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William Must Die

Curtis Mullins

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Fanedit Name: WMD William Must Die
Faneditor Name: Curtis Mullins
Tagline: Should have killed her when he could.

Original Movie Title: Kill Bill
Genre: Action
Fanedit Type: FanFix

Original Release Date: 2003/2004
Original Running Time: 111/137
Fanedit Release Date: April 2013
Fanedit Running Time (Min): 156
Time Cut (Min): 92
Time Added (Min): few seconds

Available in HD? Yes

Brief Synopsis:
A heavily condensed cut. More streamlined story with a greater focus on the Bride.

Kill Bill Vol 1+2 is a mess. It’s a very straightforward story that is so jumbled and contorted its hard to understand why Tarantino released it the way he did. I put the movie in an order that tells a real story while not trying to just make it chronological. I wanted to make this a real movie, not a “Tarantino” movie.

Other Sources:
I used the Japanese color Crazy 88 scene.

Release Information
1080p MP4

Editing Details:I just wanted to tell a real story. I didn’t want to divulge too much info to begin with so the audience can slowly learn about the situation they are observing.

Cuts and Additions:

- Restructured entire film.
- Cut out chapter titles.
- Cut out O-Ren's backstory.
- Cut out Esteban Vihaio.
- Many more cuts and trims.
Nice trailer man. Here's the review I left for this edit:

A/V Quality 8/10. 1080 MP4 file. Good quality, not the greatest. There is artifacting and pixilation but I’ve seen worse.

Editing 9/10. There were two minor errors in the version I approved. The editor told me he fixed them but I haven't double checked.

Narrative 8/10. I dug the way this was structured. Even though about 40% of the running time was cut, this doesn't feel too condensed. The characters still have room to breathe and develop without it feeling too action heavy. The sequencing of chapters was well done, but the placement of Chapter 1 felt odd. (The editor told me he changed the placement of Chapter 1 and on paper it sounds good, haven't rewatched edit to check how it flows.)

My favorite parts were the placement of the pregnancy flashback and Chapter 6.

Enjoyment 9/10. This was awesome. Major props for using the Japanese version of Crazy 88 fight.

This was one of the greatest fanedits I've ever seen. Unfortunately, like Neglify pointed out, the subtitles were missing. Despite how great it is I won't watch it again unless a second version is made with the appropriate subs burnt in the picture. You could however upload the subtitle file for those that want to encode or "force" it into the project.

I understand what you are saying, and I will reevaluate my next decision to do that, but, I just really hate subtitles.

My defense of the removal of them is as follows. 1. There is nothing that is said during those scene that is needed for the plot. 2. Movies are visual experiences, not books, subtitles should only be used when absolutely necessary. The actors performance should tell you what you need. 3. Most importantly, I heavily edited the Pei Mei scenes, which means the subtitles would have made no sense if I left them in, which means I would have to write new dialog. While I have no problem reediting Tarantino's films, I am not ready to start to rewriting them.

But thank you for saying you liked my edit.
So I watched this edit knowing very little about the faneditor's intentions. I didn't read a cutlist or any reviews etc. With that said, here is my review:

Interesting choice for the opening "Do you find me sadistic?" yet keeping out "this is me at my most masochistic". However I did like that the pregnancy test in the hotel is at the beginning, very nice choice!

So a few gripes:
- No custom title card for the fanedit title? While not a necessity it's always nice to have a title card with the fanedit title but that's JMO.
- I see you split up the airport/buying tickets/flying sequences, but there is a bit of sound and video from those sequences that are left in, and its slightly jarring, granted I am really nitpicking, but it would have been easy to trim those off, but again, this doesn't really take away from the edit
- So my biggest gripe is no english subtitles for the foreign language parts. I understand that it can be a pain to deal with subtitles when editing when they are not hardcoded into the source material to begin with. But IMO the audience misses a lot because of this. Sure we remember the gist of what they are saying because we've seen the theatrical cut, but there are long monologues (i.e. Hattori Hanzo and Pai Mei) that you can't simply infer the meaning from the visuals.

On to what I liked!
- There is a bit of excellent audio editing here that I really have to applaud you on. It is when you crossfade the audio from Hattori Hanzo presenting the sword to The Bride and transitioning to Bud getting out of his truck at the Strip Club parking lot. The music lingers and then there is a sudden stop as Bud slams the car door shut. This was just an awesome stylistic choice.

- Next bit of awesomeness was the sort of montage that you did after The Bride kills O-Ren. You have Bud saying that woman deserves her revenge, and Elle saying she must suffer til her last breath and The Bride asking Bill how he found her. It was an excellent prelude to the final showdown between Bill and The Bride.

- Lastly, it was nice to have the complete color version of the Crazy 88 fight

You definitely achieved your intention with this edit. This is a more streamlined version that does an excellent job of combining the two movies and giving it a relatively more chronological narrative. A very solid firstling. Nice work!

(Review has also been posted on IFDB)
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