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Resident Evil Mega-Feature


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I'm plotting out an absolutely huge edit combining all 5 of the live-action Resident Evil films into an epic mega-film.

Basically, the endings of most of the films lead right into the start of the next film, sometimes even using the same footage. My goal is to cut all the credits and put the movies together seamlessly, some scenes at the beginning of 'Apocalypse' will come before the ending of the first film to give a forward idea of the destruction Alice encounters when leaving the hospital in the 1st films finale.

I dont plan on cutting out dialogue or adding deleted scenes, just linking the films to make a five film, roughly 8 hr epic.

Is anyone interested? It's gonna take a while to finish once I start, and i've got another project or two ahead of it right now anyway, but it might be worth a viewing for die-hard fans.

Just joining movies together is not considered enough of a change to the original movie's to be eligible for release on the fanedit site.
Moved to General FE Discussions.
sounds ridicoulously funny
would you cram all five films onto one DVD9 (or BD) or a big MKV file ? would that make for dreadful video quality ?
if the film epic is going to be split into separate discs that have to be swapped out with no distinct changes to the movie narrative to each, how is this different from swapping out each studio movie already ?
(aside from the obvious repeat of footage from one film to the next.)
if you can make other cuts to the other films, like side character subplots or over-blown action scenes that add nothing to the plot line, and reduce the total five film runtime to about 3 or 4 hours, you'd have something pretty cool on your hands.
but above all, you do what you want first.
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