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Star Wars VIII - The Last Jedi

Gaith said:
Moe_Syzlak said:
there’s no doubt in my mind that the intent was to have Luke (and Yoda) acknowledge that the dogma of the Jedi needed to end.

Sure, but the problem is we never saw to what extent Luke tried to incorporate PT-era dogma into his temple, if at all. And surely not all dogma - such as the general frowning upon mass murder on a planetary scale - is worth discarding? Or are we to assume that Luke drove Kylo to the Dark Side by imposing a vow of celibacy on him? :p
Fine point. I’m not inclined to have to have every single thing shown. And a troubled boy with baggage who reads too deeply into dogma is not unprecedented in history. It doesn’t need to be Jedi dogma exclusively that corrupts Ben. I prefer my Star Wars to be broad stroke myth rather than over-explained EU nonsense.

And is opposition to genocide generally considered dogma?! Does one have to be an adherent to a religious dogma to find that abhorrent?
^ Eh, don't mind moi, I'm just being a smartass. ;)
theforce said:
Hackfraud Media’s “Fake Mr. Plinkettl review of The Last Jedi.

Hilarious review which The real mr plinkett from Red Letter Media should have done.

Star Wars The Last Straw Part 1

Star Wars The Last Straw Part 2
Gaith said:
Because this kind of sh*t is catnip to me, I watched just over an hour of the first part. It's pretty mediocre. There are some good insights, but only a few, and not nearly enough to justify the runtime. For TLJ criticism, I think I'll stick with RLM's splendid Half in the Bag review, and the "Unbridled Rage" review.
theforce said:
Actually, part 2 is way better and more insightful...I found RLM prequel bashing far more insulting and degrading.....to each their own

Welp, because I'm an absurd person, and because I like to put on absurd talking stuff while doing my indoor exercises, I just finished Part 2 in segments, and I agree, there was a lot of good stuff there. The bit starting at 41:06 about how useless Yoda's fortune cookie wisdom was, followed by the mashup of Luke being chastised by (James Earl Jones as) Anakin to remember who he was, was particularly excellent. (As for BB-8 "blowing" his own "gun" after shooting the coins... I'd mercifully forgotten all about that since my one viewing. I... never mind. Just Oy.) :p
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