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The Adventures Of Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates Of The Caribbean Fanedit series)

Dear TM2YC (which I only just realised is an abbreviation of Take Me to Your Cinema):

The following is a list of all my suggestions for your workprint of Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End. Feel free to use any or all of them, at your discretion.

1. Remove the entire Sao Feng confrontation. Cut directly from Beckett's meeting to the gang traversing the arctic waters (time cut: approx 15 mins). We don't need to know how they get the boat or the map, and that whole Singapore segment just DRAGS no matter what you do to it.

2. Remove the discussion of the map ("Over the edge, over again") time cut approx 2:30 mins
This is a world in which the fantastic can happen. We don't need a map or a whole bunch of exposition to tell us that.

3. Remove the brief reaction shot of the now unnamed Singaporean pirate ("Impossible!"). Time cut 2 seconds
Since we've removed the Sao Feng confrontation, this guy is now just some random guy. To have him say something now is a little weird.

4. Remove the brief shot of Barbossa saying "Where you goin' Jack." Time cut approximately 10 seconds
The aim here is to remove all reference to the map. We just don't need it.

5. Remove the "over the edge" scene. Transition directly from the comedic "why is all but the rum gone" scene to Will talking about the fresh water spring. Time cut approx 6:30
This scene is not necessary to the plot. With it removed, we can just assume that Davey Jones' locker connects up with the "real world" in a more traditional manner.

6. Remove Will's reference to "getting back to shooting eachother later." Time cut approximately 5 sec
With the Mexican standoff removed, this dialogue now makes no sense. By removing that standoff, we also help simplify the crazy backstabbing that exists in the original film. This is a simple pirate movie, and should not be so difficult to follow as the creators made it.

7. Remove Pintel lifting up the dead body in the water and referring to Singapore. Instead, we cut straight from Barbossa saying the water is poisoned to the little pirate alerting them of the incoming ship. Time cut approx 10 sec
Since we now no longer see the Singapore confrontation, we should remove as many references to it as possible.

We now reach a problem. Since we omitted the original Sao Feng confrontation, this is the first time we see him. But since we also don't know who he is at the start of the original film, we're only moving the introduction of his character to a later point. Is it worth it? I think so. The alternative would of course be to keep the Sao Feng confrontation, which might be worth it since then the map, the Brethren Court and Sao Feng are given a better introduction.

8. Remove the scene in which Tia Dalma and Barbossa argue about their pact. Instead cut directly from the establishing shot of Shipwreck cove, to the Black Pearl's entrance into the Devil's Throat. Time cut approx 1:05 mins.
Dalma's identity as Calypso is already heavily implied, and to state it so bluntly is kind of pointless and robs the film of some subtlety. It also is yet another example of AWE's incessant use of deception and conniving agreements, most of which are unnecessary and ultimately pointless.

9. Jack Sparrow's escape from the brig seemed a little choppy. I didn't get out my DVD to check how this happens in the original (was it Bootstrap who frees him?), but suffice it to say I think that part should be given a little more time.

10. Cut out the silly marriage sequence. Instead transition directly from the Black Pearl being boarded, to the little pirate shooting his big gun. Time cut approx 2:30 min
This battle sequence is interminable. Anything we can do to shorten it would be fantastic. With a bit of extra effort, you could probably trim this whole fight down by another minute or two as well.

11. Remove Will's father saying "The Dutchman must have a captain." Time cut approx 5 sec
I think this scene would play better without words. We know what is happening; we don't need to have it explained to us.

12. Remove Will's father talking about the "steep price." Time cut approx 20 sec
Again, I think this scene would play better without words. We know just by looking at Will and Elizabeth's faces what they've sacrificed. We don't need to be told it so explicitly. In fact, Will looking off into the distance could even be the last shot of the film.

13. Move the scene between Elizabeth and Will to after the credits (or even remove the scene entirely). It disrupts the sacrifice to have them able to see each other again so soon. My preference would be to remove the "Ten Years Later" epilogue and replace it with this scene. Time cut by removing the epilogue is approx 1 min

14. Remove the scene of Jack and Gibbs discovering the theft of the ship.
Again, the film is essentially over, and to have a comedic scene at the end wrecks the feeling of sacrifice that should exist following Will's death. Of course if you plan on leading into the fourth film, you may want to keep the scene. You may also consider moving this scene to the beginning of On Stranger Tides. Time cut approx 4 mins

With all of these suggestions, we move from a running time of 2:18 (138 mins) to an unbelievably streamlined 1:50 or so (110 mins). Even with the inclusion of the Sao Feng confrontation, we still end up with a two hour film.

Hopefully some of my suggestions are of use to you. I know that a few of them may seem very extreme, but nevertheless I hope you consider them when making your final cut.

Finally, I'd like to suggest three alternate titles (some of which have already been suggested, either by me or by others):

Captain Jack Sparrow and the Song of the Brethren Court (which you're already using)
Captain Jack Sparrow and the Gathering of the Brethren Court
Captain Jack Sparrow and the Gathering of the Seven Seas
Captain Jack Sparrow and the Hoisting of the Colors

Humbly yours,

PS This film was eminantly more watchable with all the alterations you've made. To be honest though, it still dragged a lot, which is why I think making some of the (admittedly very bold) cuts I've suggested might be to your advantage.
Thanks for taking the time with this again :).

Radzinsky said:
Dear TM2YC (which I only just realised is an abbreviation of Take Me to Your Cinema):

The following is a list of all my suggestions for your workprint of Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End. Feel free to use any or all of them, at your discretion.

1. Remove the entire Sao Feng confrontation. Cut directly from Beckett's meeting to the gang traversing the arctic waters (time cut: approx 15 mins). We don't need to know how they get the boat or the map, and that whole Singapore segment just DRAGS no matter what you do to it.

I'd considered that in the beginning (Because as you say it would be fairly easily removed) but as Chow is the best thing in the film I really wanted to keep it (Shame he isn't in more of AWE, wielding the Green Destiny Sword in the final battle or some sh*t like that). Also it does contain alot of needed exposition about all the Pirate Court stuff, pieces of 8 and introducing the ship and crew from Singapore. Just one example, why in the nine hells would the now presumtively hired Chinese crew suddenly turn on our heroes? Despite the exposition it's got some fun moments and the dock battle sets up the danger from Beckett because he isn't going to really pose a threat for the rest of the movie otherwise. Finally my whole new opening sequence has Beckett talking about Singapore so that would have to go too :sad:.

Radzinsky said:
2. Remove the discussion of the map ("Over the edge, over again") time cut approx 2:30 mins
This is a world in which the fantastic can happen. We don't need a map or a whole bunch of exposition to tell us that.

We need to know about the map because it sets up the next film, is in the next film, is key to the end of the movie, and is a plot point in the Locker Beach scene.

Radzinsky said:
3. Remove the brief reaction shot of the now unnamed Singaporean pirate ("Impossible!"). Time cut 2 seconds
Since we've removed the Sao Feng confrontation, this guy is now just some random guy. To have him say something now is a little weird.

I like that somebody says "Impossible!" because that's we the audience are thinking. Plus see above.

Radzinsky said:
4. Remove the brief shot of Barbossa saying "Where you goin' Jack." Time cut approximately 10 seconds
The aim here is to remove all reference to the map. We just don't need it.

Jack needs a reason to forgive/tolerate all these people who've various betrayed him and killed him. Plus as above the map has to stay IMO.

Radzinsky said:
5. Remove the "over the edge" scene. Transition directly from the comedic "why is all but the rum gone" scene to Will talking about the fresh water spring. Time cut approx 6:30
This scene is not necessary to the plot. With it removed, we can just assume that Davey Jones' locker connects up with the "real world" in a more traditional manner.

This edit could done but I think the main problem with AWE is it isn't fun and/or silly enough, the length is of course the second biggest problem. Removing a ship being flipped upside down and all our heroes drawing pistols on each other Reservoir Dogs style would certainly shorten the film, but make it alot less memorable too. Plus I think plummeting down a chasm into infinity on the way in and just sailing back out of the locker would be jarring even to a first time viewer.

btw you might have forgotten but when will is "talking about the fresh water spring" he's showing them it's location on the map :p

Radzinsky said:
6. Remove Will's reference to "getting back to shooting eachother later." Time cut approximately 5 sec
With the Mexican standoff removed, this dialogue now makes no sense. By removing that standoff, we also help simplify the crazy backstabbing that exists in the original film. This is a simple pirate movie, and should not be so difficult to follow as the creators made it.

"This is a simple pirate movie, and should not be so difficult to follow as the creators made it." 100% agree but a modest ammount of double crossing is good. These are Pirates not Saints. Plus see above answer.

Radzinsky said:
7. Remove Pintel lifting up the dead body in the water and referring to Singapore. Instead, we cut straight from Barbossa saying the water is poisoned to the little pirate alerting them of the incoming ship. Time cut approx 10 sec
Since we now no longer see the Singapore confrontation, we should remove as many references to it as possible.

This might work, tricky but maybe. The body reference by Pintel does point to a small deleted Singapore segment if I remember correctly and also hinges on the audience remembering Sao Feng's bone dagger thing. I'll see if it can be done.

Radzinsky said:
We now reach a problem. Since we omitted the original Sao Feng confrontation, this is the first time we see him. But since we also don't know who he is at the start of the original film, we're only moving the introduction of his character to a later point. Is it worth it? I think so. The alternative would of course be to keep the Sao Feng confrontation, which might be worth it since then the map, the Brethren Court and Sao Feng are given a better introduction.

IMO it already felt like madness to kill Sao Feng so early, easily and quickly so having him die almost instantly would be much worse. Plus him naming Elizabeth as the new Pirate Lord was a stretch anyway and it would be even more so if he was a mere cameo character.

Radzinsky said:
8. Remove the scene in which Tia Dalma and Barbossa argue about their pact. Instead cut directly from the establishing shot of Shipwreck cove, to the Black Pearl's entrance into the Devil's Throat. Time cut approx 1:05 mins.
Dalma's identity as Calypso is already heavily implied, and to state it so bluntly is kind of pointless and robs the film of some subtlety. It also is yet another example of AWE's incessant use of deception and conniving agreements, most of which are unnecessary and ultimately pointless.

I desperately wanted to cut this weak expositon scene but of course since the next time we see her she is in chains, I think you'll agree it would be impossible. Plus the exposition is sadly needed.

Radzinsky said:
9. Jack Sparrow's escape from the brig seemed a little choppy. I didn't get out my DVD to check how this happens in the original (was it Bootstrap who frees him?), but suffice it to say I think that part should be given a little more time.

It's a little abrupt I know but it is what it is. I've spent along time getting it to flow right however brief it now is. Jack originally spends the scene talking to the mini CGI Jacks which I hate so much that I wouldn't bother with the edit if I hadn't removed them (They are gone from all four scenes that they featured in). They are in almost every shot so removal was near impossible but I managed it somehow :D.

Radzinsky said:
10. Cut out the silly marriage sequence. Instead transition directly from the Black Pearl being boarded, to the little pirate shooting his big gun. Time cut approx 2:30 min
This battle sequence is interminable. Anything we can do to shorten it would be fantastic. With a bit of extra effort, you could probably trim this whole fight down by another minute or two as well.

I'll take another look at trimming any further fat from the battle but as I've already said a lack of action is a problem in AWE. Removing the wedding is not gonna happen, it's the only scene in AWE that felt like the kind of crazy fun we had in DMC (e.g. the 3 way mil-wheel sword fight).

Radzinsky said:
11. Remove Will's father saying "The Dutchman must have a captain." Time cut approx 5 sec
I think this scene would play better without words. We know what is happening; we don't need to have it explained to us.

Interesting. I'll look into that one and give it a try. I liked the "The Dutchman must have a captain." line but we'll see.

Radzinsky said:
12. Remove Will's father talking about the "steep price." Time cut approx 20 sec
Again, I think this scene would play better without words. We know just by looking at Will and Elizabeth's faces what they've sacrificed. We don't need to be told it so explicitly. In fact, Will looking off into the distance could even be the last shot of the film.

Again interesting ideas. We need to have the Bootstrap plotline resolved so I suspect that I won't cut it though.

Radzinsky said:
13. Move the scene between Elizabeth and Will to after the credits (or even remove the scene entirely). It disrupts the sacrifice to have them able to see each other again so soon. My preference would be to remove the "Ten Years Later" epilogue and replace it with this scene. Time cut by removing the epilogue is approx 1 min

Another interesting suggestion but pushing this scene back might make the already abrupt cut to Jack on the Dock the next day (Without explanation) even more so. Plus it would suggest that Will and Elizabeth spent two days together.

Radzinsky said:
14. Remove the scene of Jack and Gibbs discovering the theft of the ship.
Again, the film is essentially over, and to have a comedic scene at the end wrecks the feeling of sacrifice that should exist following Will's death. Of course if you plan on leading into the fourth film, you may want to keep the scene. You may also consider moving this scene to the beginning of On Stranger Tides. Time cut approx 4 mins

I was brainstorming ideas about this scene a while back in the thread as I felt it would be a good removal. But the problem it would leave Gibbs' fate unresolved. Did Barbossa have him killed, locked up? If not why not because otherwise he would have been cut adrift with Jack. Plus where did Barbossa get the sail boat for Jack, it wasn't on the Pearl.

Also as you say my eye is always on how these cuts will impact the next film and I really like Gibbs' character so I want to know what happens to him. Lastly the film needs to end upbeat IMO and humorous, it just feels that way to me.

Radzinsky said:
With all of these suggestions, we move from a running time of 2:18 (138 mins) to an unbelievably streamlined 1:50 or so (110 mins). Even with the inclusion of the Sao Feng confrontation, we still end up with a two hour film.

Hopefully some of my suggestions are of use to you. I know that a few of them may seem very extreme, but nevertheless I hope you consider them when making your final cut.

Finally, I'd like to suggest three alternate titles (some of which have already been suggested, either by me or by others):

Captain Jack Sparrow and the Song of the Brethren Court (which you're already using)
Captain Jack Sparrow and the Gathering of the Brethren Court
Captain Jack Sparrow and the Gathering of the Seven Seas
Captain Jack Sparrow and the Hoisting of the Colors

Humbly yours,

PS This film was eminantly more watchable with all the alterations you've made. To be honest though, it still dragged a lot, which is why I think making some of the (admittedly very bold) cuts I've suggested might be to your advantage.

Thanks for the time you've taken looking at this. Although I may use few of these ideas you've set my mind at rest that I've properly thought about every angle and have removed just about everything I think can be removed :). This has been a big worry as there are so many plot strands to consider when making any cut of this film :mad:... one's brain starts to hurt after a while.

In this edit the actual 'Song of the Brethren Court' is a slightly more abstract concept than it was in the original cut so refrencing it in your title helps to draw things together nicely. Plus it's just got a nice poetic ring to it! :)

Thanks again!


Somebody needs to POTC-ify this film ^.
Gonna render Workprint3 tonight, then I'll see if I've got something ready for release.

A few changes since WP2:
- More fine-tuning of the Colour Correction.
- Removed Liz strip search and upskirt etc.
- Removed several flash frames I spotted.
- Remixed the audio on many transitions and edits I wasn't happy with.
- Cut Gibbs and co eating on the way to the Locker (Showed passage of time contradicting an earlier edit).
- Restored full Jack and Will conversation on the prow of the Pearl (Decided I could never make the edit work 100%).
- Partially restored Jack talking to Gibbs before Shipwreck cove (I like Gibbs and it helps mask how awful the next exposition scene between Barbossa and Calypso is).
- Restored Liz shouting "Fire!", I don't know why I cut it in the first place really.

I tried implementing a few of [MENTION=25019]Radzinsky[/MENTION]'s ideas but they didn't work... sorry mate :-(.
- Mention of water-spring body being from Singapore (There wasn't a way to create a smooth match cut no matter what I tried. Almost but not quite, you could see the edit).
- Remove "Dutchman must have a captain" line (There is a big emotional swell of music right over this line so I just couldn't "sell" the abrupt audio removal... plus I didn't really have a problem with it anyway).
- Remove "Steep price" line (Problem is that Will replies to that line and I didn't want to cut the reply).

But I may still trim some footage from the battle melee as he suggested above after viewing the new workprint, we'll see. Here are a few more examples of the colour correction. 'At World's End' on the left, 'The Song of the Brethren Court' on the right...

(^ Click to see fullsize image)
I'm glad you're sticking to your guns, TM2YC. Implementing any changes that you don't fully agree with is always a mistake, so good on you for staying true to your own gut.

Many of my cuts are very extreme, and perhaps would even make for a film that is different enough from your own for me to consider making my own version down the line some day. Would that be cool with you?

I always viewed this film as the true end to the series. On Stranger Tides is to me not a true PotC film because it doesn't include Will and Elizabeth. Their love story was always at the heart of the series, and perhaps re-editing this film with a more melancholy end (and without the lead-in to the fourth film) would help sell that fact.

Removing the lead-in to On Stranger Tides and leaving the piratic fates of Jack and Gibbs up in the air a little (and thereby focusing more on the two lovers' sacrifice) would give this film a different--though admittedly less "swashbuckling"--focus. Many of my suggested cuts were intended to heighten the seriousness of this film, but since you're going for an adventurous style more in-line with the first two films, it's totally understandable that you wouldn't want to be too serious.

But I really do suggest you reconsider cutting the marriage sequence and as much of the final battle sequence as possible. It becomes almost Lord of the Rings-esque in its length and repetitiveness, and is total overkill in a film that should ideally have been under two hours. But in the end it's up to you.

Yes I've got my eye on continuity with 'On Stranger Tides' and so I might leave editing that film until 2015-2016 when POTC5 comes out because I get the impression that it isn't going to follow on from that film's story. Meaning some plot elements might be removable. I also need to invest in the double disc Blu-Ray of OST before I start work on that, to get all the deleted material because that film is an appropriate length already so my removals might make it too short (Plus the deleted material looks fun on YouTube).

My intention is always to go with the more comic, light, fun and adventurous material with these edits. But I could see a love-story focused edit of the original trilogy working nicely too, with as much of the material not featuring Will and Liz excised. You should give it a go.

btw check out this production photo, god I wish the film looked like this...


...hopefully my CC has improved things but it still doesn't look as natural as that. The digital colourist has pushed the colours so far into the green during that sequence that it can't be brought all the way back.
Still more work to do after viewing Workprint3 (Battle trims and a little audio remixing)... damn this thing is never gonna be finished! :mad:
Actually, probably next Sunday ;-).

btw I was watching a bit of POTC4 as it was on TV tonight and I'd forgotten how awful the colouring looks in some scenes. Daylight scenes generally look perfect but the low light stuff has a sickly yellow glow over everything.

DOP on all four POTC films was Dariusz Wolski


You sir are my nemesis! :-D

In his defence, I thought 'Prometheus' and 'The Rum Diary' looked good and you can never be sure how much influence the Director and the Digital Colourists have over the final product.
Think I've got AWE finished in my timeline just a final viewing to check.

I've done lots more tweaking...
- Mixed some additional music into a couple of places where the audio mix wasn't up to scratch.
- Cut several moments from the Calypso Giant scene as it went on too long and I decided that the slowmo shots of Naomi Harris shaking her dreadlocks looked unconvincing given the supposed scale.
- Trimmed any and all bits of the multiple sword fights on the deck of the Dutchman that didn't advance the plot and weren't unique in some way. After Jack and Jones swing down from the mast I tried to get it all over with as fast as possible.
- Cut various other shots from the final act.
- Jazzed up the new-title graphic and shifted it forward a few seconds. It was a straight fade-in, now it glitters, has film FX added and shimmers... ooooh.
- Added thank-yous title-card to the end

All that and the bits I added back the other day is totalling 2hrs17mins on an original running time of 2hrs48mins (31 mins cut).
So the final edit of AWE is crashing within the first 6mins at random points during the render (Tried it 10-15 times)... oh goodie! :-(
Hang in there, it must be disheartening to make it so far and fall at the last hurdle but you've done the hard part. Just need to figure out the last thing. Looking forward to this, mostly because I deem AWE theatrical a largely unsatisfying film, but I also don't like to disregard it for the completeness sake of the second film's loose ends.
Omaru1982 said:
Hang in there, it must be disheartening to make it so far and fall at the last hurdle but you've done the hard part. Just need to figure out the last thing. Looking forward to this, mostly because I deem AWE theatrical a largely unsatisfying film, but I also don't like to disregard it for the completeness sake of the second film's loose ends.

Thanks :) but I'm beginning to dispair that I might not be able to rescue this thing. It's crashing when it renders, crashing when I edit it and even sometimes crashing when I just dare to look at the timeline and think about editing it. Time to upgrade to some new, hopefully better and different software for the future... but that doesn't help this project. Wish I knew why this is happening.


This'll cheer me up...

(^ Gives me ideas :D)
Can't you render it in chunks? That is render 20minute chunks at a time and then stitch them together later?
dangermouse said:
Can't you render it in chunks? That is render 20minute chunks at a time and then stitch them together later?

I tried with the first chunk and it was a little less prone to crashing but then I'm gonna get some generational loss in video quality and won't have a complete timeline that I can tinker with later on (If there are still things that need tweaking). But at this stage I might have to go with this drastic option.

After working on/off on this thing for the past 5 months, I think it's really good (As good as an edit of a film that was as bad as AWE can be anyway :D) and I'd hate to compromise on the look because I've spent most of this time on colour-correcting each shot.

btw What program do you use again?
export it in a lossless format and, then stitch it together, and compress it with Handbrake.
I use Vegas Home (and Corel VideoStudio)
dangermouse said:
export it in a lossless format and, then stitch it together, and compress it with Handbrake.
I use Vegas Home (and Corel VideoStudio)

Nero Vision doesn't have the option to output in a lossless format like LagarithAVI. I'll look into getting Vegas as I'm just p*ssed off with Nero right now (Shame that I've got several half-finished projects in-progress on that system). It's a really simple user friendly program to use but it's clearly a bit buggy when you get to working with large complicated project files.

Thanks for the advice.
Nero! I haven't heard that name in almost ten years, and I didn't know they even had an editor out. I would switch immediately. ;)
theslime said:
Nero! I haven't heard that name in almost ten years, and I didn't know they even had an editor out. I would switch immediately. ;)

It's really easy to use, can get great results and ideal for learning the ropes as the interface is clutter free (I'd reccomend it to first time editors infact). But it seems to baulk when you try to do over 400-800 audio and video edits, transitions and FX in your timeline so I've just got myself Vegas.

I'm going down the rendering it in 30minute chunks and stitching it together route. Seems to be working but it's still a shame to have to go that way.
Rendered a stitched together version of AWE, which isn't the same quality as the first render but not terrible... oh well. :x I will give it a watch tomorrow and see if this is finally ready for release.

On the bright side I'm putting together a compilation of edited-and-colour-corrected versions of a few deleted scenes for the DVD. The first scene I've done is an edit of the deleted 'Pirate-Hanging' scene, removing the visual refrences to the Holocaust and footage of a child being hung (Things that shouldn't have been in AWE and I really didn't want in my 'family-friendly' adventure edit of it)...

I watched The Heart of Davy Jones last night and came here to give feedback - but before posting this, I went and read the first 2 pages here - I wish I would have done that before I watched the movie! It would have prepared me to not be so disappointed. I didn't realize that you liked the action of DMC - that was one of my biggest complaints about the 2nd and 3rd films and assumed would be prime-cut material for any fanedit... I planned on coming here to talk about cutting down on some of the action, and giving thoughts on how to do it, but since you like it, I'll say no more!

Either way, the editing was flawless and fantastic, great work! Didn't notice a single cut!
Solid11 said:
I watched The Heart of Davy Jones last night and came here to give feedback - but before posting this, I went and read the first 2 pages here - I wish I would have done that before I watched the movie! It would have prepared me to not be so disappointed. I didn't realize that you liked the action of DMC - that was one of my biggest complaints about the 2nd and 3rd films and assumed would be prime-cut material for any fanedit... I planned on coming here to talk about cutting down on some of the action, and giving thoughts on how to do it, but since you like it, I'll say no more!

Either way, the editing was flawless and fantastic, great work! Didn't notice a single cut!

Thanks for taking the time to post the review :). I really enjoy reading them and discussing the points raised.

I re-read my discription in the listing and I can see how I might not have conveyed my intentions for THODJ as well as I have in this thread e.g. If you find a ridiculous three-way extended sword fight inside a rolling mill-wheel boring then this isn't the edit for you. But if you want poor characterisation removed e.g. introducing a love-triangle that makes no sense, other than to pad out the plot or you want pointless exposition scenes trimmed then yay it's for you:D. I trimmed almost no action... inaction though, was trimmed to the bone (Hopefully). I know many people HATE the sword-fight wedding in AWE because it's 'sooo silly'. But as I've said elsewhere, that's why it's my favorite part and why it's staying. Realism was never my goal, bring on more firing monkeys from cannons, Sparrow flying through the air, tipping ships upside down I say, yeeeargh me hearties!

Glad you liked the colour-correction and I hope it brought the film a little closer to the look of POTC1 (and made it look more pleasing to the eye). Although when I do POTC1 I'll be boosting the colours to make them more like POTC2. POTC3 has been much more work on this side as unlike the 2nd film where they were just a little 'off', in the 3rd film they were just dreadful.

You say in the review "I feel like not enough was cut, as the running time could still allow for a LOT more". Although I agree that a lot more should be cut from these films, I'm reasonablly sure there isn't anything else that could be cut. I'm sure a few further trims could be made here and there on the grounds of personnal taste (Me enjoying the extended action for example) but I'd almost wager not a single additional scene could be cut without making the plot incomprehensible to the viewer. As you say the plots are annoyingly convoluted which is the first thing I wanted to fix but also the reason why in many cases I couldn't.

Even so, I'd be interested to hear your suggestions for additional cuts. As I've spent much time worrying about trimming every last bit I could, so if I've missed something I want to hear about it :). Cutting convoluted plot from POTC3 has been even harder so as always I welcome suggestions on further trims to that edit (An old workprint is available to stream earlier in the thread).

Again thanks for taking the time to view and review!

UPDATE on POTC3 fanedit: There is no update, still struggling to get it exported so anybody (Including me) can watch it.
TM2YC said:
I re-read my discription in the listing and I can see how I might not have conveyed my intentions for THODJ as well as I have in this thread e.g. If you find a ridiculous three-way extended sword fight inside a rolling mill-wheel boring then this isn't the edit for you. But if you want poor characterisation removed e.g. introducing a love-triangle that makes no sense, other than to pad out the plot or you want pointless exposition scenes trimmed then yay it's for you:D. I trimmed almost no action... inaction though, was trimmed to the bone (Hopefully). I know many people HATE the sword-fight wedding in AWE because it's 'sooo silly'. But as I've said elsewhere, that's why it's my favorite part and why it's staying. Realism was never my goal, bring on more firing monkeys from cannons, Sparrow flying through the air, tipping ships upside down I say, yeeeargh me hearties!
Nah you did fine - it was more my assumptions than your lack of explanations. I LOVE the fact that you removed the love-triangle - that completely negates the first movie if it's left in...
I just wanted a good movie as a whole, and that kind of action doesn't bore me, it annoys me and ruins movies these days. When Jack pole-vaults between cliffs, falls hundreds of feet to the ground, the bone-cage rolling sequence, the aforementioned mill-wheel fight - it's like in The Hobbit: DoS when Bombur is rolling in the barrel along the river, crushing orcs. Killing 1 or 2 Orcs would have been fine and grin-worthy - killing 14 or whatever the count was - it's just excessive and rolling-eyes-worthy... if that makes sense.
Suspension of disbelief for:
Mythological creatures and beings = totally fine.
Having fights where the underdog gets a few lucky shot or something = totally fine.
Negating the laws of nature in a real world setting and pushing probability beyond its breaking point repeatedly = bad movie.
[/rant] :)

TM2YC said:
Glad you liked the colour-correction and I hope it brought the film a little closer to the look of POTC1 (and made it look more pleasing to the eye). Although when I do POTC1 I'll be boosting the colours to make them more like POTC2. POTC3 has been much more work on this side as unlike the 2nd film where they were just a little 'off', in the 3rd film they were just dreadful.
Yes, this movie was gorgeous! Loved all of the establishing shots especially - quite beautiful! I don't remember it looking that good... because it probably never did... :-D

TM2YC said:
You say in the review "I feel like not enough was cut, as the running time could still allow for a LOT more". Although I agree that a lot more should be cut from these films, I'm reasonablly sure there isn't anything else that could be cut. I'm sure a few further trims could be made here and there on the grounds of personnal taste (Me enjoying the extended action for example) but I'd almost wager not a single additional scene could be cut without making the plot incomprehensible to the viewer. As you say the plots are annoyingly convoluted which is the first thing I wanted to fix but also the reason why in many cases I couldn't.

Even so, I'd be interested to hear your suggestions for additional cuts. As I've spent much time worrying about trimming every last bit I could, so if I've missed something I want to hear about it :). Cutting convoluted plot from POTC3 has been even harder so as always I welcome suggestions on further trims to that edit (An old workprint is available to stream earlier in the thread).
The biggest obvious suggestions that I have would be action related... ;)
Plot-wise: I honestly don't know where to start for suggestions that could actually work... It just still felt too bloated and confusing - I haven't put the time into it that you have and it's very possible you did the best one could with what is there... Sorry that isn't helpful at all!

Thinking about things to edit, there could be more little trims or jokes that fall flat/bad takes: like Jack Sparrow climbing on board the Black Pearl saying his escape line as the wave hits him... If this scene is used at all, it could cut away after the wave hits him (His "Jack Sparrow" line is quite a bad take). Another is Will's final line and glances towards Elizabeth in the hut at the end - they seemed out of place with the love triangle removed. Pintel and Ragetti (had to look up their names...) are good most of the time - but other times they feel forced in a scene.

TM2YC said:
Again thanks for taking the time to view and review!
Of course! Now having other projects under my belt and realizing how every bit of feedback is wonderful, positive or negative, I decided to review every edit I watch from here on - yours was the first :)
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