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random thoughts. rants. general nonsense.

I was gonna stop centering images anyway, even though it's a cherished habit of mine (never meant to offend anyone or be rude; I just think non-centered images look like arse). My (second) question is, though, do people feel the same way about videos? Can vimeos even by played on phone browsers? :)
Yes vimeo can be played on phones, although recently my dolphin browser decided suddenly to no longer even show that there is a video there. I've never had problems playing youtube vids on my phone.

In other words, don't center ANYTHING please.
Q2, can you make the snow left justified? I can't see all the snow.
Oh, that's snow on our screens? And here I've been trying to scratch the white specks off of my monitor . . . :p
I am here to report that the phrase TANSTAFL is pure malarkey.

This week I was rewarded with a free sandwich from the nearby deli. It was for some gay ass "promote safety in the workplace" thing. I just simply wrote "I observed Michael T blah blah blah and thanked him for being safe". Bam, free lunch.

Then when I got that free sandwich, because it was my seventh I got a coupon for another free sandwich.

Bam, two free lunches in a row.

Myth debunked.
Do they not have Google in Canadia?
Maybe he's confused because you missed an "A."
Ah see, but I had TWO free lunches so that extra A would have erroneous.
well, they still might not have been free. probably caused a wrinkle in the space-time fabric. maybe tomorrow the yakuza come lookin' for yo' ass.

Well, they're not actually free. The restaurant absorbed the cost as a promotional gimmick. So while you may not have paid for it, someone did.

Just what you wanted, right? Some Economics 101 when all you're trying to do is celebrate the fact that you got a couple of sandwiches. :p
I hear Reave has a Toe fetish, here you go Reave:

EDIT: That'll have to do.
Why can't they make more than three flavors of Gummy Worms? With all the fruits in existence you'd think there'd be a plethora of flavors, but no, just three. And why not spice it up and venture outside the fruit world? What about soda flavored Gummy Worms? Or desert flavored Gummy Worms? And with bacon being so popular you'd think that they'd have bacon flavored Gummy Worms too.
I'm still waiting for the Disney animated spinoff series, Adventures of the Gummy Worms.
For Neg and I, this classic Onion shirt tells a literal truth:

Okay, I'm now officially rooting for Baltimore.
Only way to get that out of my head:

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