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    Vote now in FEOTM Reboot Wave 1 tie breakers! December 2021 - March 2022 - May 2022

Flash (CW)

Those Prison Break actors suck the life out if this show. I hope they are gone soon.

I found them to be highly enjoyable. They brought a fun moustache-twirling over the top energy that you need for Flash's Rogue Gallery. Captain Cold in particular I thought was brilliantly portrayed.

Overall, I found the winter return episode did a nice job balancing all the subplots and moving the story forward. By silver age comic book logic, it was very entertaining. By Real World Logic, I kept asking why the police did not have snipers positioned on rooftops to take out the Rogues? :D lol

The hot headed guy's constant over the top yelling doesn't bother you? He was the worst actor in Prison Break, and his delivery here is offputting.
Okay, so last week's ep was pretty meh, but this week's ep was badass! :-D

... Though we now have a non-metahuman locked up in STAR Labs. Uh... guys? Due process? Rule of law? Commodes and meals? Exposure to sunlight? :oops:
Gaith said:
... Though we now have a non-metahuman locked up in STAR Labs. Uh... guys? Due process? Rule of law? Commodes and meals? Exposure to sunlight? :oops:

I completely agree with you. Especially when the police were already on the scene and they could have handed Piper over to them. Made no sense to me either.

The producers did hype this show would be the most "comic booky" tv show ever, and so far they have lived up that promise..... I love how Piper already had a super villain costume and name. Though the problem of writing a show about a hero as powerful as the Flash, (and it is a constant problem in most superhero comics too) are his abilities and skill level seems to fluctuate based upon the threat and plot.... lol. Last week our Scarlet Speedster could not disarm two villains armed with super guns but this week he used super speed to take off Pipers gauntlets --- TWICE!!! LOL!

If the Piper could hear the STAR gang on the radio frequency, why doesn't he know the Flash's secret identity, since they continually refer to him as BARRY on the radio.... d'oh!

And the photo with the gang in costume sans mask seems like such an obvious bad idea. You just know this is a plot set up for later in the series that will haunt them.

I did geek out at Wells using the term THE SPEED FORCE. It opens the door to lots of potential mythology, especially more speedsters.

So Wells is paralyzed but is using the Speed Force to temporarily heal himself? So is Wells the Reverse Flash who killed Barry's mom, or has he just acquired the yellow suit and other future tech? Mysteries.....
bionicbob said:
So Wells is paralyzed but is using the Speed Force to temporarily heal himself? So is Wells the Reverse Flash who killed Barry's mom, or has he just acquired the yellow suit and other future tech? Mysteries.....

Well, there is one theory regarding that: there are at least TWO Reverse-Flashes.

Last night's episode was again just plain fun and entertaining. Nothing too dramatic or storyline changing, the guest villain was just okay but show had lots of delightful character moments. In someways, this show sort of feels like a throwback show to straightforward action shows of the 80s but with more character/serial narrative.

Gotta say though, I did do a little fanboy squeal at the end with the tease of GRODD!!!!

Next week looks to be a good one....

I wonder when Felicity and Ray Palmer show up in Central City if they will meet Ronnie Raymond and comment on his strong resemblance to a certain emerald archer? lol
"The Nuclear Man" was another nice episode that successfully juggled many different plot lines.

I am enjoying the casting of Linda Park (though wasn't there another Linda Park in the pilot on the tv news broadcast??? I can't remember...) and her chemistry with Barry is great. I also love how they dealt with it in a fairly healthy way, with Barry fully committing and not secretly pining away for Iris at the same time.

The Ronnie Raymond/Prof Stein stuff was very cool. Barry's small universe meeting with Stein on the train (I had a good chuckle when Stein commented Barry looked too young to be a CSI...lol) was well executed. With all the various flashbacks to the day of the accident spread through the series so far, I think I see a fan edit growing --- "THE DAY OF THE FLASH".
And man oh man, every episode so far has had one truly amazing Flash moment, and this one was doozy! Out running a nuclear blast!!!! WOW!

And Dr. Well's motivations continue to be murky. And why did the camera linger so long on Wells rubbing the back of his neck? Is it a red herring or does it tie into Barry nearly getting shot in the back of the neck last episode? Is Wells an older version of Barry? Or maybe a version from an alternate parallel Earth? As the Flash is famous for introducing the concept of parallel universes to DC Comics, so it would be neat if this aspect was introduced.

The Flash is also famous for being able to travel through time, and based on Joe's investigation ( I loved the chemistry between him and Cisco and Cisco blindly defending Wells) and the promo for next week, it looks like we will see some time travelling very soon....

Next week's episode is gonna be awesome! Flash chasing Reverse Flash in the past to try to save his mother, takes the young version of himself out of the house and down the street, and gets injured somehow splashing some blood on the wall. I can't wait! Loving this show! :-D
bionicbob said:
Is Wells an older version of Barry?

I'm not so sure this is possible, just because Cisco did the DNA analysis of the 2 blood samples they found and compared it to Wells and Allen and confirmed only found Allen's blood matched one of the samples, Wells did not match either sample, and the second sample is still unknown. That throws a wrench into tons of theories about Reverse Flash, unless Cisco is wrong (either intentionally or accidentally).
I maintain the idea that we're getting a Flashpoint episode where Barry is powerless, comes to a world where he died, his mom is alive, and his dad is The Flash.
Nic said:
I maintain the idea that we're getting a Flashpoint episode where Barry is powerless, comes to a world where he died, his mom is alive, and his dad is The Flash.
That'd be cool.
75 years and still running....

Wow, is that pith helmet awful!
Gaith said:
Wow, is that pith helmet awful!

Oh, man, please don't hate the Jay Garrick Flash! I always loved it when he would appear, along with all (well most of) the Earth-2 heroes. Since I grew up on the Barry Allen/Hal Jordan/etc. versions of the characters, I was always fascinated by the idea that these other ones were out there, and then even more so when I found out that they really came first.

I had an oversized reprint when I was a kid that included many of the original origin stories, and I found everything -- the art style, the different sorts of storylines, and the emphasis on magical origins (probably originally an outgrowth of Egyptomania that swept the world after the discovery of Tut's tomb in 1922, coupled with art deco leaning heavily on mythological influences) -- to be so intriguing.

Speaking of mythological influences, technically, it's not a pith helmet (though I seem to recall there were plenty of those in things like Hawkman and Dr. Fate, with their roots in Egypt and archaeology); it's a helm or helmet of the type worn by Mercury, as in this particularly famous example from Grand Central Terminal (just a mile or two from DC Comics's offices, and probably seen every day by many of the artists):


Also, I was just rewatching the pilot of the 1990 Flash TV show, and I was surprised by a reference to a "Garrick St.," similar to what they've been doing on Arrow and The Flash with streets named after O'Neil, Adams, and Infantino. And one of my early theories about Wells was that he might be Jay Garrick -- seems unlikely now, but could have been cool.

BTW, can't remember whether I've mentioned this before, but I'd be very surprised if Wells's middle name didn't start with the letter G, since that would make him...H.G. Wells, the perfect alias for someone so obviously interested in time travel.
hebrides said:
Oh, man, please don't hate the Jay Garrick Flash! I always loved it when he would appear, along with all (well most of) the Earth-2 heroes. Since I grew up on the Barry Allen/Hal Jordan/etc. versions of the characters, I was always fascinated by the idea that these other ones were out there, and then even more so when I found out that they really came first.

I had an oversized reprint when I was a kid that included many of the original origin stories, and I found everything -- the art style, the different sorts of storylines, and the emphasis on magical origins (probably originally an outgrowth of Egyptomania that swept the world after the discovery of Tut's tomb in 1922, coupled with art deco leaning heavily on mythological influences) -- to be so intriguing.

I am with you heb, the golden age heroes of Earth 2 have always been favourites of mine. I used to love the Justice League and Justice Society crossovers as kid. The idea of not just alternate versions of classic heroes I thought I knew, but OLDER, aging heroes was fascinating. Writer Geoff Johns took this idea and wonderfully expanded upon it by exploring the concept of LEGACY Heroes in his brilliant run on JSA.

Anyway, the next couple of episodes look very exciting....

Very intriguing teaser, especially for the Mark Hamill episode. That they're actually using material from the old Flash series -- not just making him a different version of the same character, but actually using stills from the episodes themselves -- suggests a possible much stronger tie to the old series than we've seen so far (beyond even Amanda Pays reprising her role as Tina McGee). Could it possibly be setting up the idea that Barry is not the first Flash, but rather that his dad was (a variation of what Nic suggested)? Hmmm, could Cisco have mistaken Barry's blood for a close familial match? Whatever happens, it should be very interesting indeed...
This is looking all kinds of awesomeness.....

[MENTION=5719]musiced921[/MENTION] this one is for you.... :D

Wow that was great! Damn, I probably could have used that in my edits! Thanks [MENTION=4677]bionicbob[/MENTION]!
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