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The War Of The Stars: A New Hope Grindhoused

I loved every minute of it. It was great. Best uses of unused Star War footage ever.

I admit that at its release 1 month ago, I didnt have much nagging interest in watching this edit. But the greatness of Jaws Shraksploitation kept gnawing at my brain. With the Jan FEOTM awards poll running I figured I owe it to The Man to give this a go to see if he earns another vote from me. (He does)

The opening DVD intro made me smile because I remembered what type of film I was about to watch and it really set the mood. By the time we got to the (now) bloody battle on the blockade runner I was sold - This was going to be great!

Enter Vader "1...2...3..." I almost pissed myself - all the new JEJ lines worked great, so great that I wanted more. I didnt mind the scenes switching in tone when Vaders lines jumped from original, to jive, back to original - as the whole tone of the film was a lighter, low budget action ride now in the tradition of 70's grindhouse/exploitation films.

Most of the additions (especially the 16mm source) worked for the better IMO creating an authentic GH feel more so than JAWS (IMO) which felt like a good transfer w/ a grain filter on it) TWotS LOOKS like a real film source that has been played for decades. Kudos sir. If DVD's could deteriorate with each viewing then this one surely would fall apart after the multiple viewings it will receive from me.

notable standout scenes for me:
[spoiler:rht9z3w4]The blockade runner shootout blood/decapitation
vader interrogating leia
the entire cantina sequence
the disco soundtrack during death star escape
luke/leia chasm shootout/swing
vader kills kenobi FX test
the disco soundtrack during the 1st trench run
tarkin looking at vader like wtf? when he says "now they will know why they fear the night"
luke being controlled in trench[/spoiler:rht9z3w4]

Entertainment - original: 10/10 - grindhoused: 10/10 - this was a pleasure to watch and was very funny and well thoughtout/assembled.

A/V Editing - 10/10 - there were "errors" but I gather they were intentional and really added to the atmosphere of a GH film. the new soundtrack pushed the limits and was simultaneously cool and funny.

DVD features - 10/10 - 2 great funny videos and a nice SFX before/after elevate this disc above the usual bare bones releases.

Final Score - 10/10 - excellent.

The Empire Wants More.... So do I :)
Thanks Elbarto! :)
and yes: [spoiler:hkj7xgqq]tarkin looking at vader like wtf? when he says "now they will know why they fear the night"[/spoiler:hkj7xgqq] perhaps my personal fav. :D

But there is something I really wonder if I did right or not... because no one talks about it:
[spoiler:hkj7xgqq]Obi-Wan making the Death Star's trash compactor operational by mistake.[/spoiler:hkj7xgqq]
Did it worked that way for you? Or did I miss my goal on that scene?
Or maybe it was just not that funny after all. -_-
I didn't pick up on that TMBTM, maybe it was too subtle?
TMBTM said:
But there is something I really wonder if I did right or not... because no one talks about it:
[spoiler:27cejv32]Obi-Wan making the Death Star's trash compactor operational by mistake.[/spoiler:27cejv32]
Did it worked that way for you? Or did I miss my goal on that scene?
Or maybe it was just not that funny after all. -_-
I did notice that and thought it was great. I just forgot to mention it :-(
TV's Frink said:
I did notice that and thought it was great. I just forgot to mention it :-(
Cool, that makes two persons with Ripplin I think! Yeepee!
TMBTM said:
TV's Frink said:
I did notice that and thought it was great. I just forgot to mention it :-(
Cool, that makes two persons with Ripplin I think! Yeepee!
Yes, I don't know if I got it immediately, but soon after it happened, I thought "hey, Obi-Wan almost crushed them!" I kinda like the way it is. I think most will "get" it, but it can be funny if you realize after they're saved that they almost died because of that old fossil. :razz:
Just read that blog review. Not bad, though he did say "The audio is a mono mix from a Swedish print of the film." Um...how much of the edit actually uses audio from Puggo's 16mm transfer? :? The way he's saying it, that's the foundation of the audio, with other stuff added on top of it.
Ripplin said:
Just read that blog review. Not bad, though he did say "The audio is a mono mix from a Swedish print of the film." Um...how much of the edit actually uses audio from Puggo's 16mm transfer? :? The way he's saying it, that's the foundation of the audio, with other stuff added on top of it.

Yep it is a mistake of the review.
The main audio of my edit is from my 2004 PAL DVD converted in NTSC. It is said in the end credits.
But the reviewer must have seen the "what is the Puggo Grande?" page in the bonus section and thought the edit mainly uses that mono mix, but it is not the case.
Yeah, surely he should've known when Obi-Wan did that new Krayt dragon call. :wink:

I was just thinking it might've been funny to have used a line from another Alec Guinness movie there. Maybe have him yelling "get out of here!" or something.
Ripplin said:
Yeah, surely he should've known when Obi-Wan did that new Krayt dragon call. :wink:

I was just thinking it might've been funny to have used a line from another Alec Guinness movie there. Maybe have him yelling "get out of here!" or something.

"Get out of my lawn! You little monsters!"

The first thing I thought of was 'Hey! Can't you read?" It's an old Far Side comic where two kids are standing on a dog, and the sign on the lawn says 'stay off the dog'. Anyway, then I thought 'get off my lawn', but that really wouldn't make sense. 'Get away from my car' would make slightly more sense.
TV's Frink said:
TMBTM said:
But there is something I really wonder if I did right or not... because no one talks about it:
[spoiler:xifqri22]Obi-Wan making the Death Star's trash compactor operational by mistake.[/spoiler:xifqri22]
Did it worked that way for you? Or did I miss my goal on that scene?
Or maybe it was just not that funny after all. -_-
I did notice that and thought it was great. I just forgot to mention it :-(

same here, that did work well - I just forgot about it since I wrote the review the day after I watched the film.

Great job all around. This and Jaws are the only 2 fanedits I really push on non-fanedit watchers.
keep it up!
elbarto1 said:
Great job all around. This and Jaws are the only 2 fanedits I really push on non-fanedit watchers.
Same here. And if I know the person is a Star Wars fan, I push Deleted Magic, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi as well, as I consider them all must-haves.
I loved both this and the Jaws Grindhouse. Just fantastic. Perfect double bill. With beer.

One thing; the discs would be even better if TMBTM (or even anyone else with the same level of talent) could put a few spoof trailers together to complete the package. :-D


Pretty please..?

(are you gonna make me beg?)
Crap, I can't find a RS or torrent of this anywhere. Any pm help? (Yes, I looked on fanedit.info already).
Look again. Its on fanedit.info. Its not under True Fanedits, but under the ALL STAR WARS section.
I loved this edit of Star Wars. My only complaint is the subtitles for R2D2 were annoying as hell. It made me hate R2 for acting so effing happy and cheerful. But on the flipside, it no longer made me hate C-3PO for that colossal stick up his ass. But other than that? This thing was frakking awesome.
Didn't see the stuff on the bottom of that. lol.

Haven't posted on here in ages. Glad to see so many fanedits still going strong.
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