• Most new users don't bother reading our rules. Here's the one that is ignored almost immediately upon signup: DO NOT ASK FOR FANEDIT LINKS PUBLICLY. First, read the FAQ. Seriously. What you want is there. You can also send a message to the editor. If that doesn't work THEN post in the Trade & Request forum. Anywhere else and it will be deleted and an infraction will be issued.
  • If this is your first time here please read our FAQ and Rules pages. They have some useful information that will get us all off on the right foot, especially our Own the Source rule. If you do not understand any of these rules send a private message to one of our staff for further details.
  • Please read our Rules & Guidelines

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The Unofficial Official Newbie Welcome Thread

Hello, folks. I'm technically not a faneditor, but one of my projects does involve this hobby which led me to this community. You all seem like very interesting people, and I look forward to seeing what this site has to offer.
Wow. This is intimidating. I'm new here but have been following fanedits for several years.
Thank you for your encouragement.
You are very welcome!

Any words of advice?
If you just want to discuss edits (or other film/TV topics), don't hesitate to post, browse the forum pages to see if what you have in mind exists already.

If you are brand new here, maybe have a look at the general site rules

and FAQs

If you have any ideas for edits yourself feel free to share them. If you want to do it yourself you'll usually find people eager to help, if you don't have such plans, these ideas could still inspire other people to have a go themselves.

I like your picture.
Thanks, my favourite image of my favourite character in my (near) favourite version of my favourite story!
Hello People! I'm new here. I only learned about fanedits recently on reddit. Someone told me to check this forum.
Wow. This is intimidating. I'm new here but have been following fanedits for several years.
It only seems that way. Post on the forums like Paranoid Android recommended. Find a place you feel comfortable. Make some connections. Most of us are pretty cool. Read the rules.
Hi everyone,

I've tinkered with fanediting on and off for quite some time but never completed anything until recently; Highlander 2 Rebuild. Amusingly a member here, @robulon, had also completed his own excellent edit of the same film; he reached out to me and encouraged me to become active here.

I'm looking around for now, learning the rules, waiting my 30 days etc, hopefully I'll be able to submit my fanedit sometime soon.

In the meantime I'm enjoying reading all the advice and tips here, as well as seeing all the cool projects everyone is working on!
Hi all,

I was an editor for about 15 years and started doing fanedits about 5 years ago to make some movies more appropriate for my kids. After all of this time, I figured I would start sharing some of my other edits that I did for myself. I have no idea why but I love the idea that someone can take an existing movie that's flawed and make it better, if even just in a small way.

Anyway, just thought I would drop in and say hi and I hope to discover a lot of great movies here!
Hello everyone, I've been lurking here for quite a while before I joined in 2023. All my life I have noticed tiny details about my favorite films that I wish could have been edited differently, even by a few seconds, and after discovering the Phantom Edit, I was hooked by the idea.

When it came to selecting a movie to really compare it's different cuts to its abysmal theatrical cut, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was the one to try. Some of you might have seen me popping up here and there inquiring about obtaining it's various fan edits (some of which go all the way back to 2008!). Some of which seem to be lost to time. That said, as of the seemingly most recent edit by TheFoxMan, I have about 11 different versions on my HDD. Not counting the revisions put out by Donkey Konga. Over the course of this suicide mission which lead me to give up on my tally of rewatches that petered out around 70 times (I'm well above that by now o_O), I of course began to imagine how I would create my own version. And after building a computer, paying someone to fix said new computer (essentially building a new one), and spending over a year mapping out most of the edit in multiple text documents, I am finally ripping my blurays in preparation to crank through this all consuming project of mine. I actually fear the day this ever gets completed because I wont really know what to do with myself. Although I have plenty of other fanedits in mind already.

I haven't edited any film/video since I dropped out of film school so all of this has been an immense reintroduction. I'm using Davinci Resolve to get this finished as well as the, lets say "ambitious", amount of VFX shots I hope to accomplish. Of which I have zero experience with. Dipping my toes into several AI upscaling programs as well. All very interesting.

Anyway, I'll be seeing ya'll out there on the boards and I'll be sure to annoy you with my progress when I have any.
From my experience with my Episode II edit, what you'll do with yourself is periodically sit down to watch your edit with the best intentions to simply kick back and enjoy the film. Then you'll quickly find a new list of things to tweak-- elongating a transition here, a minor color correction there. And so it goes! But you'll always have something to do! Hahaha.
From my experience with my Episode II edit, what you'll do with yourself is periodically sit down to watch your edit with the best intentions to simply kick back and enjoy the film. Then you'll quickly find a new list of things to tweak-- elongating a transition here, a minor color correction there. And so it goes! But you'll always have something to do! Hahaha.
Knowing how my brain works, I doubt I will ever just kick back and enjoy what I have done hahaha! But thanks for the warning!
Hey guys!
We're Digital Masterz.. There's two of us who make up the editing team. We're big movie lovers and homegrown self taught editors.
We've got a lot of work in the pipeline which we hope to get listed on here and be part of this community!
Looks like there's a lot of great stuff here.

Young Gunz 'n' Old Bootz
Hey guys!
We're Digital Masterz.. There's two of us who make up the editing team. We're big movie lovers and homegrown self taught editors.
We've got a lot of work in the pipeline which we hope to get listed on here and be part of this community!
Looks like there's a lot of great stuff here.

Young Gunz 'n' Old Bootz
Welcome. Just a heads-up. We do not allow joint/shared accounts.
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