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random thoughts. rants. general nonsense.

Frantic Canadian said:
Can someone explain to me how "Two And A Half Men" managed to last 9 seasons with Charlie Sheen and how "How I Met Your Mother" is still on the air and currently in its 8th season? Both shows suck.

How I met your Mother needs to end, but it was pretty awesome in its heyday.
geminigod said:
How I met your Mother needs to end, but it was pretty awesome in its heyday.

I don't know. I've caught portions of episodes now and then while looking for something to watch while I have dinner and everything I've seen sucked. It's just so bland and humorless.
The real answer is easy. They're both CBS shows.
Neglify said:
The real answer is easy. They're both CBS shows.

CBS has some good shows though. And out of the four major networks they've got the least reality shows, only Survivor and The Amazing Race. That's definitely a plus in my book. They did piss me off though when they moved CSI: Miami from Monday's at 10 to Sunday's at 10, and then kept delaying it because the damn football game was running late. I'm sure they lost a lot of viewers because of that, including me. If it hadn't been for that move, and them constantly delaying the start time, I'm sure CSI: Miami would still be on the air.
Yeah, its a shame it got cancelled as I've just got into the series proper. The last episode airs on Sunday for us, so it's getting watched for sure.
Which one airs its last episode on Sunday? CSI: Miami, How I Met Your Mother, or 2 1/2 Men?
Miami. I think it's about 9:15pm our time. I'm going to be out, but I'm going to make sure we record it. It took me a long time to get into it, but I love it now, whereas I liked NY immediately. The missus, however, is the other way around. She hates NY, but loves Miami :twitch:
Frantic Canadian said:
CBS has some good shows though. And out of the four major networks they've got the least reality shows, only Survivor and The Amazing Race. That's definitely a plus in my book. They did piss me off though when they moved CSI: Miami from Monday's at 10 to Sunday's at 10, and then kept delaying it because the damn football game was running late. I'm sure they lost a lot of viewers because of that, including me. If it hadn't been for that move, and them constantly delaying the start time, I'm sure CSI: Miami would still be on the air.

When a show goes from a M-F time slot TO Sunday, it's because the show is already on its way out. Moving it to Sunday wasn't its death knoll, it was life-support or a temporary stay of execution so that they could milk just a tiny bit more advertising dollars out of it.
L8wrtr said:
When a show goes from a M-F time slot TO Sunday, it's because the show is already on its way out. Moving it to Sunday wasn't its death knoll, it was life-support or a temporary stay of execution so that they could milk just a tiny bit more advertising dollars out of it.

They moved it to Sunday nights starting with the 2010-11 tv season, and it lasted another two seasons before being cancelled. They gave Hawaii Five-O, which started during the 2010-11 tv season, its Monday time slot in hopes that it would be as good for Hawaii Five-O as it had been for CSI: Miami. I don't think that the Sunday night time slot is what killed them, I think that too many people got pissed off that it was constantly being delayed week after week because Sunday Night Football ran late that they just gave up on it. I know a lot of people were complaining about it on the show's Facebook page.
I bought some new clothes today. And some swiss cheese.

I think the word Nuit is way better that Night.

There was snow on the ground the other day, but now? not so much. Maybe more will come tomorrow, not sure.

The earth is flat, no lie, don't believe what scientistologiststs tell you, its flat as a pancake and people slide off the edge in alarming numbers ranging between 21 and .05 every century, the world governments tell you the earth is round because they cannot chevy chase the truth of its blatant flatness to the point that they fake trans world flights by using secret teleportation technology hidden inside the passengers bodies without their knowledge. The teleportation technology comes from the not too distant past when people wore their hair long and their jeans tight.

I now really want to throw a "same height" party for everyone I know. :D


They make chip dip plates now. I bought one, it was a dollar, at some point in the future I plan to make use of it.
Er... not that they aren't lovely and all, but is there any way for individual users to disable the snowflakes? ;-)

Happy Holidays, Everyone! :)
Gaith said:
Er... not that they aren't lovely and all, but is there any way for individual users to disable the snowflakes? ;-)

Maybe a compromise is in order? Gaith stops centering pics and videos and I'll ask the Code Monkey about this possibility.
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