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Prism_Skywalker's Fanediting Support Thread

Rip the disc using MakeMKV

Convert MKV to MP4 using aviDemux
For Avidemux what audio channels does it need from the Blueray? The blueray gives 5.1 and DTS but Avide complained it wanted ACC3? Is that a issue with old versions or?
Okay so ignore what I said: I am about to get on to my latest specs and model MacOS computer and would like to know what software gets it done quick and quality wise. To get it into a state for editing, all I want to do is quickly and quality wise convert a Blueray from MKV to MP4 without suffering time and loss. @MightyAttackTribble @DigModiFicaTion
My previous post still stands, as it's the setup I use. Can't really make it any simpler without making a video.
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