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Random movie thoughts

its funny i never saw Patton as the villain just a catalyst or maybe an anti-Costner showing what Costner could turn into if he went down the same road as Patton, whereas the real Villain and Hero was Costner himself.

My take on the movie has always been that Costner was a bit pathetic, a drifter, a low level con-man going through life hating it but never really being bothered to actually do anything about it. and through the movie is taught (first by Patton and then a more personal Lesson by the woman and then the Pony Express riders) that self worth and standing up for things you believe in is a good and worthy cause and in the end make a big difference.

did Costner really need to take over three hours to tell this story? almost certainly no but its one of my guilty pleasures and if i need to reaffirm my faith in human nature i find this movie to be pretty good medicine.
nOmArch said:
never knew so many people hated the postman most people i talk to generally quite like it, at least more so than Waterworld.
That's weird. I've never even heard of anyone even remotely enjoying this film until this thread. As a general tendency, I don't think this impression is too far off. RottenTomatoes has an extremely low 10% favourable (0% if you count only top critics), and those 10% are mainly due to critics like the ones from "Spirituality and Practice" (praising its message of "hope"). Focus group criticism.

Then again, the user ratings are consistently higher at both RT and IMDb, so it obviously has some fans. And Variety (the only critics I actually trust, as they've seen EVERYTHING and seem to be above and beyond the peer pressure butchering that often happens to nigh-universally panned flicks (like the underrated Showgirls)) actually seemed to like it. http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117906 ... id=31&cs=1

I almost want to see the film now. Almost.
hollywood has finally created the best move evar, nothing will stop.....

theslime said:
That's weird. I've never even heard of anyone even remotely enjoying this film until this thread. As a general tendency, I don't think this impression is too far off. RottenTomatoes has an extremely low 10% favourable (0% if you count only top critics), and those 10% are mainly due to critics like the ones from "Spirituality and Practice" (praising its message of "hope"). Focus group criticism.

Then again, the user ratings are consistently higher at both RT and IMDb, so it obviously has some fans. And Variety (the only critics I actually trust, as they've seen EVERYTHING and seem to be above and beyond the peer pressure butchering that often happens to nigh-universally panned flicks (like the underrated Showgirls)) actually seemed to like it. http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117906 ... id=31&cs=1

I almost want to see the film now. Almost.

phew after all that research I think you should probably just watch the movie and then make up your own mind :smile:
Hah, that took me all of five minutes. As opposed to the three (loooong, if people are to be believed) hours I'll have to devote to the actual film. But I'm considering it. ;)
yes its definitely a slow burner, which is funny cos movies like that usually bore the crap outta but for some reason this one got under my skin. like i said its a guilty pleasure but the only way you'll ever know is by watching it yourself.

give it a try, take a risk you might be pleasantly surprised... or not. :)
About halfway through The Collector and I had to turn the damn player off... so god damn terrible, it's a joke. :p
And hey, Mr. Director: why does every shot have to be an extreme closeup, a super-slowmo scene, or a full camera tilt around the fricken room?! :x

Think I'll rewatch Fantastic Mr Fox again. :smile:
(plus it'll get that pseudo-horror bullsh*t outta my mind)
I watched Fantastic Mr. Fox over the weekend and wasn't impressed. It wasn't awful or anything, and the animation was done well, but it was a thoroughly uninteresting film. As far as I'm concerned Wes Anderson can just stop making movies now.

I started to watch Black Dynamite but fell asleep about 20 minutes in. This kind of movie can be amusing for a short period, but after awhile it gets very old and I just didn't care.
I found the same thing with Black Dynamite, its subtly funny but not amusing enough to actually make me wanna watch the whole movie in one go.
I loved how they got that 70's blaxploitation feel for Black Dynamite but it just wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be.
The Informant!
I liked this one. Damon was great, its not a laugh out loud comedy but there is alot of humor if you appreciate slow, dry, dialog based humor (ie. delivery, oddball lines)
worth a rent.

its also loaded w/ comedians not being funny - Joel McHale, Patton Oswalt, John Ennis, Smothers Brothers. The film has a Cohen Bros feel to it.
The 6th Day:


I liked this one when it came out back in 2000, and wondered whether it would hold up. Well, it does. The story is first-rate, with some very sharp screenwriting in that it's loaded with setups and payoffs. It's also pretty witty in parts, and seeing Arnold doubled is loads of fun. The rest of the cast is also great, particularly the smarmy but never over-the-top villain and Robert Duvall as a genuinely conflicted baddie. The action beats run a bit long, and a certain character is largely forgotten halfway through, but this is still a very fine futuristic adventure yarn.


Edit: I wonder... this is obviously not Arnold's best film, but could it be the smartest/most intellectual screenplay he's ever been in? Perhaps...

I watched this one last night expecting a complete disaster, which always seems to inflate my opinion of something. I rather enjoyed the story and thought Tom Cruise was decent - odd because I cant stand him in almost everything.

Granted the historical "true story" aspect I cant compare because I know nothing of this operation but as a "fictional" tale for pure entertainment value, I thought it was pretty decent. I really liked the camera work throughout and editing choices when Cruise was thinking of his wife/kids on the plane.

As usual the "American actors as Germans" bothers me but what can you do... (I guess I could go watch Das Boot again :smile: )

Just a few hours after I got back from watching How To Train Your Dragon, which is definitely one of the best films that Dreamworks Animation has done :) , what did I see playing on TV:

Sharktale, which is definitely one of the absolute sh*ttiest animated films put out by Dreamworks Animation. :p

Ah, irony.... love it or hate it.
are you crazy? bob deniro and will smith are SHARKZZZZZZZZZZ!

Armored -
decent film, it didnt really do anything new but it was nice to see a another 'caper gone wrong' film. The cast was good and the direction was competent. I had seen Nimrod Antal's "Vacancy" and remember thinking the same thing. I have hope for his "Predators" following suit. He deserves a successful film.

State of Play -
another mediocre corporate/government scandal plot that was solidified by its cast. I really enjoyed the film but thought the end was a little weak even if it was highly "realistic" in that there wasnt a big overblown hollywood finale. apparently this one was based on a BBC series but I havent seen that. Crowe was good as the grungy reporter and Affleck (who looks more and more like his brother) was believable and seems to get better with age.
State of Play, the BBC series, is amazing and everyone should watch it. Even though the cast seems pretty nice in the movie remake, the BBC cast is BEYOND. John Simm, Kelly MacDonald, Bill Nighy, David Morrissey, James McAvoy and Polly Walker in the same series = EPIC.
ooh me likey kelly macdonald.
she is so "average hot" :)

I'll have to see if I can netflix it or something.
apparently its Edge of Darkness good!

/nips off to amazon.
JasonN said:
Just a few hours after I got back from watching How To Train Your Dragon, which is definitely one of the best films that Dreamworks Animation has done :) , what did I see playing on TV:

Sharktale, which is definitely one of the absolute sh*ttiest animated films put out by Dreamworks Animation. :p

Ah, irony.... love it or hate it.

Why limit Sharktale to one of the worst by Dreamworks? Hell, why limit it to animation?
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