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Star Trek Into Darkness

afaik Khan never wanted to blow up earth. crashing the ship wad just an act of desperation
Sunarep said:
afaik Khan never wanted to blow up earth. crashing the ship wad just an act of desperation
Kirk accuses Khan of intending to genocide the hell out of every race/people he deems inferior, and Khan doesn't object to this charge. Casual moviegoers would probably conclude from this that Khan would be quite happy to blow up Earth, as I don't think his dictatorial/political backstory is even mentioned.
Good. let 'em be defensive.
The whole wreck makes me highly suspicious of how left-footed and disneyfied the upcoming Star Wars will be.
At least Lucas is still alive, though I don't know if that counts for much.
Vultural said:
The whole wreck makes me highly suspicious of how left-footed and disneyfied the upcoming Star Wars will be. At least Lucas is still alive, though I don't know if that counts for much.

I'd say that counts for less than nothing.
Nic said:

From the article...

It had some funny jokes and it had things exploding in interesting ways. The title was dumb and it had third-act problems and nobody can really explain why they kept the Khan reveal a secret, but if you asked the average person in mid-June what they thought about Into Darkness, opinions would have been neutral-positive.

Box office aside, I find it too funny that these are the best arguments they can think of to question the backlash.
Its interesting how fickle public opinion can be and how it can change over time.
Totally agree w Gaith. (Not sure that has ever happened ;) ) Your points are spot on. And Iron Man 3 was a much better movie than STID.
JJ talking about his lens flare addiction.

I know I get a lot of grief for that, but I'll tell you, there are times when I'm working on a shot, I think, 'Oh this would be really cool… with a lens flare.' But I know it's too much, and I apologize. I'm so aware of it now. I was showing my wife an early cut of Star Trek Into Darkness and there was this one scene where she was literally like, 'I just can't see what's going on. I don't understand what that is.' I was like, 'Yeah, I went too nuts on this.'

This is how stupid it was. I actually had to use ILM to remove lens flare in a couple of shots, which is, I know, moronic. But I think admitting you're an addict is the first step towards recovery.

I think it's cool he admitted he overdid it. Here's hoping he restrains himself on VII.
I read that today, it was nice to hear this sort of thing from him, indeed.
The sort of thing Lucas never done. (except maybe when he had this "Han shot first" T-Shirt... but one could say that it was more like a "Fuck you" rather than a wink to the fans...)
It was definitely a fuck you.
Seems like that title sequence was pretty easy to do. I'm mindblown to find out it was all just Element 3D in AE!
^ Yep. "Hey, here's a movie whose whole plot is based around a crazy admiral's fear of Klingons, and a war with the same, to the extent that we retrofitted our original villain idea into Khan, because really the whole driving force of this story is tension with the Klingons, and then we totally invade Qo'Nos, and kill a bunch of Klingons on their own planet, and then everyone's all smiles and riding off into the five-year mission sunset!"

"What? The five-year mission? Wait, what about the Klingons?"

"What Klingons?"

"'What Klingons?!' The ones that were at the center of this movie's whole damn story!"

"Oh, don't be such a nitpicker. Spock Prime probably sent them a fruit basket or something. Don't stifle our beautiful creativity, guys!"

well that's the beauty of franchise storytelling - the klingon threat is not done with, but the federation stops actively pursuing war with the klingons so the friction might be weaker now.
Right now the klingon's seem more of a threat to starfleet because they don't know them and their aggressive culture makes starfleet uncomfortable. But that doesn't mean there will be a war

.... Sorry, what, were you guys saying something?
For the record, I have never once complained about Alice Eve's boobs.

Jeez, the amount of scripts of that was unbelievable.
I approved seven, then gave up.

Am I the only one using NoScript?
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