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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread

Opinions are fine. Gentle reminders are given frequently here, often as a preventative measure. If you have questions about any rules please PM staff.
Possessed said:
Are you still allowed to like to to the grocery store and get food (and more importantly vodka ?)?

the key is to already have plenty of vodka already on hand, so you dont have to leave the house.
jswert123456 said:
Possessed said:
Are you still allowed to like to to the grocery store and get food (and more importantly vodka ?)?

the key is to already have plenty of vodka already on hand, so you dont have to leave the house.

The heck with vodka, get some bourbon.  :D
Warbler said:
jswert123456 said:
Possessed said:
Are you still allowed to like to to the grocery store and get food (and more importantly vodka ?)?

the key is to already have plenty of vodka already on hand, so you dont have to leave the house.

The heck with vodka, get some bourbon.  :D

Personally I advocate both. Bourbon for drinking straight, vodka for making mixed drinks. You can dump it in any old drink and it turns it into happy juice without changing the taste much!
Watched Premium Rush again last night. What happened to Joseph Gordon-Levitt?! He was everywhere for a few years, and now we haven't seen him in ages. Was he COVID-19's first victim? In 2017? He always did seem ahead of the curve... :p
Last thing I saw JGL in was Snowden. That was 2016, I believe.

Last thing I heard him in, however, was Knives Out - he was a detective they spoke with on the phone, I recognized the voice almost immediately. I think he also voiced someone in one of the recent Star Wars films - didn’t hear that one, just read it somewhere.

I still have the pipe dream that he’ll be the lead in a fourth [non-trainwreck] Dark Knight installment...

EDIT: lol didn’t realize this is in the COVID-19 thread
Speaking of good news, I read an article from CNN earlier today that indicated that things in China are starting to calm down and go back to normal. So that's encouraging that maybe the world isn't going to end after all.
Warbler said:
jswert123456 said:
Possessed said:
Are you still allowed to like to to the grocery store and get food (and more importantly vodka ?)?

the key is to already have plenty of vodka already on hand, so you dont have to leave the house.

The heck with vodka, get some bourbon.  :D

th heck wi bourbon, scots whisky or bust
I could be persuaded to go with Scotch,  of course today being what it is perhaps Irish whisky would be more appropriate.
I miss bourbon actually. I used to drink it all the time but now every time I try to take a shot it makes me gag. I dunno why, maybe I just drank too much of it in too short of time. I'm sure it's a mental thing.
Glad to see you're taking our advice of abusing alcohol to heart.
Possessed said:
Speaking of good news, I read an article from CNN earlier today that indicated that things in China are starting to calm down and go back to normal. So that's encouraging that maybe the world isn't going to end after all.

Both China and South Korea are definitely going to be the textbook examples of how to keep this under control.  The latter being an important example IMO of how a modern, liberal democracy can successfully keep a pandemic in check through sound policy, appropriate priorities, and levelheaded persistence.  What I'm hoping is that they won't be the only two on that list.
Except for that hotel they turned into a quarantine center that collapsed in on itself and killed ten people, yeah they seem to have done well.
Possessed said:
Except for that hotel they turned into a quarantine center that collapsed in on itself and killed ten people, yeah they seem to have done well.

That's part of why I think South Korea is the better example.  They managed the whole thing with a free press, checks and balances, and all the other sorts of things that you'd think might slow the process down, and still managed to avoid anything like that.
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