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    Vote now in FEOTM Reboot Wave 1 tie breakers! December 2021 - March 2022 - May 2022

RR: Machete vs Predators

Apparently Walton Goggins of "The Shield" has joined the cast. I always thought he did really well on the show as his transformation from loyal friend to bitter enemy and somewhat back again was magnificently done. Here's hoping he has a substantial role and not just as a background actor such as his role in "The Bourne Identity."

Adrien Brody will be the lead role in Predators.
Danny Trejo should be part of it, too.

Brody is not my favorit actor, at all, but at least he is a good one.
Makes this project a bit more "serious", if possible.
:wat: interesting.

Adrian Brody
Alice Braga ("I Am Legend")
Danny Trejo ("Machete")
Walt Goggins ("The Shield")
Oleg Taktarov ("15 Minutes')
Mahershalalhashbaz Ali ("The Curious Case of Benjamin Button")
Louiz Ozawa ("Gigantic")
as well as Topher Grace (whom I HATE in almost everything - I am lookin' at you Spiderman 3)


Hell yeah!!! (as you say in english...)
I think they look too short w/ big bobble heads. :wat:
I hope the camera angles and post/effects remedy this.
Can't get excited about either film to be honest, even with the latest Predators on set pics i'm still not impressed.
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