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The Book of Boba Fett

Episode 2
an inch forward in present time, a foot forward in the past. Basically, let's explain why the sand people didn't kill him, wrath of Kahn like lizard to control his brain to have a vision, then explain why he wears what he does now. That brief shot of Boba in his light jumpsuit with the armor on really shows off why they chose a black suit under the armor for old Boba Fett. It's too bad we needed an hour to explain that point. The character of Boba seems to be inconsistent here. The flashback scenes are fresh off of RotJ when he was a ruthless mercenary bounty hunter. Now they're trying to rebuild him as a benevolent protector? I personally prefer that as a defining trait of a character, but it just seems to not work here. The problem I have with Star Wars ever since the prequels is that it only seems to exist to explain what already was. That really isn't expansion, it's introspection. I prefer the mystery. It breathes life into the story. This story is laying in a bacta tank and we're all waiting for it to heal and show us something new. The entirety of The Mandalorian is pretty much the same thing.

Anyone else feel like they're watching Battlefront 2 with the melancholy narratives by Boba? That credit music had me chuckling.....

Episode 2 = The dreams of Geriatric Boba Fett episode 2
The second episode was definitely introspective. Earlier in the thread there was hope of more detail on the Tuskens, well we got it. There is definitely borrowing on other tropes. Present day in the city is an organized crime turf war. The flashbacks to his time with the Tuskens is very much a western. Do we call Boba Dances with Banthas? My wife quickly identified the western link with the first showing of the speeder train: "that like the west and shooting the buffalo. It's just for sport." Now Boba goes full native and starts his transition from captive to one of them. Then we get the peyote vision journey with the weird brain lizard. We also get a taste of Roadhouse with Boba going in to beat up the biker gang (complete with vests with gang colors on them) to steal the speeder bikes. Not that I'm complaining--much--but the scaffolding this one was built upon was pretty obvious. Overall, I'm still enjoying it enough to stick with it.
I agree that some things should be a mystery. I'm not saying I'll never watch this show, but I'm also not super excited because Fett was barely a character and while he was definitely cool, what made him cool was the mystery surrounding him. In some ways i just don't want to know more. I may watch it someday.

Also anybody else confused as to why it's called "Book" of Boba Fett when it's literally not even a book? Way to go guys. :)
Also anybody else confused as to why it's called "Book" of Boba Fett when it's literally not even a book? Way to go guys. :)
They wanted people to think of the film Book of Eli while watching it.
Also anybody else confused as to why it's called "Book" of Boba Fett when it's literally not even a book? Way to go guys. :)

Boba Fett writes a book detailing why he is the rightful daimyo in response to the tablet in episode two.
It's odd that they're calling Boba a daimyo in this series. When I read about daimyos they don't exactly sound like "vile gangsters" as Jabba was termed in the Star Wars universe. Is Boba a daimyo or just an enterprising thug turned crime lord?
1. We have had little interaction of Jabba outside of the word of mouth of people that owed him money.
2. Crime lords don't call themselves crime lords. Al Capone never saw himself as a gangster vs an opportunistic business man.
3. Jabba never called himself daimyo.
4. No one else ever called Jabba daimyo.
5. Other people did call the Hutts gangsters.
Episode 3 - bad, just utterly bad. The writing is fan film-esque and the whole approach to the violence in this reminded me of a live action kid show. There are blows and impacts, but nothing has consequence or lasting impact. After the action everyone is fine.....I found myself rolling my eyes when after the opening credits showed we immediately returned to the bacta tank for another round of old man rememebering......also the idea that he can assume power with only the support of an assassin and two pig men is utterly ridiculous. It was nice to hear the augment girl tell self professed daimyo Fett that he's just a crime boss. I actually fell asleep during that lack luster speeder chase. This episode felt like a parody.

I honestly don't know how this series got greenlit.
BK not crushing Boba to pieces and the speeder bike cyborg gang on Tatooine when they have shiny bikes made for the streets of Coruscant just did not work. Cyborg hologram man also spoke like the kids around my way and was really not fit for the Star Wars universe...oh and don't get me started on the Back to the Future Part 2 chase scene and having a Rancor as a pet...no. no. no. As for the positives i did like the scenes of Boba riding the Bantha.
Both episodes that Rodriguez directed have had very slow and lackluster action scenes, while the one he didn't had the terrific train sequence. I never loved him as a director, but usually he knows how to film an action scene so I'm assuming using the Disney+ screen tech has messed with sensibilities.

As for the biker gang, they reminded me of something George Lucas would do so I liked it, especially since they reminded me of the Neutrinos from TMNT.
The best thing this thing could do to redeem it's mediocrity is to reveal that this Boba Fett is an impostor (and also a clone ofc). the real Boba Fett shoots him in the back of the head in the finale before revealing this. That's the only way I'll sit through a second round.
I’m quite surprised just how bad this is so far. And the two worst episodes were directed by Rodriguez himself. As mentioned above, I would’ve thought he could’ve at least made the action compelling. The QuadroFettia Vespa gang chase was laughably bad. The Bacta dreams past and the Daimyo present feel very uneven episode to episode, allowing little investment in either. I’m cutting it some slack until the whole story is told, but even if they manage to pull a rabbit out of a hat on the story, the execution hasn’t been good. Honestly this is what I was afraid of with live action TV Star Wars. I was surprised The Mandalorian was as good as it was—which was far from perfect. So far, this show has only served to temper my expectations for future Star Wars shows.
I honestly don't know how this series got greenlit.
I wholeheartedly agree... I believe this is the worst "Star Wars" to date. Part of me thinks Favreau intentionally made this beyond awful to show disdain over Gina Carano's dismissal.
While I got a kick out of Steph Green's Tusken tribe antics in the 2nd episode, the other episodes by Robert Rodriquez have been a disappointment for me overall.

Despite being one of the most anticipated moments of the entire show, the 'Sarlacc escape' sequence turned out a cheap-looking, lacklustre effort....and the latest 'Inspector Gadget' crew of modified youths and their multi-coloured scooters were just naff I thought, and a poor fit for the show's setting.

After the way the Disney movies turned out, I wasn't expecting too much from the live-action TV shows....but I was pleasantly entertained by most of THE MANDALORIAN., so was hoping for a bit more from this latest show too. My much younger self would have likely lapped up this weekly show without much criticism.....but I WON'T be including it in my own Star Wars saga 'head canon', and am merely looking on it as a kind of 'What If?' fan-fiction with familiar characters in a 'Star Warsy' setting instead.

So I'll tune in for the remaining episodes to see how things pan out, but I can think of plenty of ways that I'd prefer to re-cut episodes 1 and 3 to improve things for myself. I just hope that the scooter youths don't bring down the rest of the show too much if they return, as some of their dialogue was awful.
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^^^^ FWIW my kids lapped up Mandalorian, but they are totally disinterested in this. But that’s a sample size of just two nine year olds.
^^^^ FWIW my kids lapped up Mandalorian, but they are totally disinterested in this. But that’s a sample size of just two nine year olds.

Yeah, it's a pity this show has turned out so divisive Moe. Maybe it needed a bit more 'Grogu'..... ;)
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