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L O S T - The Abridged Film Series

It'd be up to you. I think the version you sent me was great and others will enjoy it. But if you want to wait until it's all finished that's understandable. Since Info is down you'd have to try to stay on top of link requests from people who want to watch it.
If you still plan to finish the complete series of Acts before revisting and reframing Acts I - III then I would suggest make Act III available otherwise it's the only one that will be missing in one form or another.... Cheers.
I guess I'll submit Part 3 to IFDB now then. I wouldn't be good to randomly have the fourth film in a series completely missing from the roster. What will happen later on when I release revised versions of the first three films? Do I amend the listings that already exist or do I create another listing entirely? And what happens to all the reviews mentioning the annoying credits? Etc, etc, etc.

I guess this is why everyone says to make absolutely certain we release edits only when they're 100% done.
With IFDB the page owner can edit the information. when the new versions are done we'll add a note that some reviews refer to the previous release. It would be up to the reviewers to update their reviews.
Just finished watching LOST 1-Genesis and was thouroughly entertained! Now on to LOST II-Numbers! Thanks for sharing your vision with us.
Anyone still interested in this project might be interested to know that I had a great day of editing today. I figured out a way to chop another couple of minutes out of the fourth film, and also got much closer to pinning down the best way to intercut between the various plotlines that run throughout the season.

Believe it or not, this bastard of a cut is creeping ever closer to its conclusion (even though at times I've felt like smashing up my Season 3 discs out of pure frustration).

Good to hear you had a great day and this Act is creeping closer to the finishing line. As for anyone still being interested in this project well you can count me in :). Good luck and here's to more positive days......Cheers.
After another good patch of work, I've made some more progress on the fourth film. I'd say that the first and third hours of the film are now both 95% done. It's just the middle part that's stopping this release from being completed quite yet.

Joining the beginning of the season to the end is tough to do seamlessly, and the nonlinear format of the show (with flashbacks and whatnot) gives me so many options when figuring out how to connect everything up that I'm almost spoilt for choice. I can't decide which way works best.

For example, do I leave Locke's side of the story until after he meets up with Sawyer (like they do it in the show), or do I run his narrative side-by-side with the rest of the castaways? Each method gives me different options, and poses different problems.

It certainly is tricky...
Having finally received my new computer a few days ago, I've been able to put in a solid weekend's worth of work on the fourth film. I'd say it's 95% ready now.

Barring unforeseen events, I predict it will take another week or so to finish. If I add a couple of days for the encode and upload, I can come up with a tentative release date of the 15th of February.

The fourth film will clock in at around 190 mins (3 hours 10 minutes). Now this is obviously quite a lot, but it covers the entire third season of the show, and therefore amounts to a savings of about twelve full hours when compared to the TV series.

Alternatively, I could split the film back into two 90 minute features (as I had originally planned before discovering that a single film was actually a viable option, length-wise). Which choice would you guys prefer?


P.S. What a difference a good computer makes when editing!
I'm fine with a 3 hour segment.
Radzinsky said:
The fourth film will clock in at around 190 mins (3 hours 10 minutes). Now this is obviously quite a lot, but it covers the entire third season of the show, and therefore amounts to a savings of about twelve full hours when compared to the TV series.

Alternatively, I could split the film back into two 90 minute features (as I had originally planned before discovering that a single film was actually a viable option, length-wise). Which choice would you guys prefer?

I guess which suites you best...... When you first outlined this project you had quite a strong vision on how this would map out and gave each of the ten films titles again all of which were important to you.
I say if this was always going to be two films ('John' and 'James') then keep true to your vision If on the other hand it was only ever going to be one film then 'John' the forth in the series it should be.:).......Cheers.
I just posted a reply to an excellent and in-depth review written by mathew1965. The link to that review is http://www.fanedit.org/ifdb/compone...nedit-listings/tv-to-movie/932-lost-i-genesis

Since both the review and my reply discuss issues relevant to the project as a whole, I thought I'd duplicate my response here as well.

Thanks for the great review, mathew1965. You'll be glad to know I'll be cropping the credits from now on, and will go back and release the first three films in this new format after the completion of the series. I've also done some investigation of the audio issue myself, and have found the same strange problems as you did.

I'm currently in the process of figuring out the best way to fix the problem, and have come up with a solution that will probably work. By exporting each audio track as a single mono file, I should be able to avoid similar issues in the future.

I'll also apply a global sound reduction as well, since a few people's speakers don't seem to be able to handle the heavy bass of the films without distortion.

P.S. If anyone else is interested in writing up a review of either of my two formally-listed films (Genesis and Numbers), I'd be especially grateful.

How's the edit going? I'm still psyched to see this completed.
Hey. I'm back again. Shortly after my last post I fell into a total motivation black hole. Having finally escaped from the mire, I'm back in the saddle and am continuing on my way. Stay tuned for more details, LOST-fans!
I'm really interested to watch these edits :)

Could someone please help point me in the right direction of where I can find them on the web.

benroberts79 said:
I'm really interested to watch these edits :)

Could someone please help point me in the right direction of where I can find them on the web.


The FAQ and Using This Site might help.
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