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Kang: Quantumania - finished

Wishing you luck with this as I enjoyed your previous MCU efforts , but this was the one that broke my proverbial back, After the initial rental, I'm only buying the films I enjoy going forward. I'm fine with an incomplete collection, it's not like I'm Benicio Del Toro ;)
I have two previewers but no detailed feedback yet, I'm sure they have life stuff to take care of so I'm just chilling out and waiting.
I do have the feedback that it's choppy in places, so it could do with some work, I'm just waiting to find out which parts are worse for this.
To be honest I've had a minor food poisoning this week so it suits me fine, I need the rest. :)
I have two previewers but no detailed feedback yet, I'm sure they have life stuff to take care of so I'm just chilling out and waiting.
I do have the feedback that it's choppy in places, so it could do with some work, I'm just waiting to find out which parts are worse for this.
To be honest I've had a minor food poisoning this week so it suits me fine, I need the rest. :)
I had to finish up tech week for a show I've been working on this week. SO sorry it's taking so long. I should have time to get you some feedback by Wednesday! :)
Much thanks to feedback , It was observed that it still seems that the family are in the dark about Janet's exploits, but the beginning sequence comes across like Janet has told them the full story, so I thought I could imply that Janet is merely thinking about this but doesn't actually tell them. I've tried to achieve this by adding in this small clip of Janet and Hope right after it, showing Janet not talking but hearing her words, so we assume it is an inner monologue.
Much thanks to feedback , It was observed that it still seems that the family are in the dark about Janet's exploits, but the beginning sequence comes across like Janet has told them the full story, so I thought I could imply that Janet is merely thinking about this but doesn't actually tell them. I've tried to achieve this by adding in this small clip of Janet and Hope right after it, showing Janet not talking but hearing her words, so we assume it is an inner monologue.
I LOVE this idea, and you've implemented it quite well - especially the first line we hear from Hope after! My only feedback is that the cut is a tad abrupt - not sure if there's any way to smooth it out, though.
I've fixed most of the feedback that I had for today. There was some question as to whether Jentorra really needed to be removed. I personally feel like she is an obvious trope with no narrative substance that serves the main story. I'd appreciate some alternate views on that if anyone wants to.

This cut from the restaurant to the skirmish in the village was said to be too abrupt. I've tried to iron it out a bit. It is still a jump cut, but I felt that a jump cut served the chaotic nature of the fights. In this case though, it jumps from Hope to Scott and Cassie, which could act as a firm establishing shot.

I'm not certain if this improves matters, so let me know what you think
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I LOVE this idea, and you've implemented it quite well - especially the first line we hear from Hope after! My only feedback is that the cut is a tad abrupt - not sure if there's any way to smooth it out, though.
Thanks for this. I believe there is. I put a blur effect on it and brought it into focus after the cut, and also shifted Janet's dialogue a mite earlier so it starts before the cut and carries it through.
Something that would help Janet's dialogue sound more like an inner monologue is if you put a bit of reverb on it to differentiate it from the next scene.

Also you could maybe insert a shot of her alone, to show her alone with her thoughts, before cutting to the convo with Hope? It almost works the way it is, but I'm still getting the sense that we're cutting to a conversation that they've been having.

I would try the reverb at the very least, that might do the trick.
Something that would help Janet's dialogue sound more like an inner monologue is if you put a bit of reverb on it to differentiate it from the next scene.
That's a good idea. I was musing on that earlier on.

I may as well post another clip. I'm not sure if this works though as I thought it sort of comes across as a memory rather than in inner monologue.
It occurred to me that this just isn't a good film. I've spent a lot of effort in trying to make it inoffensive 'as is', but making it inoffensive isnot enough and I'm feeling unhappy.
I don't think I'm satisfied with making it inoffensive. surely I should aim higher?
I think I need to analyse the story elements that are present and look at ways to turn this into something that I actually want to watch.

I was thinking one reason this film is underwhelming is that the soundtrack sucks. I can't think of any moments where it FEELS good. I thought back to the trailer, that really inspired me, and that feeling just wasn't present in this movie. This music really helped that, so I wonder if it's a good idea to use this music in my project?
I also need to really think about what elements need to be in there to tell a good story. I'm unsure if I even need to include Cassie's face-off with MODOK for example. So she's huge when she reunites with her dad, but do I really need to show the moment when she did that? The whole story of her being scared of the man dressed like a bee, that's all gone anyway, so that moment being the culmination of that sub plot is completely unnecessary. As for why she is huge? so what? She did a ton of other stuff off screen anyway, such as shrinking the cop car and all that. I reckon it's a non-issue.
This film sounds like a prime candidate for a drastic soundtrack overhaul.
I really want to. removing the current soundtrack may prove to be a big task though so I'm scared. I think the movie needs it though.
If you can't get a clean centre channel and need to rebuild some sound effects, go for it! You might be surprised how fun it is. It's a lot of work but very rewarding. Check out freesound.org and the BBC sound archives.
If you can't get a clean centre channel and need to rebuild some sound effects, go for it! You might be surprised how fun it is. It's a lot of work but very rewarding. Check out freesound.org and the BBC sound archives.
I don't have good hearing so unfortunately that's not my area. But if I'm able to get assistance like @ArtisDead said, then it might work out.
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