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Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles

Can anyone explain the graffiti and the girl taking it personal from tonight's episode?
Maybe I'm thick, but I didn't get it.
DoctorM said:
Can anyone explain the graffiti and the girl taking it personal from tonight's episode?
Maybe I'm thick, but I didn't get it.
The graffiti showed her having sex with some teacher named Dan or something. I think. Not sex necessarily, but they pretty much pointed to the fact that the two were having a relationship.
beckmen said:
OK, so the second episode was a massive improvement.
I don't agree....

It was okay, but nothing special. I was not impressed with it. Enrique Salceda looked really out of place and nothing like he was in Terminator 2.

I stumbled on some plotholes and thoughts that bothered me. I will post them, so beware... SPOILERS

1) Enrique Salceda. Like I said, the way he is portrayed right now doesn't fit at all with the character shown in T2. Now he suddenly lives in a nice house, he is retired, and he sells out Sarah to the cops. Are we still talking about the same Enrique who helped Sarah when she was pregnant with John? When she needed guns and training? When they were comrades? This is a complete 180 degrees turn with the characters. Now he is a rat and works together with the police authorities, selling out sarah to them? Enrique was always someone who live and die in freedom. He would never betray his friends and comrades. He would spit on the police, not help them. For me, this character potrayal was completey wrong. I dislike it.

2) Terminators in our time. So Cameron explains there are more Terminators in our present world. Like spiders in internet. Cameron says that they don't know John Connor. If they would find out what he looked like, they would come after him. But they don't know what he looked like. Euh, major problem here: John's uses a search engine and the FIRST HIT displays a picture of him of the bank "robbery". So I don't know if these Terminators are still using the good old paper phonebook, but assuming they know about the internet, I would say they would use that and find a picture of him and thus know what he looks like and start the hunt... a major plothole in my opinion.

3) What I find weird is the body of the Endoskeleton has just been dumped on metal dump, and after 7 years still hasn't been reduced to a package of metal. Also, if they would find such an advanced piece of robotics in a bank vault, why they did dump it? I mean, the T1 deleted scene in the factory shows that companies are really interested in this kind of left-overs So I'm really questioning why it was dumped and why it was not reduced already...

4) About Sarah and her desease, for me this hints to the T3 timeline. So logical thinking, may I assume that Cameron Philips is actually from the T3 timeline? Sarah died in the T3 timeline and Cameron knows about it. So would the next logical thought be that Cameron has been send from the period after T3, meaning she comes from the T3 timeline?

5) Why did the evil Terminator scan Cameron so late and not immediately when they started fighting? Also trying to escape her sounds a bit weak, but perhaps it's their programming as "spiders". Collect data and stay alive so the future Skynet can receive it. Also, why didn't Cameron notice this Terminator between the dead humans?

6) How could the Terminator head travel through time when it's not wrapped in flesh?

I'm still not sure what to think about the idea of the Endoskeleton functioning without the head attached it. I know that these T-888's are triple-core (3 CPU's), and they will have some upgrades etc. Still I think I will have to get used to that idea.

Nice hint though to the T2 deleted scene of hiding something behind a poster. I would have expected a Terminator to find that really quickly with its scanning, especially if these T-888's have various forms of scanning as shown with Cromartie.
I'm not a hard and fast Terminator know-it-all... but 3/4 of your complaints I was biting my tongue over while I was watching the show.

If casual fans catch on to these issues, I can't imagine the hardcore community is very happy.

And what the heck kind of Terminator IS Cameron if she couldn't be identified?.... Don't tell me, it's about the only reason I'm still watching.
DoctorM said:
And what the heck kind of Terminator IS Cameron if she couldn't be identified?.... Don't tell me, it's about the only reason I'm still watching.
I spoke to one of the writers of the show (he is on our Terminator forum as a member), and he told me her model and make will be revealed slowly during the season.
DoctorM said:
Before I look... are there spoilers?
No. It's more of a joke actually.

messenjah14 said:
I don't get it.
I had a pic of me as Terminator. Someone gave me a program with which I could let this picture move and say some lines. So I did this with my pic and thought it was funny to post here. :)
TV Guide's Michael Aussiello reports:
Scoop! Sarah Connor Bulking Up for Season 2

It looks like she'll be back.

I'm hearing that Fox's in-limbo Sarah Connor Chronicles has quietly begun staffing up for the fall. According to insiders, Fox has given producers the green light to start booking directors for next season's first three episodes. While this is no guarantee that SCC is returning , it's obviously a very good sign.

A Fox spokesperson, meanwhile, maintains that, "No decision about a second season has been made yet."
Ausiello brings us more today:

Scoop: Apocalypse Averted... Sarah Connor Renewed!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled weekend activities to bring you this urgent public service announcement: She'll be back!

Although Fox declined comment, multiple sources confirm to me exclusively that Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles has been renewed for a second season.

You may now resume your regularly scheduled weekend activities.
Man the last few episodes have been really good. This past weeks was one of my favorites and the finale looks promising.
Anybody else tough it out through the lackluster season 2 beginnings and enjoying the last few eps?
I have seen them all except the latest one.
There were 3 or 4 episodes mid-season that were pretty lame. Sarah's nightmares at the clinic, chasing ufos... lame...

The last few episodes have been really good though. I'm finding John's development into a leader very good, Cameron is mysteriously changing somehow, Derek's experiences in the future are cool, and last but not least... the Cromartie's situation has huge potential.

I gotta admit, the last few episodes are the first time that "John Connor" has been shown to be a strong character capable of being a leader.
I will have to dive back in. Last I saw was the first and second eps after it came back on the air. I'll give the new ones some hulu hits, see what's good.
I should have guessed you watched it ab5stract, what with your season 1 cromartie avatar :)
IMO season 2 really started off sketchy and followed a "2 shit episodes for every 1 good one" for a long while. There have been a few instances where it looked like the show was getting on track (John in Mexico) but only in the last 4-5 episodes has it been consistently decent. Especially the "submarine" eps...
Its not great TV, but its at least interesting.
Yep, I still watch and enjoy the show. They really floundered in the middle of the season, but it feels back on track now. Hopefully they get renewed and learn from their mistakes. The last two or three eps have been really great.
I have a question... spoilers below...

In episode 16, I thought the scenes with Sarah captured was a dream and the sleep clinic scenes were real... but it must be the other way around... the sleep clinic is the dream sequence... right?

I didn't pay that much attention at the time because I thought the episode was stupid and off track but if the capture was real, then it's a better episode, but how was it that Winston wasn't already dead, since Sarah shot him during their struggle in his first appearance in epidode 13.
zeppelinrox said:
the sleep clinic is the dream sequence... right?
I didn't pay that much attention at the time because I thought the episode was stupid and off track
Yes, it was. :)
but how was it that Winston wasn't already dead, since Sarah shot him
Being shot does not equal automatic death.
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