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Star Wars Episode I: Shadow of the Sith by L8wrtr

or beg profusely. Eventually my plan is to trick q2 into creating a braching disc which lets you fanedit the movie on the fly. Before it starts it asks you a bunch of questions, and voila, a custom movie. Instant results and unlimited power.
TV's Frink said:
I think the lesson is, as always, you will never quite get exactly what you want unless you do it yourself.
Must have been hard for you before TRM.
Hello, people!
I just discovered this site a few weeks ago and am having a real difficult time locating any of these videos on this site. Even Googling the titles just leads me back here.
Plus, this edit looks amazing and would love to watch L8wrtr`s work.
Can somebody please help me out? I`m pretty savvy, but this is just a puzzle to me.
Do I need to pay somewhere?
Anyway, any help would be great. It seems like alot of people have viewed these and I would love to.
PM me or reply and thanks in advance! :)

You have done a marvelous job. Most every scene has been made much better. The whole edit flows together very well and doesn't scream fan edit. It seems that you made the choice to keep some of your pet peeves in your edit because continuity and a professional feel were of utmost importance to you. I respect that.

I also appreciate that you put lots and lots of effort into improving the worst scenes. They are a labor of love, and as such, you wouldn't want to see them tossed aside. In fact, cutting them altogether results in a cruder edit.

The alternative is a "hack job" with my personal pet peeves excised. The resulting crudeness bothers me less than some of the dialog that got on my nerves. I am not suggesting that you should have made these changes.

TV's Frink said:
I think the lesson is, as always, you will never quite get exactly what you want unless you do it yourself.

L8wrtr's edit seemed like a great place to start, for a newb like me. I hope that standing on the shoulders of giants is in the right spirit.
DominicCobb said:
Must have been hard for you before TRM.

TRM was a special case. I still wanted a serious version of TPM that I could enjoy, and L8's is close enough for me, for now...

wabid said:
Eventually my plan is to trick q2 into creating a braching disc which lets you fanedit the movie on the fly. Before it starts it asks you a bunch of questions, and voila, a custom movie. Instant results and unlimited power.

Good luck with that bro.
Rogue-theX said:
His name is TUVIX. Gawd! :mad:

Hey, let's keep the two worlds of Trek and Wars separate please.

Keep the worlds' a part! Do not let them collide!!!!:p

OK, I stayed away from this thread for a few days, because I wasn't sure what was going to be said next. But a friend just tipped me off that I should read it.

L8, apology accepted, and I am genuinely sorry for any unintentional hurt I caused. What I was trying to say (and apparently didn't quite get across) was that the scene is bad (the "are you an angel" scene), not that the editing is bad. My frustration at George Lucas apparently sounded like frustration at the editors, which I genuinely didn't mean.

I have seen fan editors do some amazing things that I didn't think were even possible. Just yesterday on YouTube, I saw Doc Brown shoot a cowboy hat off of Doctor Who's head, of all things. Frink rearranged the Watto/race scenes so that (quite believably) the scenes had an entirely different outcome, an outcome that (while also funnier) is actually more logical than the flow of scenes in the movie.

So all I meant was to wonder, out of curiosity, if any editor had tried to remove "Are you an angel?" I just knew that it hadn't been removed in the edits I watched. And these days, based on the amazing things I have seen in fan edits, nothing seems completely impossible. But I can understand why removing the "angel" scene would be more trouble than it's worth.

And for the record, L8, I think your version of Ep. I is significantly better than either the famous Phantom Edit or the just slightly less famous Phantom Re-Edit. :) I also really love listening to your commentaries!

Now that that's cleared away, I need some help from everyone . . . I'm looking for parts for a J Type 327 Nubian. ;-)

(BTW, to all you Doctor Who fans, I do know that he's called simply "the Doctor," not "Doctor Who," but it was too much explanation to get into in the middle of that paragraph.) :)
TomH1138 said:
I need some help from everyone . . . I'm looking for parts for a J Type 327 Nubian. ;-)

clearly a pleasure model. perv! :p
TomH1138 said:
So all I meant was to wonder, out of curiosity, if any editor had tried to remove "Are you an angel?" I just knew that it hadn't been removed in the edits I watched. And these days, based on the amazing things I have seen in fan edits, nothing seems completely impossible. But I can understand why removing the "angel" scene would be more trouble than it's worth.

Fall of the Jedi Episode 1 by Q2- http://fanedit.org/wp/15870/

It has been getting rave reviews, but I personally find it inferior to Shadow of the Sith because Anakin does not fly into space, and is no longer the hero of the movie, but just an auxiliary character. Some people really like this approach.
Thanks for the heads-up, wabid!

I haven't had a chance to see Q2's version yet because of the switch-over to the Usenet format. Not that there isn't a very handy guide on this forums about how to use it; it's just that I haven't had time to sit down and read it all.

Also, my computer has very little memory left on it (again), so I have to clear away a bunch of space before downloading anything new.

I'm sure there are some things that I'll like better about Q2's edition, and some things that I'll prefer L8's version for. That's the fun of fan edits - everyone puts a slightly different stamp on it!
For those with the BD version of L8wrtr's edit, I have been working on artwork for the blu-ray versions of all 3 films. I have ended up creating 4 different versions for each movie. The back and spine artwork are the same on all 4 with just the front cover art being different. Let me know what you think.





Those covers look nice dude. :)
It's a pity there's not more cover art options for l8wrtr's trilogy, they are by far the best edits.
Is there a resource besides Rapidshare for getting these I am missing? It's throttling jdownloader to 10kbs per second which, well, is a long ass time for all 3.
VoShay said:
Is there a resource besides Rapidshare for getting these I am missing? It's throttling jdownloader to 10kbs per second which, well, is a long ass time for all 3.

"Patience! Soon you will be with him."

And yeah, read the rules.
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