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    Vote now in FEOTM Reboot Wave 1 tie breakers! December 2021 - March 2022 - May 2022

Parroty Thread

TV's Frink

You Catch On Pretty Quick
Reaction score
Trophy Points
I'm stealing this idea from another forum. Take an existing thread title and twist it to make it silly.


A Game of Thrones (SPOILER EDITION)




Please only post the revised title, not the original. And....Go!
Designing superman from snatch
Star Blazers! The Legend Of Orin
Blueyoda invades ms.inkblot's big apple.

Boba Fett craps,,,,,need I say more?

Awesome YouPorn videos.

Pet Reave #_________

Historical Recreations of Digital Places.
Unseen boobies
The Bris: The Expected Cut of An Unexpected
What are you fisting to at the moment?
Are there any LOTR fanedits that get dildos right?

story involving touching RON PERLMAN must read

100 Women More Attractive Than Frantic Canadian

Hey salt, do you like Neg?

blueyoda's money sale - give him all your DVDs!

TV's Frink's list of silly and/or ridiculous TV's Frink threads


Who Should I Do?
Neglify said:
Pet Reave #_________

This might be my favorite so far. But the fisting one is a close second.
Covers by Vogue

This Bong, that doobie

Bug retorts

Frink's sequel cutlist project

Need help combining multiple drinks without loss of quality

Random boobie thoughts

Random doobie thoughts
Vote for the Gay 2014 Fanedit of the Month
The Pot Help Spot
TV's Frink's Silly and/or Ridiculous penis
Star Trek Continues Featuring Two Guys I Haven't Heard Of
The Place Behind The Vines - The John Bobbit Cut
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