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Newton: 2d physics plugin coming soon


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This looks amazing, and it could change just about everything in terms of working with objects in AE:


I'm really blown away by the possibilities this opens up. I remember first seeing physics simulation in the trailer for what became Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, and I remember having a similar reaction in terms of what it meant for the future of gameplay.

Here, though, to have the chance not only to design a new environment for the characters in a film to inhabit, but also to have the environment be able to interact with them? And to be able to do all of this on a home computer? Seems like it might significantly narrow the gap between what ambitious-but-underfunded faneditors and big studios can do. Sign me up!
Could be interesting. One thing I learned the hard way about after effects that I wasn't impressed with is their frame interpolation. I wonder if this might help with that? Mvtools for avisynth does a way better job. Unfortunately it made some rotoscoping work I did look a bit choppy but I wasn't willing to start over just to use a different program to pre-frame interpolate the mask video.
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