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Ladyhawke RESCORED

There was no way to remove the original music without removing SFX or dialog. I’m crossing my fingers for you!
Maybe SpleeterGUI could do it.

Here is another preview! This is the ambush scene after Mouse escapes from Navarre with the help of Isabeau. This shows a combination of some of the original score hits that segue into the new score.

Password: fanedit
Another excellent job! (Do watch your export settings though - there's ghosting in the video).
Another excellent job! (Do watch your export settings though - there's ghosting in the video).
Thank you!

Just a heads up that the ghosting could be due to the settings on Handbrake when shrinking it to fit my free Vimeo account limit. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for any issues when the final draft renders.
Clips look (or rather sound) really nice. Keep up the good work.
I've made my first REAL cut today. I'm about 54 minutes into the film editing-wise and it's one of a few scenes where Mouse fibs to Isabeau about what Navarre says about her. I never understood the point because at least to me, there was never any doubt about their love for each other and Mouse takes on this role where he has to keep stoking the fire and lying to her. It's clear that Navarre never said much to Mouse which is why Imperius has to give him the whole story so he can fill in the blanks after discovering that Isabeau is the hawk. It just wasn't needed and something that was never expanded on.

This is a rare instance where the two main lovers are barely seen together and yet, we can feel their love for each other. We don't need Mouse lying and playing a type of "Cyrano" role.

I know it was mentioned before that I really don't need to cut anything (or at least hoped I wouldn't), but this was a plot point I always had a problem with.

I have approx 44 minutes left of the film (not counting credits). To put it in perspective, I am right at the part where the wolf catcher has arrived and found Isabeau. The attack on Imperius' compound went MUCH better than I had expected.

I have added some additional music where there was silence because, well, when I listened to the Lionheart soundtrack, I could "hear" where some of the music sounded like it could go and when they were paired together it worked so nicely.

Due to allowing the score to tell me where it goes, I made a decision to cut the dialogue between Navarre and Mouse about not believing in the idea of the curse being broken as well as Navarre telling Mouse not to tell Isabeau. As of right now, if I need to go back and change that, I will. The issue was less about the dialogue isolation (which was a little rough) and more along the lines of a (IMO) beautiful orchestral swell that led into a crossfade (that was in the film, not added by me) and the mood of the scene that preceded it.

Two additions I am planning:
1. An in memory dedication to Rutger in the beginning
2. I'm not sure the correct terminology, but at the end of the film I want to add in individual credits with a screen grab of each of the main players. This is not needed, but it's an excuse to hear more of the incredible score throughout the ending credits.

Now, something I'm toying with.....dropping the opening credits completely and instead superimposing them over Mouse's jailbreak. Willow opened in a similar fashion and I am going to review that film's opening titles again for some inspiration.

No previews at the moment. I don't want to spoil EVERYTHING that I'm working on. I'd like to get another preview together soon though. Maybe one more.

I am VERY excited about this edit and I hope that when it is finished, you out there that are following this thread will enjoy it as well.

Here is the last preview I will be posting. Please note that while the clip says 10 minutes, it's really like 3 and a half minutes (there was some issue when I was rendering it that I just didn't feel like deciphering after 3 tries).

In this preview, the quartet has formed and Isabeau is about to transform into the hawk and Navarre awakens from his wolf state. Not featured in the film, but I will be adding is a bit of a glowing/humming sound effect when the transformation is taking place (as heard in the clip below). This preview is one of the scenes where I heard this scene when I listened to the track from Lionheart and it married so well together that I felt literal chills when I watched the finished product.

Password: fanedit

I am around the 87 minute mark, which leaves me about 25ish minutes left of the film and still a decent amount of work to do. So far, there are 2 scenes where I have left the original orchestral music in place. The first is the confrontation between the wolf catcher and Isabeau/Navarre and the scene where Navarre falls into the icy water and Mouse jumps in to rescue him. The score didn't sound completely out of place and I didn't feel like I needed to do more work than was necessary. The issue had always been the Alan Parsons rock score, but I added some more flourishes of orchestral music along the way to round it out.

The ghosting in the clip is most likely due to compressing a 2 gig file into a 100mb one.
As I have been working on the final battle between Navarre and Marquis (sp?), I have been listening to the final track from Lionheart repeatedly to keep me going because it was that track that led me to this edit. I started to think back to how I even learned of this music and after doing some scouring of my old posts, I found it!

During talk of an edit I was working on of John Carter of Mars, I talked about maybe attempting to replace the music and was looking for recommendations. @hbenthow linked a YouTube video (no longer up anymore) to music from Lionheart back in 2014 with the track that I continue to listen to almost daily. I wanted to give a big shoutout to him for even recommending the music and to also share the track with you.

This is the track that in 2014 I found to be awesomely epic, but one day recently I listened to it and all I could picture was Ladyhawke. Here is that track for your enjoyment below. While it is a wonderful listening experience, if you want to get to that chill-inducing good stuff, jump over to 5:18 and let your imagination wander about the curse that brought a knight with the heart of a wolf, a woman with the valiance of a hawk, a thief as slippery as a mouse and a priest seeking redemption together.

Edit: Hmm, that last part might actually make for a good tagline for this edit.....

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Well, it's finished!


I have now gone back to look over some of the earlier scenes because about midway through I developed a method of attack for each scene and what they required with balancing, foley and everything in-between. Once I've finished going over more-or-less the first half, I'm going to render it and watch it on my TV to see how the sound translates so I can make further adjustments. After that, I'd like at least just one person to give it a watch so I can have an objective view and a fresh set of eyes and ears on it before it gets a release (not saying adjustments can't be made afterwards, but I'd like it to be the best that it can before it goes out).

Does anyone have a better title that "heart of the wolf edition"? If Navarre had anything to do with a lion, then it would've named itself easily.

A trailer will be coming soon!
Small update and looking for some technical help.....

I've had time to watch about 35 minutes (I took a break and got into the spooky season by watching lots of horror movies) and in most of the cases, the newly added music was too low! Good to know I can pump it up some more and that it wasn't the other way around. So far, I just need to replace one sound effect that I didn't like and add one I forgot to add because it was a last minute addition.

Now, for some technical help.

As was mentioned before with my posted clips, there is indeed a framerate issue. I'm using Vegas Pro 18 and the original file is 29.97 and that's what I've been trying to output and it looks worse. Any tips?
Unfortunately you'll need to go back and re rip your source at the correct 23.976fps. The output should match as well.
Unfortunately you'll need to go back and re rip your source at the correct 23.976fps. The output should match as well.
This, probably. The silver lining is that it will most probably line up with your timeline without you having to tweak anything editing-wise.
This, probably. The silver lining is that it will most probably line up with your timeline without you having to tweak anything editing-wise.
To be on ifdb it would need to be in the correct framerate. Also, it unfortunately won't line up as the base file used to edit has additional frames that will offset each edit.
@DigModiFicaTion I just double checked and the source file is 23.98 frames/second. I was mistaken in my previous post about how I was trying to write it.

I ripped the movie from the blu ray with MakeMKV, then I converted it to mp4 with Handbrake and making sure to select constant and original frame rate under the video settings and then edited that output file.

What are some recommended settings for outputting using Vegas Pro? I am looking for a stereo output and not so much a 5.1 surround file.
@DigModiFicaTion I just double checked and the source file is 23.98 frames/second. I was mistaken in my previous post about how I was trying to write it.

I ripped the movie from the blu ray with MakeMKV, then I converted it to mp4 with Handbrake and making sure to select constant and original frame rate under the video settings and then edited that output file.

What are some recommended settings for outputting using Vegas Pro? I am looking for a stereo output and not so much a 5.1 surround file.
Maybe you just have the project configured as 29,97? It can be modified in the settings option of Vegas (PM me if you wish for a more detailed explanation).
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