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Movie Club Announcement


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Hi everyone!

For those of you following the movie club, I apologize that our second movie of this month (Companeros) didn't occur.  I suffered a loss in my family.  My stepfather passed away after battling pancreatic cancer for the last 18 months.  It is a hard loss for me because we were very close and being stepfather/stepson was merely just a title.  He was the father I needed at a time when I was most lost and he has made me into the man I am today with his calm demeanor, his taste for the arts, and the way he could try and solve any problem.  When he received his diagnosis, we didn't think he'd make it to our sons first birthday.  He made it to two of them and along the way he saw his grandson learn to crawl, walk, talk and call him Pop Pop.  I felt very lost after finding out about his diagnosis, but while I miss him gravely, I know that he has given me a lot of the foundation to carry on and do for others as he had done for me.  I spent the last 18 months telling him I loved him and I wish I had spent the last 18 years doing so.

For our movie club, I'd like to pick back up with next month's Slice of Kurosawa theme on Saturday June 2nd.  If you watched Companeros, I do apologize about there being a lack of discussion on it.

Apologies if this was the incorrect place to post this announcement.
I'm very sorry to hear that, Ed. Thank you for keeping us updated.
Truly sorry to hear that musiced. I wish I had more I could say to you right now. He sounds a lot like an incredible friend that I lost a few years ago. Bob said to me "just remember all the good things he said and did for you", thats all I can say right now.  :cry:
Very sorry for you loss my friend.
My heart goes out to you, buddy. <3
musiced921 said:
he has made me into the man I am today

That reflects well on him then. Sorry for your loss.
condolences, musiced. may his memory live on.
My deepest sympathies and condolences, musiced.
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