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The Legend Of Camp Crystal Lake

Lace & Whiskey Fan

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Hi everybody, this my first post! I've done many fan edits and just found this site last month. My latest edit is called the legend of camp crystal lake, which combines Friday The 13th & Friday The 13th Part 2. Here's what's different:
-Flashback scenes from Part 1 are replaced with the scenes of Young Jason from Freddy Vs. Jason
-removed opening/ending credits from both films and created a new version
-Ending of Part 2 is changed around. Instead of hairy Jason jumping through window, we have the beginning flasback from Part 3 of Jason getting up in the shack{For continuity purposes}
Tell me what you think!
Welcome, LAWF.
I think this sounds awesome. Friday 13th is definitely worth being fanedited. Will you make this available via bittorrent or rapidshare?
Sounds good to me. Where can one get this edit?
I've just got nothing better to do except work on my own edit and hawk the forum. ;) What do you have to work with? MPEG file? Authored DVD? XviD/DivX file? I guess that's actually quite irrelevant. You can use torrents or RapidShare (may I suggest RapidUploader). It's free and fairly easy. I'm sure boon23 can point you to a better detailed tutorial.
Sounds real good. Can't wait to see it.

I think rapidshare is always a good idea and with this others can help seeding a torrent, which is more tedious, especially when doing it alone.
Being a fan of the series, I would love to see it! However, I have a question for Lace & Whiskey Fan: how distracting is it to watch your edit since it has to jump from a ratio of 1:85 (FT13 1&2) to 2:35 (FvsJ) ?

I can't wait to see your edit!
Hoepfully it is just cropped. This is an edit I've been waiting for for a long time. Looking forward to it!
Even if it isn't cropped, I think if the only time it's used is for a flashback, the change in ARs might actually help give more of a separation effect and actually enhance the scenes. I haven't seen it, and I may be wrong, but it might work in its favor. :)
Though it would look cool for a flashback scene, I just cropped it to make it even. Ps. Is anybody up for a challenge? I want to make a dvd cover for this that would somewhat look like the cover Pauly79 created for his Halloween 1&2 edit. By the way, thanks for the idea Pauly79!
i wouldn't mind making a cover for you let me know what ya want and i don't mind making covers for anyone
welcome to FE, crined... and a good beginning.
ok i will give it a shot is there anything special your looking for in it
Once you're finished up with boon23 do you think you could make one for this project too? I don't want to bombard you with requests, but if you think it's do-able...... If you're interested in what I want, check out Paul79's artwork for part 1 of his Halloween Trilogy. Something like that, just more back woods style, to go with the setting of Friday The 13th.
NBK is mine and please feel free to make a cover for it. I do my own but lately I just don't have the interest in doing full blown covers. I've also got a Charlie and The Chocolate Factory edit that could use art too. Feel free, I look foward to seeing what you come up with.

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