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my own Indie Films

thanks throw :D glad you liked it :grin:

like most of my others, it's weird.... and definitely not for everyone...
but i enjoyed it...

i've got one that's a little more for a general audience coming soon....
This one is one of my favorite so far. I think that it i great visually, and think it would be great as a part of a larger piece. but as its stands alone, its quite nice too :) KEEP MAKING FILMS!!
yet another very weird little film thing lol

and for anyone bored enough (i don't see how you possibly could be), here is me talking about the making of my very first film, 9. and if you haven't seen the film, i've posted the youtube sections of it below....


and the film....
it's about 26 minutes total. is sort of like a twilight zone episode...

part 1

part 2

part 3
ok.... here's my latest.... just uploaded it to youtube today.... is about 10min long... and is simply called "videodiary".

:-o yowsa. i hope i dont run into this scary girl. nice one
thanks throw.... glad you liked it :)
yeah, hannah did a really amazing job.
was interesting, because for this film, i did not write a script. i knew the overall story that i wanted to happen... but i didn't specifically write everything out. i didn't even know how many entries there would be. i talked it over with her, and let her work on the character.... and for the night we filmmed it, i had 7 or 8 people there, other directors, actors, friends.... and we all discussed each each entry before we shot it, and worked everything out.... we worked out the different parts of her life, and the specifics of the story right before we shot each one..... and hannah just had to improvise each entry based off what we had discussed.... so i guess it was "directed improvisation" lol but she was really fantastic.... and i'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.... and of course, as always, rob did a great job with the music... i think it really adds to the film.
yep, the music really struck me again. Rob does great work.
yeah... he's pretty amazing.... doesn't really matter what genre of music i need... he can do it... any mood.... anything.... am very glad i have him to work with.... his music adds so much to my work... it's interesting how much music can add..... great music can make a mediocre film good... and it can make a bad film watchable.... and bad music can make a good film bad.... am very lucky i'm friends with him ;)
plus we've been watching movies together for almost 15 years now... we understand the same kinds of things about film... we i tell him something that i'm going for.. he gets it right away.... is nice to have someone like that to work with.... plus i help him produce his albums... so we have that to work from as well (his new album is pretty amazing, btw... you guys should check it out).
way cool lewis :) and yes, I promise to check out Rob's album
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