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The movie you are most ashamed you have ever tried to watch

i second ghost rider and ultraviolet as crap. watched 15 minutes of both before we turned it off and put in a better movie. life is too short to waste time on bad movies no matter how big their budgets were.

one movie i like that i'd be embarrased to admit is road house. one of those "so bad it's good" kind of movie. sort of like junk food... makes you feel good while you're consuming it, but in the end it's not that good for you.
As a rule, I don?t turn off movies once I have started and I cant think of many where I have gone against that principle............except Ultraviolet.

Got about 20 minutes or so in (If I remember correctly) before stopping. Utter garbage of the highest order.
da vinci code. by far.
Aeon Flux. i knew I shouldnt, knew it would be bad... but I still did it!
woes me brothers and sisters for I have looked upon the face of true evil and I shall never be the same again!
200 Cigarettes.

This movie is so CRAPTACULAR that my wife and I have a rule because of it: If a movie fails to capture our attention within 10 minutes, we give up. Films that have fallen victim to this rule:


People I Know (Al Pacino FINALLY sleepwalks through a role and manages to look bored at the same time)

Spider-Man 3 (Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus! What a mess! We actually managed this one for 20, but only because my wife came up with a witty remark that made us laugh our asses off, so we gave it some more time. I cannot sandblast the stain from my eyes.... :? )

There's been several other, but they are so gut-wrenchingly bad we don't even recall the names NOR the actors of the films.
Spider-Man 3 (Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus! What a mess! We actually managed this one for 20, but only because my wife came up with a witty remark that made us laugh our asses off, so we gave it some more time. I cannot sandblast the stain from my eyes.... Confused )

I tried watching Spiderman 3 too. It started so cheesily:
"I've come a long way from being the boy who was bit by a spider.
Back then, nothing seemed to go right for me. Now people really like me.
The city is safe and sound, I guess I've had something to do with that.
I still get to school. Top of my class. And I'm in love with the girl of my dreams."

When he said: "I'm in love with the girl of my dreams", I just decided that fuck that, and turned it off.

what a shitty start to a movie.
Thanks for the link, now I don't ever have to watch the movie...
The Yards and People I Know were pretty bad. I think I ended up finding ways to distract myself (computer, playing with the cat, etc) during both of those. Doesn't help that I have AADD, though.
2 girls 1 cup. I lasted about 15 seconds.
Aztek463 said:
2 girls 1 cup. I lasted about 15 seconds.

i seem to have missed out on the 2G1C phenomenon can someone post a link to the original vid??? been looking for a while but cant find anything but stupid bloody reactions vids grrrr

EDIT: problem solved! 2 girls 1 fingers and church of fudge is pretty funny as well.
HAHAHAHHA! "Church of fudge". Nice way of putting it. A friend sent me a link to this about a week ago, not telling me what it was as a "prank". The poo coming out looked just like a restaurant's chocolate icecream dispenser. Or Robocop's babyfood machine. Either way, I don't think I can ever see one of those machines the same way again lol. So gross. I lasted about 30 seconds (albeit while laughing) as well before stopping the video.
yeah the er 'delivery' was quite spectacular.

5 brownie poinnts (excuse the pun) for the robocop baby food reference!!! 8) 8) 8)

btw church of fudge is ANOTHER video they produced involving a priest a nun and... some fudge.

whats makes that particular video hilarious is the constant talking by the nun and priest in a foreign language.
nOmarch, you won't find the video on YouTube.

One of these days I'm gonna do a marathon: 2 girls 1 cup, 2 girls 1 finger, and the BME Pain Olympics (save the best for last)
go for it! you wont be disappointed!!!!!

but maybe slightly disturbed for a few days afterwards

if you're still feeling brave track down a copy of 'Revenge of the japscat' although you probably wont be able to eat another omlette ever again.
although you probably wont be able to eat another omelette ever again.

That's okay, I don't really like omelettes anyways ;)
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