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The (not-so) Official Birthday Thread

Well i posted that yesterday, not today, and I was going by what the forum said, but remembered another time when the date was wrong, that was why i put the extra line at the start. I'm not a rocket scientist, I was just trying to wish the guy a happy birthday was all.
Rogue-theX said:
I was just trying to wish the guy a happy birthday was all.

That's where you went wrong. reave no like people being nice to blueyoda.
Haha, no I want people to be EXTRA nice to Blueyoda. I just remember wishing him a happy birthday when the forum (or Facebook? Can't remember) told me to, and him saying "thanks, but it's not until (whatever).

So birthday wishes for BY can go on all week. That way some of you might actually hit his actual birthday.
W00t! I feel so special!

Thanks, great people of faneditdom!
Happy birthday, Neglify! (better be today or else!)
let's just combine BY's and neg's burfdays to make it easy. and average out their ages to keep things even.

heppi burfdays, you lugs!
^ But then next thing you know its your birthday, then my birthday, it'll be anarchy!
Rogue-theX said:
^ But then next thing you know its your birthday, then my birthday, it'll be anarchy!

ssj said:
let's just combine BY's and neg's burfdays to make it easy. and average out their ages to keep things even.

heppi burfdays, you lugs!

Average age: 222
i thought it was 666.

Happy Birthday Neg! How you celebrating?
Happy birthday Neg, Your mission if you chose to accept it is too play two drinking games tonight without passing out. or maybe how about playing the Dollhouse drinking game twice i a row you barely survived the first time lol. That should make your birthday a big drunk fuzz.

either way hope your birthday is a blast and i'm taking a shot and a bong rip for you now Cheers!
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