• Most new users don't bother reading our rules. Here's the one that is ignored almost immediately upon signup: DO NOT ASK FOR FANEDIT LINKS PUBLICLY. First, read the FAQ. Seriously. What you want is there. You can also send a message to the editor. If that doesn't work THEN post in the Trade & Request forum. Anywhere else and it will be deleted and an infraction will be issued.
  • If this is your first time here please read our FAQ and Rules pages. They have some useful information that will get us all off on the right foot, especially our Own the Source rule. If you do not understand any of these rules send a private message to one of our staff for further details.
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    Vote now in FEOTM Reboot WAVE 2! MEGATHREAD

You know you're a fan editor when . . .

wilhelm scream said:
When your having trouble sleeping, wondering why your fanedit hasn't been approved or rejected yet.

Wilhelm, your avatar just took on a whole new meaning!
lapis molari said:
wilhelm scream said:
When your having trouble sleeping, wondering why your fanedit hasn't been approved or rejected yet.

Wilhelm, your avatar just took on a whole new meaning!

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
If you look for deleted scenes from Passion of the Christ in hopes of making the "Torah De Force" edition
(thread bump)

When you're thinking about an edit title before the movie even comes out.
When you import an Italian blu-ray of a film you already own on blu-ray, just to get the Italian language track which may, or may not have a clear center channel, for a project that you may, or may not actually ever do.
When you're tidying your room and stumble across a copy of the Doctor Who serial "The Deadly Assassin" and wonder where the hell it came from since you're not a fan of Doctor Who, so you message your sister who is a fan of Doctor Who and say "Hey, is this yours?" and she says "Yeah, I gave it to you to fanedit" and you realise she gave it to you a year ago and you still haven't watched it, so you put it on the to-watch pile with every intention of at least looking at it at somepoint to see if it's faneditable because she's your sister and you're a faneditor and that's what faneditors do.
The Scribbling Man said:
When you're tidying your room and stumble across a copy of the Doctor Who serial "The Deadly Assassin" and wonder where the hell it came from since you're not a fan of Doctor Who, so you message your sister who is a fan of Doctor Who and say "Hey, is this yours?" and she says "Yeah, I gave it to you to fanedit" and you realise she gave it to you a year ago and you still haven't watched it, so you put it on the to-watch pile with every intention of at least looking at it at somepoint to see if it's faneditable because she's your sister and you're a faneditor and that's what faneditors do.

And a year later, the cycle repeats. So it has been. So it shall go.
When you re-render, re-compress and re-upload (again) over a missing full-stop. 

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