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The (not-so) Official Birthday Thread

Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone :)

and a happy birthday today to Leonard Nimoy!
Happy birthday man!
and as for the legend.... Live long and prosper...
Happy B-Day Birdman! May you have a big year! :cool:
Happy Birthday, Captain Khajiit. :)

happy birthday, dude with awesome facial hair! (i'z jealous.)
Congrats Captain, your Star Trek II Hybrid holds a special place on my fanedit shelf :)
If it is indeed your birthday today, Happy Birthday, BlueYoda. :)
Happy BDay Blueyoda you old queen :p
Rogue-theX said:
If it is indeed your birthday today, Happy Birthday, BlueYoda. :)

Are you kidding? It's close, but it's not today.
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