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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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I can see some people are starting to discuss the Coronavirus/Covid-19 situation on the forum, so we thought it was best to start a dedicated thread. Please discuss this topic here and not all over the rest of the forum.

DO NOT discuss: Politics, misinformation, conspiracy theries, your own medical opinions based on something you read on Facebook etc

DO discuss: Bond movie delay, other movies held back, TV, sports, your life etc

If you want reliable information, I suggest accessing your local government resources (e.g. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ in the UK, https://www.usa.gov/coronavirus in the USA or wherever you live) and reputable news outlets, not social media.

Hope everybody is okay. Thanks.
I feel like this is what is happening right now.

Didn't know if I should feel GODDAMMITSOMUCH or GODDAMMITNOTATALL so I'm posting this here, but due to coronavirus precautions my school DePaul also closed down school and moved classes online. I'm going back to Turkey and staying at least until September :/ It'll be super nice to be home, but man  :rolleyes:
Masirimso17 said:
Didn't know if I should feel GODDAMMITSOMUCH or GODDAMMITNOTATALL so I'm posting this here, but due to coronavirus precautions my school DePaul also closed down school and moved classes online. I'm going back to Turkey and staying at least until September :/ It'll be super nice to be home, but man  :rolleyes:

I feel ya! We’re working from home and distance/online learning for the kids for the next five weeks. It’s definitely GODDAMMITSOMUCH for me. All our spring break travel plans are canceled as well. We have flights back to the States in July and from what I hear from my State Department friends even those plans may be in jeopardy.
Moe_Syzlak said:
Masirimso17 said:
Didn't know if I should feel GODDAMMITSOMUCH or GODDAMMITNOTATALL so I'm posting this here, but due to coronavirus precautions my school DePaul also closed down school and moved classes online. I'm going back to Turkey and staying at least until September :/ It'll be super nice to be home, but man  :rolleyes:

I feel ya! We’re working from home and distance/online learning for the kids for the next five weeks. It’s definitely GODDAMMITSOMUCH for me. All our spring break travel plans are canceled as well. We have flights back to the States in July and from what I hear from my State Department friends even those plans may be in jeopardy.

Sounds rough, sorry man. I heard all flights/cargo from Europe were banned. Hope you guys can figure things out!
Gaith said:

Ain't that the truth :D . Judging by recent days I think all those zombie and Mad Max style movies have way under estimated how quickly society would break down in the face of the apocalypse.
I'm about to get an excruciating reminder of how crappy my home Internet service is.  And to top it off, I'll be using it to support others whose home WiFi is even crappier, trying to telework until one of the networks between them and their jobs falls over from the unprecedented load.

On the upside, I'll more than likely be doing it in my pajamas, eating nachos.
I'm not usually a fan of Vox, but they made this which is pretty helpful:
Coronavirus: A Guide to movie, TV, and entertainment industry updates

Wouldn't recommend their other articles on the subject, though. I'd stick to the ones linked in OP and whatever news outlets you trust.

This has been circulating around, has some good data and statistics on the matter:
COVID-19 #coronavirus Data Pack

Also, if you're Canadian like me, here's the official info site for us:

As people are encouraged more and more to stay indoors, I wonder if we'll see any rise in fanedit production...
Yeah, there's another team in Canada that's farther along than this one. Work on a vaccine is still estimated to take at least a year to assure it won't be killing millions/billions of people.

Don't mean to be a downer, it's still certainly a step in the right direction.
wilhelm scream said:

Can we also avoid posting unmarked links such as this where people have to click them to find out what the hell they are. Plus as I said in the OP, if you want info go to your own government information sites and not articles on pop-culture websites people don't know anything about, or whatever that is. Please fell free to post about how you are getting on personally instead. I hope you are doing well :) .
I work for a homeless shelter. I've been helping to draft an emergency plan in case we get an outbreak. 'Self-isolating' doesn't work so well if your home is shared with 86 other men...

Not worried for me, but hopefully I won't become a carrier and put my family at risk. My job allows me to work from home when I need to, which is a plus as all the schools are shut for the next two weeks.

Keep sane, keep safe, keep up-to-date with advice. Good luck.
TM2YC said:
wilhelm scream said:

Can we also avoid posting unmarked links such as this where people have to click them to find out what the hell they are. Plus as I said in the OP, if you want info go to your own government information sites and not articles on pop-culture websites people don't know anything about, or whatever that is. Please fell free to post about how you are getting on personally instead. I hope you are doing well :) .

I am. I just hope this won't affect the movie I'm making too much at the moment.
I have no school for two weeks because of this, so that's something. I have an abundance of free time.
Same here. Two weeks off, probably will end up being more. My sister has been sent home from university for the rest of the year.

I’ll probably work on some edits, although I do still have classes as my school has migrated online. I doubt the load will be as much, however.

Can’t wait to watch all the Rise of Skywalker edits!
We're taking all the proper precautions, washing our hands and singing happy birthday. Boris Johnson is a smart man :)

but seriously tho
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