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fanediting my house. . .

oh, man. i thought datil peppers were going to be awesome; as hot as habaneros, they're described as "fruity and smoky" in flavor, but what i experienced was a weird milky odor and aftertaste. . . and not milky in a good way, reminiscent of mothballs.

working on giving away my datil plants to others who might like them more; already gave away two of five.

next pepper to try growing: paper lantern habaneros.



topping my pepper plants seems to have increased yields. my topped vietnamese tear jerker plants (i previously thought they were thai) have grown taller than the parent, and they have more branch points. the parent plant (untopped) produced 73 peppers last year; the topped offspring are on track to produce 100-150 peppers per plant this year.

hornworms are voracious little bastards. within days they can raze the top of a pepper plant, and they're ridiculously well camouflaged. fortunately, some of my damaged plants are recovering, putting out new growth and buds.

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