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STAR TREK II: Wrath of Khan Redux - Fan VFX Replacement Showcase - Director’s Cut


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Details to follow in the next few days...

I'm hoping this one will blow fans socks off!!!

It may not be to everyone's taste, and might even incur some wrath in my direction, but I have long wanted to share this and now, with the myriad of changes and sources used, I think now is the time for this to materialise from my vault.


Details to follow in the next few days...

I'm hoping this one will blow fans socks off!!!

It may not be to everyone's taste, and might even incur some wrath in my direction, but I have long wanted to share this and now, with the myriad of changes and sources used, I think now is the time for this to materialise from my vault.


Live long and prosper 🖖🏻
Another missing…
Try again…
(4 words for posing )
BINGO...TITLE restored...

Update to follow with full details.

Dropping in November.
Is this caps in the title really necessary?
ST2 had 105 VFX shots excluding most of the viewscreen shots.

This version has 128 VFX.

75 Shots have been replaced including the famous Genesis sequence and 23 new shots added.

I have used a myriad of sources, 4 in particular, 11 in total.

I had previously made two versions of this edit which only replaced recycled shots from STTMP. One based on the Theatrical Version in which the new VFX were similar to the replaced shots by Hike animation. The other (derived from the Director's cut with the more sturated color timing), leaning heavily to DeLImited's Unity II project in which the shots replace Drydock with the Spacedock from ST3 onwards.

In both cases given the exclusivity of the VFX origins, I did not feel I could submit these, and thus they remain in the vault.

However, I recently shared these with a fell editor, and over the years I have ammassed a huge library of reimagined VFX shots from all the ST movies.

When I did a recent tally, I realised the only sequences I could not replace were the initial attack on the Enterprise (and even there there are a couple of new establishing shots), and the final Genesis device detonation shots.

So I decided to see if it would work. Together with many repurposed standalone VFX from other people and fans out there, I constructed this newer version with a plethora of sources.

Since we are in the artistic endevours of reimagining etc, I though it would fun to see what this movie would like with a more modern VFX sensibility.

I have also added many new establishing shots which the original was short off for VFX budget reasons.

I have also reinstated missing dialogue (the Turbo shaft scene and the references to Sulu's forthcoming command of the Excelsior)...and one or two more surprises including score enhancemnts using James Horner music which is not from ST2, but sounds very like ST 2. There is also some additional foley added in places and some VFX fixes of my own. There is alsoi a completely remade from scratch opening title credit roll.

That's the lowdown folks.

This is edit is comlpeted and is just undergoing QC checks.

More to follow including the full changes list.
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I was going to drop in the submission for this this past weekend.

I’m glad I didn’t!

I’ve only gone and located the 24 shots from the initial Reliant attack on the Enterprise! Not only that, this person hasn’t done any other Trek VFX…pretty much a stand alone...

In order to complete the Extended Godfathers and have time to polish this edit, this will now drop in December.

What it does mean is that 95% of the vfx are replaced. In fact, the closing Genesis explosion and fly off is the only sequence untouched.

I’m now adding 35mm film grain to these shots which are too clean in fact…. I’m also fleshing out some dead space with ambience and score expansions, all by James Horner.

This is a fun one to do.

I may even make available the recycled vfx replacement edit of the theatrical version in which I only replaced the STTMP recycled vfx in a style that mimics the original vfx ( if people really want that one as well). It does not use any vfx that are in this bigger vfx replacement edit..

Let me know…
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A few refinements and tweaks.

4 more shots replaced and a new shot created by yours truly to close the movie with.

Only 11 original VFX shots remain in situ taking the replacements to well over 100 shots.
I have done a VFX shot count (excluding viewscreens for the most part)

NEW VFX ADDED (as in new sequences etc) 32

% replaced 91%

Plus new opening credit roll and a few surprises...as in newly created sequences....!
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