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    Vote now in FEOTM Reboot Wave 1 tie breakers! December 2021 - March 2022 - May 2022

Star Wars Do-Over

Should the Clone Wars Cartoon team be allowed to re-create the PT?

  • Yes, the Clone Wars Cartoon is much closer to Star Wars than the Movies were.

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No, for better or for worse, the movies are canon.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Yes, and while you're at it, have them redo 4-6 as well!

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll votes is visible for users with special permission.
  • Poll closed .
Ah, I missed that it was a quote from Ian, I thought you said it. Never mind....
I'm only going to reply to a few of these 'cause I don't want to start a war.

From what I've heard, the actor who played Jar Jar was originally just called in to provide physicality, but he somehow managed to do the voice for him also. Apparantly, he was said he was doing a lighthearted parody of his family or something, but this is all second hand, word of mouth stuff I heard, so I can't really claim it as actual fact.

Obi-Wan only pulled out the lightsaber in self defense. Anakin was the one who made the first attack. Also, no, Yoda didn't pull out his lightsaber first, Dooku did. I think the better complaint is that Yoda decapitated two clones in one scene, but then knocks out two guards with the force in another.

Yeah, George DID sorta drop the ball with Padme's death. However, when I watch that scene, I always thought "she has two kids and she still thinks that Anakin can be saved." The only plausible explanation I saw was that Anakin somehow severed Padme's connection to the Force. That said, It should have been handled better.
Screw it, I'll say a few more.

Never had much problem with Anakin's childhood, but yeah, could've been handled better. As for Anakin's mom, if Anakin was really worried about her in his dreams, he would've gone and rescued her. Probably should've gone and explained how Jedi aren't allowed attachments moree. That's what happens when you dedicate your life to a Buddhist like religion dedicated to the greater good of the galaxy. At least Qui-Gon made an effort

Not going to talk about the woman issue because I am not an expert on feminism, sexism, etc. At least there were women jedi and a badass queen/senator. It just wasn't a deal breaker for me.
Keep in mind that Gaith thinks Leia's "walking carpet" line was offensive to Wookiees. Seriously.

Not saying you shouldn't take anything Gaith says seriously, but he's had opinions that are...out there...from time to time.
TV's Frink said:
Keep in mind that Gaith thinks Leia's "walking carpet" line was offensive to Wookiees. Seriously.

I have a hard time with cartoons being canon. To me they are on the same level as EU books. Personally, I would like for Star Wars to go away for about twenty years then return with three trilogies written for an adult audience, not kids. The third trilogy should be taken from the Timothy Zahn novels with Thrawn in them. They should be full of violence and gore and GL should have zero creative input.
Horace said:
I have a hard time with cartoons being canon. To me they are on the same level as EU books. Personally, I would like for Star Wars to go away for about twenty years then return with three trilogies written for an adult audience, not kids. The third trilogy should be taken from the Timothy Zahn novels with Thrawn in them. They should be full of violence and gore and GL should have zero creative input.

I think GL is done with going for actual movies. If there's one positive thing I can say about the Clone Wars cartoon is that it's not just him working on it, so he actually has people to bounce off of. At least he's giving us something. I don't think Star Wars has to forsake a child audience, the Original Trilogy didn't have to do that. The only bit of blood we ever saw has Ben Kenobi "disarming" that guy in the Cantina, and it felt out of place. Star Wars can be dark without needing blood and gore. Hey, in Return of the Jedi we see someone get strangled and two people were actually burned alive in Revenge of the Sith, that is is you count Greivous exploding. If there were to be a new Star Wars trilogy, it should keep it's "Pixar" feel, aimed at children and enjoyed by adults.
^Let's not forget Uncle Owen's and Aunt Beru's skeletons burning on the ground.
I don't see why there can't be a more adult version. I'm not saying the addition of gore is necessarily a good thing, but a more adult based science fiction (space fantasy, bla bla bla) tale would be appreciated.

I agree that the OT was a great general audience movie. It's why it's lasted so long. Star Wars was not "aimed at kids, and enjoyed by all." It was aimed at all, and enjoyed by all. You don't have to dumb things down or make it slap-stick to have kids enjoy it, and that is where GL absolutely failed with the PT.

If he can veer off from the general audience and make more kid based SW content (hello Ewok movies), why cant he do the same for the adult audience?
Maybe that's what his Live Action series is for.
it would be nice, but it's highly unlikely based on previous rumors - but who knows.

a BSG (newer series, not original) toned series in the Star Wars universe could be great. But I do hope he stays clear of the Clone War era. We're beating a dead horse there.
If it involves badass normals like Han, Lando, Wedge, and Boba Fett, I'm all for it.

I know one thing we can expect from the Live action series:

PODRACING! Lot's and lot's of podracing!
reave said:
reboot the PT.
I've been thinking about this, ever since I got my Kindle...

I think a large segment of SW fans would be perfectly happy to see the PT rebooted, but let's face it, as much as the Clone Wars series fudges details and even minor plot points around the edges, there will never be an official redo. Fan edits can make significant changes to quality and pace, but they're still constrained to the general limits of the theatricals. And while fan films have been making very impressive strides, the scale and craft of full-fledged episodes will probably always be of that format's reach.

Which leaves?


Or rather, because of copyright issues and all, pdfs, to be read on e-readers.

In order to really reboot the PT and do the OT justice, someone, or -ones, is going to have to write it. On the downside, prose in one of the least collaborative mediums out there, so the number of people involved will necessarily have to be darn small, close to one. It'll be one person's vision, and anyone who doesn't like the direction s/he chooses to go with things will just have to deal. On the upside, however, production budgets will be limitless - apart from, of course, the ability of the author to take the spare time for work in the first place.

I don't see such a project being started until e-readers become as universally owned as cell phones, but we're probably not too far off from that point already. And, of course, it'll take a massive time commitment from whomever in question to produce even one "episode", let alone a whole new PT.

But, it's that or nothing, methinks.
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