? NO.

Also, the General Public basically let the Labour party do whatever it please over the last 13 years. It's like they did a deal with Politicians.

It's like the Labour party said, "We're going to erode your Civil Liberties"
And the Public said "OK, but can we still get pissed on the weekend?
Labour said "Sure"
Public said "Then go ahead"

Another example

It's like the Labour party said, "We're going to commit mass murder in Foreign Countries"
And the Public said "OK, but can we still go to Majorca for our summer holiday & get STDs?
Labour said "Sure"
Public said "Then when don't care"

So the Labour party erode our Civil Liberties & commited mass murder & what happened? They got voted in for a 3rd time lol. If I was a politician I would of abused my expenses, I mean I've got away with murder so who's gonna notice a Duck House?

But the recession came along & people couldn't afford to get pissed anymore or go on nice holidays and only then did they take notice of what was going on Politically.

It's like the Politicians said, "We're going to raise taxes & cut services to save the economy"
And the Public said "OK, but can we still get pissed & to Majorca & get STDs?
Labour said "No"
Public said "Well we can't have that!!!"

This country is screwed, no politician is honest & decent enough to lead this country & the public are to lazy to do anything about it.
I totally disagree with all that... when ever have bin asked by the goverment to do anything?

did they ask we would like to join the E.U. erm... NO, and not everyone lives with there flexable friend so i think that gives most people the right to moan about of the goverment is fucking up the UK.
I think apathy is a huge problem in our so called civilized world and action is defeated by polarization of public opinion.

Our Government has insidiously used immigration as a means to keep the populous divided and polarized so unreasonable and authoritarian legislation can be passed without organized opposition.

Look at what we have become! We march against war and are ignored. We have cameras on every street corner. Our youth are the worst educated in all of Europe. Our Prime Minister refused to investigate 7/7. Our soldiers have engaged in sanctioned torture. Some UK citizens are presently imprisoned indefinitely without charge or trial. Our police routinely carry machine guns in our streets.

What ever new Government comes to power, they will be subordinate to corporate interests at the detriment of the population. Fast tracking nuclear power stations all along our coastline will really improve things.
Mollo said:
I think apathy is a huge problem in our so called civilized world and action is defeated by polarization of public opinion.

Our Government has insidiously used immigration as a means to keep the populous divided and polarized so unreasonable and authoritarian legislation can be passed without organized opposition.

Look at what we have become! We march against war and are ignored. We have cameras on every street corner. Our youth are the worst educated in all of Europe. Our Prime Minister refused to investigate 7/7. Our soldiers have engaged in sanctioned torture. Some UK citizens are presently imprisoned indefinitely without charge or trial. Our police routinely carry machine guns in our streets.

What ever new Government comes to power, they will be subordinate to corporate interests at the detriment of the population. Fast tracking nuclear power stations all along our coastline will really improve things.

For a second there, I thought I was reading a thread on US politics. Same crap, different toilet unfortunately. We just add race, religion and abortion into the social wedge-blender over here and watch the corporations laugh the whole way.
AvP said:
I totally disagree with all that... when ever have bin asked by the goverment to do anything?

did they ask we would like to join the E.U. erm... NO, and not everyone lives with there flexable friend so i think that gives most people the right to moan about of the goverment is fucking up the UK.

It's true not everyone lived off their credit card, but the fact remains that in 2007 so many people in the UK did live off credit cards & loans that personal dept in the UK was higher than the entire value of the british economy. To achieve that a large bulk of the public were living on dept, this isn't a matter of opinion, left wing or right wing it's a matter of fact.

I don't think people have the right to moan. They were jointly responsible for the economic colapse in the country & their apathy allowed Labour to erode our civil liberties, destroy our economy & commit mass murder. And what's more you've got a large sway of the British people who are going to vote Lib Dem on May 6th under the impression that they're gonna get one over on Labour & the Tories. Yet it's going to be those same idiots who are going to moan when they discover the next day Gorden Brown is still Prime Minister.

Mollo said:
I think apathy is a huge problem in our so called civilized world and action is defeated by polarization of public opinion.


Mollo said:
Our Government has insidiously used immigration as a means to keep the populous divided and polarized so unreasonable and authoritarian legislation can be passed without organized opposition.

Again this argument is based on fact. The Labour party had an immigration document that actively encouranged mass immigration for political & economic benifits.

Mollo said:
Look at what we have become! We march against war and are ignored. We have cameras on every street corner. Our youth are the worst educated in all of Europe. Our Prime Minister refused to investigate 7/7. Our soldiers have engaged in sanctioned torture. Some UK citizens are presently imprisoned indefinitely without charge or trial. Our police routinely carry machine guns in our streets.

Infairness to AvP I think public apathy was sealed with the failed march to stop the war. I think after that failed march the public gave up on politics, can't blame them for that I suppose. But the apathy that was created as a result lead the way for the mess the country is now in.
FatherMerrin said:
I don't think people have the right to moan. They were jointly responsible for the economic colapse

Well yes most people have a right to moan and the public are not jointly responsible for the economic colapse thats why we have a "chancellor of the exchequer"

Wikipedia said:
The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the title held by the British Cabinet minister who is responsible for all economic and financial matters.
I've not seen an election this debated since 1997.....the one and ONLY time I brought myself to vote Labour. :x
AvP said:
Well yes most people have a right to moan and the public are not jointly responsible for the economic colapse thats why we have a "chancellor of the exchequer"

The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the title held by the British Cabinet minister who is responsible for all economic and financial matters.

Of course the public are jointly responsible, we are all part of society. You can't just expect the General Public to do what they want regardless of the consequences & then put all the blame on the politicians when it goes wrong.

No-one forced the nation to pile up a personal dept greater than the British economy, people made a decision to live a certain way & now we're dealing with the consequences.

People have to be responsible for their actions. That applies to Politicians, Bankers & the Public. You can't just expect politicians to do everything for you.
Then say that to people who have payed their taxes and never got loans etc.. and lost their jobs,homes and business, see what response you get.
But that's my very point.

Because we are all part of society the actions of one group of people affect another.

So you end up with a situation where someone who's worked hard at school, got a good job, payed their taxes & is a valued member of society can have their lives ruined through no fault of their own because of the actions of a reckless few.

I have all sympathy with the kind of people you described, that's why I'm so angry at the recklessness of the politicians, bankers & large sections of the public.

But if you've have a situation where Politicians deregulate the banks and the banks then take risks with our money & then people take loans they can't afford. When those people then default on those loans & the bank then goes under because it has no reserves all the decent people you described who have also saved money with that bank will also suffer through no fault of their own.

People have to realise that they're actions have consequences not just for themselves but other people. But it goes further than personal dept it's also about being informed about the world around you & the people who govern you & holding them to account.

But if you have an attitutde of "Just leave it all to the Politicians" you end up with the mess we're in now.
But when you say "society" is partly to blame you put the innocent in that circle too, theres only two people to blame thats the greedy banks and the govement for letting it happen the reasons why the govement didnt step in is becouse they was getting lots of taxes and they are scared of the banks that they would take the money abroad and stop lending them money too and thats the reason NOW that they dont stop the banks having the big bonuses, are you telling me "chancellor of the exchequer" and many other advisers didnt see it coming? i think so.
vote kitteh 2010

i think the next live debate should involve jelly and wrestling!
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